Command-line interface overview

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Couchbase Server includes a number of command-line tools that can be used to manage and monitor a Couchbase Server cluster or server. All operations are mapped to their appropriate REST API call (where available).

There are a number of command-line tools that perform different functions and operations, these are described individually within the following sections. Tools can be located in a number of directories, dependent on the tool in question in each case.

Command line tools and availability

As of Couchbase Server 2.0, the following publicly available tools have been renamed, consolidated or removed. This is to provide better usability, and reduce the number of commands required to manage Couchbase Server:

By default, the command-line tools are installed into the following locations on each platform:

Operating System Directory Locations
Linux /opt/couchbase/bin, /opt/couchbase/bin/install, /opt/couchbase/bin/tools, /opt/couchbase/bin/tools/unsupported
Windows C:\Program Files\couchbase\server\bin, C:\Program Files\couchbase\server\bin\install, and C:\Program Files\couchbase\server\bin\tools.
Mac OS X /Applications/Couchbase

Unsupported tools

The following are tools that are visible in Couchbase Server 2.0 installation; however the tools are unsupported. This means they are meant for Couchbase internal use and will not be supported by Couchbase Technical Support:

  • cbbrowse_logs

  • cbdump-config


  • couch_compact

  • couch_dbdump

  • couch_dbinfo

  • memslap

Deprecated and removed tools

The following are tools that existed in previous versions but have been deprecated and removed as of Couchbase Server 1.8:

Tool Server Versions Description/Status 1.8 Deprecated in 1.8.
cbclusterstats 1.8 Deprecated in 1.8. Replaced by cbstats in 1.8.
membase 1.7 Deprecated in 1.8. Replaced by couchbase-cli in 1.8.1
mbadm-online-restore 1.7 Deprecated in 1.8. Replaced by cbadm-online-restore in 1.8.1
membase 1.7 Deprecated in 1.8, replaced by couchbase-cli
mbadm-online-restore 1.7 Deprecated in 1.8, replaced by cbadm-online-restore
mbadm-online-update 1.7 Deprecated in 1.8, replaced by cbadm-online-update
mbadm-tap-registration 1.7 Deprecated in 1.8, replaced by cbadm-tap-registration
mbbackup-incremental 1.7 Deprecated in 1.8
mbbackup-merge-incremental 1.7 Deprecated in 1.8
mbbackup 1.7 Deprecated in 1.8, replaced by cbbackup
mbbrowse_logs 1.7 Deprecated in 1.8, replaced by cbbrowse_logs
mbcollect_info 1.7 Deprecated in 1.8, replaced by cbcollect_info
mbdbconvert 1.7 Deprecated in 1.8, replaced by cbdbconvert
mbdbmaint 1.7 Deprecated in 1.8, replaced by cbdbmaint
mbdbupgrade 1.7 Deprecated in 1.8, replaced by cbdbupgrade
mbdumpconfig.escript 1.7 Deprecated in 1.8, replaced by cbdumpconfig.escript 1.7 Deprecated in 1.8, replaced by
mbflushctl 1.7 Deprecated in 1.8, replaced by cbflushctl
mbrestore 1.7 Deprecated in 1.8, replaced by cbrestore
mbstats 1.7 Deprecated in 1.8, replaced by cbstats
mbupgrade 1.7 Deprecated in 1.8, replaced by cbupgrade
mbvbucketctl 1.7 Deprecated in 1.8, replaced by cbvbucketctl

<title=“couchbase-cli tool”>

couchbase-cli tool

The couchbase-cli tool is located in the following paths, depending upon the platform. This tool can perform operations on an entire cluster, on a bucket shared across an entire cluster, or on a single node in a cluster. For instance, if this tool is used to create a data bucket, all nodes in the cluster have access the bucket.


Many of these same settings can be performed using the REST API.

Operating System Directory Locations
Linux /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli
Windows C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Server\bin\couchbase-cli.exe
Mac OS X /Applications/Couchbase

This tool provides access to various management operations for Couchbase Server clusters, nodes and buckets. The basic usage format is:



  • COMMAND is a command listed below.

