Class CouchbaseRemoteAnalyticsLink

Provides information about a analytics remote Couchbase link.

Hierarchy (view full)



dataverse: string

The dataverse that this link belongs to.

The encryption settings to be used for the link.

hostname: string

The hostname of the target Couchbase cluster.

linkType: CouchbaseRemote

Specifies what type of analytics link this represents.

name: string

The name of this link.

password?: string

The password to use for authentication with the remote cluster. Optional if client-certificate authentication (@see ICouchbaseAnalyticsEncryptionSettings.clientCertificate) is being used.

username?: string

The username to use for authentication with the remote cluster. Optional if client-certificate authentication (@see ICouchbaseAnalyticsEncryptionSettings.clientCertificate) is being used.


  • Validates the CouchbaseRemoteAnalyticsLink.

    Returns void