  • CLUSTER is a cluster specification. The following shows both short and long form syntax:

// Short form
    -c HOST[:PORT]
// Long form
  • OPTIONS are zero or more options as follows:

Option Description
-u USERNAME, --user=USERNAME Admin username of the cluster
-p PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD Admin password of the cluster
-o KIND, --output=KIND Type of document: JSON or standard
-d, --debug Output debug information

couchbase-cli commands

Command Description
server-list List all servers in a cluster
server-info Show details on one server
server-add Add one or more servers to the cluster
server-readd Readds a server that was failed over
group-manage Manages server groups (Enterprise Edition only)
rebalance Start a cluster rebalancing
rebalance-stop Stop current cluster rebalancing
rebalance-status Show status of current cluster rebalancing
failover Failover one or more servers
cluster-init Set the username,password and port of the cluster
cluster-edit Modify cluster settings
node-init Set node specific parameters
bucket-list List all buckets in a cluster
bucket-create Add a new bucket to the cluster
bucket-edit Modify an existing bucket
bucket-delete Delete an existing bucket
bucket-flush Flush all data from disk for a given bucket
bucket-compact Compact database and index data
setting-compaction Set auto compaction settings
setting-notification Set notifications.
setting-alert Email alert settings
setting-autofailover Set auto failover settings
setting-xdcr Set XDCR-related configuration which affect behavior.
xdcr-setup Set up XDCR replication.
xdcr-replicate Create and run replication via XDCR
help show longer usage/help and examples

couchbase-cli command options

The following are options which can be used with their respective commands. Administration — couchbase-cli Tool commands options:

server-list option

server-list options Description
–group-name=GROUPNAME Displays all server in a server group (Enterprise Edition only)

server-add options

server-add options Description
--server-add=HOST[:PORT] Server to add to cluster
--server-add-username=USERNAME Admin username for the server to be added
--server-add-password=PASSWORD Admin password for the server to be added
--group-name=GROUPNAME Server group where the server is to be added (Enterprise Edition only)

server-readd options

server-readd options Description
--server-add=HOST[:PORT] Server to re-add to cluster
--server-add-username=USERNAME Admin username for the server to be added
--server-add-password=PASSWORD Admin password for the server to be added
--group-name=GROUPNAME Server group where the server is to be added (Enterprise Edition only)

group-manage options (Enterprise Edition only)

group-manage options Description
--group-name=GROUPNAME Server group name
--list Shows the server groups and the server assigned to each server group
--create Creates a server group.
--delete Removes an empty server group.
--rename=NEWGROUPNAME Renames an existing server group.
---add-servers="HOST:PORT;HOST:PORT" Adds servers to a group
--move-servers="HOST:PORT;HOST:PORT" Moves a list of server from a group
--from-group=GROUPNAME Moves one or more servers from a group.
--to-group=GROUPNAME Moves one or more server to a group

rebalance options

rebalance options Description
--server-add* See server-add OPTIONS
--server-remove=HOST[:PORT] The server to remove from cluster

failover option

failover option Description
--server-failover=HOST[:PORT] Server to failover

cluster-* options

cluster-* options Description
--cluster-username=USER New admin username
--cluster-password=PASSWORD New admin password
--cluster-port=PORT New cluster REST/http port
--cluster-ramsize=RAMSIZEMB Per node RAM quota in MB

node-init options

node-init options Description
--node-init-data-path=PATH Per node path to store data
--node-init-index-path=PATH Per node path to store index
--node-init-hostname=NAME Host name for the node. Default:

bucket-* options

bucket-* options Description
--bucket=BUCKETNAME Named bucket to act on
--bucket-type=TYPE Bucket type, either memcached or couchbase
--bucket-port=PORT Supports ASCII protocol and does not require authentication
--bucket-password=PASSWORD Standard port, exclusive with bucket-port
--bucket-ramsize=RAMSIZEMB Bucket RAM quota in MB
--bucket-replica=COUNT Replication count
--enable-flush=[0|1] Enable/disable flush
--enable-index-replica=[0|1] Enable/disable index replicas
--wait Wait for bucket create to be complete before returning
--force Force command execution without asking for confirmation
--data-only Compact database data only
--view-only Compact view data only

setting-compaction options

setting-compaction options Description
--compaction-db-percentage=PERCENTAGE Percentage of disk fragmentation when database compaction is triggered
--compaction-db-size=SIZE[MB] Size of disk fragmentation when database compaction is triggered
--compaction-view-percentage=PERCENTAGE Percentage of disk fragmentation when views compaction is triggered
--compaction-view-size=SIZE[MB] Size of disk fragmentation when views compaction is triggered
--compaction-period-from=HH:MM Enable compaction from this time onwards
--compaction-period-to=HH:MM Stop enabling compaction at this time
--enable-compaction-abort=[0|1] Allow compaction to abort when time expires
--enable-compaction-parallel=[0|1] Allow parallel compaction processes for database and view

setting-alert and notification options

setting-alert options Description
--enable-email-alert=[0|1] Allow email alert
--email-recipients=RECIPIENT Email recipents, separate addresses with, or ;
--email-sender=SENDER Sender email address
--email-user=USER Email server username
--email-password=PWD Email server password
--email-host=HOST Email server hostname
--email-port=PORT Email server port
--enable-email-encrypt=[0|1] Email encryption with 0 the default for no encryption
--alert-auto-failover-node Node was failed over via autofailover
--alert-auto-failover-max-reached Maximum number of auto failover nodes reached
--alert-auto-failover-node-down Node not auto failed-over as other nodes are down at the same time
--alert-auto-failover-cluster-small Node not auto failed-over as cluster was too small
--alert-ip-changed Node ip address changed unexpectedly
--alert-disk-space Disk space used for persistent storage has reached at least 90% capacity
--alert-meta-overhead Metadata overhead is more than 50% of RAM for node
--alert-meta-oom Bucket memory on a node is entirely used for metadata
--alert-write-failed Writing data to disk for a specific bucket has failed
setting-notification option Description
--enable-notification=[0|1] Allow notifications

setting-autofailover options

setting-autofailover options Description
--enable-auto-failover=[0|1] Allow auto failover
--auto-failover-timeout=TIMEOUT (>=30) Specify amount of node timeout that triggers auto failover

setting-xdcr options

setting-xdcr options Description
--max-concurrent-reps=[32] Maximum concurrent replicators per bucket, 8 to 256.
--checkpoint-interval=[1800] Intervals between checkpoints, 60 to 14400 seconds.
--worker-batch-size=[500] Doc batch size, 500 to 10000.
--doc-batch-size=[2048]KB Document batching size, 10 to 100000 KB
--failure-restart-interval=[30] Interval for restarting failed xdcr, 1 to 300 seconds
--optimistic-replication-threshold=[256] Document body size threshold (bytes) to trigger optimistic replication

xdcr-setup options

xdcr-setup options Description
--create Create a new xdcr configuration
--edit Modify existed xdcr configuration
--delete Delete existing xdcr configuration
--xdcr-cluster-name=CLUSTERNAME Remote cluster name
--xdcr-hostname=HOSTNAME Remote host name to connect to
--xdcr-username=USERNAME Remote cluster admin username
--xdcr-password=PASSWORD Remote cluster admin password
--xdcr-demand-encryption=[0|1] Enables data encryption using Secure Socket Layer (SSL). 1 (one) enables data encryption. Default: 0 (Enterprise Edition only)
--xdcr-certificate=CERTIFICATE Specifies the pem-encoded certificate. The certificate is required for XDCR data encryption. Specify the full path for the location of the pem-encoded certificate file on the source cluster. (Enterprise Edition only)

xdcr-replicate options

xdcr-replicate options Description
--create Create and start a new replication
--delete Stop and cancel a replication
--xdcr-from-bucket=BUCKET Source bucket name to replicate from
--xdcr-clucter-name=CLUSTERNAME Remote cluster to replicate to
--xdcr-to-bucket=BUCKETNAME Remote bucket to replicate to
--xdcr-replication-mode= PROTOCOL Select REST protocol or memcached for replication. xmem indicates memcached while capi indicates REST protocol.

ssl-manage options

ssl-manage options Description
--regenerate-cert=CERTIFICATE Regenerates a self-signed certificate on the destination cluster. Specify the full path for the location of the pem-encoded certificate file. For example, --regenerate-cert=./new.pem. (Enterprise Edition only)
--retrieve-cert=CERTIFICATE Retrieves the self-signed certificate from the destination cluster to the source cluster. Specify a local location (full path) and file name for the pem-encoded certificate. For example, --retrieve-cert=./newCert.pem. (Enterprise Edition only)

Managing servers

To set a data path for an unprovisioned cluster:

couchbase-cli node-init -c \
       --node-init-data-path=/tmp/data \

To list servers in a cluster:

couchbase-cli server-list -c

Retrieving server information

couchbase-cli server-info -c

Adding nodes to clusters

The following example adds a node to a cluster but does not rebalance:

couchbase-cli server-add -c \
    --server-add= \
    --server-add-username=Administrator \

The following example adds a node to a cluster and rebalances:

couchbase-cli rebalance -c \
    --server-add= \
    --server-add-username=Administrator \

Removing nodes

The following example removes a node from a cluster and rebalances:

couchbase-cli rebalance -c \

The following example removes and adds nodes from/to a cluster and rebalances:

couchbase-cli rebalance -c \
    --server-remove= \
    --server-add= \
    --server-add-username=Administrator \

Stopping rebalance

The following example stops the current rebalancing:

couchbase-cli rebalance-stop -c

Setting cluster parameters

The following example sets the username, password, port and ram quota:

couchbase-cli cluster-init -c \
    --cluster-init-username=Administrator \
    --cluster-init-password=password \
    --cluster-init-port=8080 \

The following example changes the cluster username, password, port and ram quota:

couchbase-cli cluster-edit -c \
       --cluster-username=Administrator \
       --cluster-password=password \
       --cluster-port=8080 \

Changing data paths

The following example changes the data path:

couchbase-cli node-init -c \

Managing Rack Awareness

The Rack Awareness feature allows logical groupings of servers on a cluster where each server group physically belongs to a rack or availability zone. This feature provides the ability to specify that active and corresponding replica partitions be created on servers that are part of a separate rack or zone. To enable Rack Awareness, all servers in a cluster must be upgraded to use the Rack Awareness feature.


The Rack Awareness feature with its server group capability is an Enterprise Edition feature.

To configure servers into groups, use the couchbase-cli tool with the group-manage command.

General syntax with group-manage:

couchbase-cli group-manage -c HOST:PORT 
-c HOST:PORT or --cluster=HOST:PORT
Cluster location
-u USERNAME or --username=USERNAME
Administrator username for the cluster
-p PASSWORD or --password=PASSWORD
Administrator password for the cluster
Shows the server groups and the servers assigned to each server group.
--create --group-name=groupName
Creates a server group .
--delete --group-name=groupName
Removes an empty server group.
--rename=newGroupName --group-name=oldGroupName
Renames an existing server group.
--group-name=groupName --add-servers="HOST:PORT;HOST:PORT"
Adds servers to a group.
--from-group=groupName --to-group=groupName --move-servers="HOST:PORT;HOST:PORT"
Moves one or more servers from one group to another.

Creating server groups

In the following example, a server group is created.


The `--create --group-name` command may fail when an exclamation (!) is present inside the group name.

couchbase-cli group-manage -c 
   -u myAdminName
   -p myAdminPassword
   --create --group-name=myGroupName

Adding servers to server groups

In the following example, two servers are added to a server group using the group-manage command.

couchbase-cli group-manage -c 
   -u myAdminName
   -p myAdminPassword

In the following example, a server is added to the server group using the server-add command.


The `couchbase-cli group-manage' command is the preferred method of adding servers to server group.

If the `--group-name` option is not specified with the `server-add` command, the server is added to the default group.

couchbase-cli server-add -c

Moving servers from server groups

In the following example, two servers are moved from one server group to another using the group-manage command.

couchbase-cli group-manage -c 
   -u myAdminName
   -p myAdminPassword

Managing buckets

This section provides examples for listing, creating, modifying, flushing, and compacting buckets.

Listing bucketss

To list buckets in a cluster:

couchbase-cli bucket-list -c

Creating buckets

To create a new dedicated port couchbase bucket:

couchbase-cli bucket-create -c \
       --bucket=test_bucket \
       --bucket-type=couchbase \
       --bucket-port=11222 \
       --bucket-ramsize=200 \

To create a couchbase bucket and wait for bucket ready:

couchbase-cli bucket-create -c \
       --bucket=test_bucket \
       --bucket-type=couchbase \
       --bucket-port=11222 \
       --bucket-ramsize=200 \
       --bucket-replica=1 \

To create a new sasl memcached bucket:

couchbase-cli bucket-create -c \
       --bucket=test_bucket \
       --bucket-type=memcached \
       --bucket-password=password \
       --bucket-ramsize=200 \
       --enable-flush=1 \

Modifying buckets

To modify a dedicated port bucket:

couchbase-cli bucket-edit -c \
       --bucket=test_bucket \
       --bucket-port=11222 \
       --bucket-ramsize=400 \

Deleting buckets

To delete a bucket:

couchbase-cli bucket-delete -c \

Flushing buckets

Flushing buckets involves:

  1. Enable the flush buckets option.
  2. Flush the bucket.

To enable the flush bucket option:

When you want to flush a data bucket you must first enable this option then actually issue the command to flush the data bucket. The other option available to enable data bucket flush is to use the Couchbase Web Console, see Creating and editing data buckets.


We do not advise that you enable this option if your data bucket is in a production environment. Be aware that this is one of the preferred methods for enabling data bucket flush.

You can enable this option when you actually create the data bucket, or when you edit the bucket properties:

// To enable, set bucket flush to 1. Default:0
// To enable bucket flush when creating a bucket:

couchbase-cli bucket-create [bucket_name] [cluster_admin:pass] --enable-flush=[0|1]

// To enable bucket flush when editing the bucket properties:

couchbase-cli bucket-edit [bucket_name] [cluster_admin:pass] --enable-flush=[0|1]

After you enable this option, you can then flush the data bucket.

To flush a bucket:

After you explicitly enable data bucket flush, flush the data from the bucket. Flushing a bucket is data destructive. Client applications using this are advised to double check with the end user before sending such a request. You can control and limit the ability to flush individual buckets by setting the flushEnabled parameter on a bucket in Couchbase Web Console or via couchbase-cli as described in the previous section. See also Creating and Editing data buckets.


> couchbase-cli bucket-flush [cluster_admin:pass] [bucket_name OPTIONS]

By default, this command confirms whether or not you truly want to flush the data bucket. You can optionally call this command with the --force option to flush data without confirmation.


couchbase-cli bucket-flush -c \

Compacting buckets

To compact a bucket for both data and view:

couchbase-cli bucket-compact -c \

To compact a bucket for data only:

couchbase-cli bucket-compact -c \
        --bucket=test_bucket \

To compact a bucket for view only:

couchbase-cli bucket-compact -c \
        --bucket=test_bucket \

Managing XDCR

To create a XDCR remote cluster:

couchbase-cli xdcr-setup -c \
        --create \
        --xdcr-cluster-name=test \
        --xdcr-hostname= \
        --xdcr-username=Administrator \

To delete a XDCR remote cluster:

couchbase-cli xdcr-delete -c \

Managing XDCR replication streams

To start a replication stream:

couchbase-cli xdcr-replicate -c \
        --create \
        --xdcr-cluster-name=test \
        --xdcr-from-bucket=default \

To delete a replication stream:

couchbase-cli xdcr-replicate -c \
        --delete \

Managing remote clusters

To create a remote cluster reference:

In the following example the remote cluster is “RemoteCluster”.

couchbase-cli xdcr-setup -c -u Administrator  -p password \

To set a XDCR protocol:

An XDCR protocol for the mode of replication can be specified for XDCR. For information about this feature, see XDCR Behavior and Limitations.

To change a XDCR replication protocol for an existing XDCR replication:

If you change want the replication protocol for an existing XDCR replication:

  1. Delete the replication.
  2. Re-create the replication with your preference.

First we create a destination cluster reference named “RemoteCluster”:

couchbase-cli xdcr-setup -c hostname_:8091 -u Administrator  -p password \
  --create --xdcr-cluster-name=RemoteCluster  --xdcr-hostname= \ 
  --xdcr-username=Administrator  --xdcr-password=password

Upon success, we get this response:

    SUCCESS: init RemoteCluster

Now you can start replication to the remote cluster using memcached protocol as the existing default:

couchbase-cli xdcr-replicate -c host_name:8091 -u Administrator -p password 
        --xdcr-cluster-name RemoteCluster 
        --xdcr-from-bucket default 
        --xdcr-to-bucket backup

To explicitly set the protocol to memcached:

couchbase-cli xdcr-replicate -c host_name:8091 -u Administrator -p password \
    --xdcr-cluster-name RemoteCluster 
    --xdcr-from-bucket default 
    --xdcr-to-bucket backup 
    --xdcr-replication-mode xmem

To set the protocol to CAPI:

couchbase-cli xdcr-replicate -c host_name:8091 -u Administrator -p password \ 
    --xdcr-cluster-name RemoteCluster 
    --xdcr-from-bucket default 
    --xdcr-to-bucket backup
    --xdcr-replication-mode capi

If there is already an existing replication for a bucket, you get an error when you try to start the replication again with any new settings:

couchbase-cli xdcr-replicate -c -u Administrator -p password 
    --xdcr-cluster-name RemoteCluster 
    --xdcr-from-bucket default 
    --xdcr-to-bucket backup
    --xdcr-replication-mode capi

Results in the following error:

ERROR: unable to create replication (400) Bad Request
        {u'errors': {u'_': u'Replication to the same remote cluster and bucket already exists'}}
ERROR: Replication to the same remote cluster and bucket already exists

Managing XDCR data encryption

The Couchbase Server command line interface (CLI) enables XDCR data encryption (Enterprise Edition only) when an XDCR cluster reference is created or modified. The CLI provides the couchbase-cli tool and the xdcr-setup command. The option --xdcr-demand-encryption=1 enables XDCR data encryption -xdcr-certificate=CERTIFICATE provides the SSL certificate for data security.

Enabling XDCR data encryption

To setup XDCR with SSL data encryption:

  1. Retrieve the certificate from the destination cluster. See Managing SSL certificates for more information
  2. Create or modify the XDCR configuration to allow data encryption and provide the SSL certificate.
  3. Define the replication.

To configure XDCR with SSL data encryption, the xdcr-setup command is used.


couchbase-cli xdcr-setup -c localHost:port -u localAdmin -p localPassword
  --create --xdcr-cluster-name=remoteClustername 
  --xdcr-username=remoteAdmin --xdcr-password=remotePassword 
  --xdcr-demand-encryption=[0|1]   // 1 to enable, 0 to disable (default)


couchbase-cli xdcr-setup -c -u localAdmin -p localPassword
  --create --xdcr-cluster-name=Omaha 
  --xdcr-username=Peyton --xdcr-password=Manning 


The following is an example of results for a successful XDCR configuration.

SUCCESS: init/edit test 
<<replication reference created>> 

Disabling XDCR data encryption

To disable XDCR data encryption, execute couchbase-cli xdcr-setup with --xdcr-demand-encryption=0.


couchbase-cli xdcr-setup -c -u localAdmin -p localPassword
  --create --xdcr-cluster-name=Omaha 
  --xdcr-username=Peyton --xdcr-password=Manning 

Managing SSL certificates

Retrieving an SSL certificate for XDCR data encryption, should be done in a secure manner, such as with ssh and scp. For example:

  1. Use a secure method to log in to a node on the destination cluster. For example: ssh.
  2. Retrieve the certificate with the couchbase-cli ssl-manage command.
  3. Use a secure method to transfer the certificate from the destination cluster to the source cluster. For example: scp.
  4. Proceed with setting up XDCR with SSL data encryption. See Managing XDCR data encryption.

The couchbase-cli ssl-manage command provides the following options for regenerating and retrieving certificates.

Regenerates a self-signed certificate on the destination cluster. Specify the full path for the location of the pem-encoded certificate file. For example, --regenerate-cert=./new.pem.
Retrieves the self-signed certificate from the destination cluster to the source cluster. Specify a local location (full path) and file name for the pem-encoded certificate. For example, --retrieve-cert=./newCert.pem.

Retrieving certificates

To retrieve an existing self-signed certificate, the ssl-manage command is used.


couchbase-cli ssl-manage -c localHost:port 
  -u Administrator -p password 


couchbase-cli ssl-manage -c 
  -u Administrator -p password 


The following is an example of results for a successful retrieval of the certificate:

SUCCESS: retrieve certificate to './newCert.pem' 
Certificate matches what seen on GUI 

Regenerating certificates

To regenerate a self-signed certificate, use couchbase-cli ssl-manage command.


couchbase-cli ssl-manage 
  -c remoteHost:port 
  -u adminName -p adminPassword 


The following is an example of the CLI commands and options for regenerating a self-signed certificate with the ssl-manage command:

couchbase-cli ssl-manage 
  -u Administrator -p password 


The following is an example of results for a successful regeneration of the certification:

SUCCESS: regenerate certificate to './new.pem' 

To retrieve an existing self-signed certificate, the ssl-manage command is used.


couchbase-cli ssl-manage -c localHost:port 
  -u Administrator -p password 


couchbase-cli ssl-manage -c 
  -u Administrator -p password 


The following is an example of results for a successful retrieval of the certificate:

SUCCESS: retrieve certificate to './newCert.pem' 
Certificate matches what seen on GUI 

cbstats tool

You use the cbstats tool to get node- and cluster-level statistics about performance and items in storage. The tool can be found in the following locations, depending on your platform:

Linux /opt/couchbase/bin/cbstats
Windows C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Server\bin\cbstats.exe
Mac OS X /Applications/Couchbase

Be aware that this tool is a per-node, per-bucket operation. That means that if you want to perform this operation, you must specify the IP address of a node in the cluster and a named bucket. If you do not provided a named bucket, the server will apply the setting to any default bucket that exists at the specified node. If you want to perform this operation for an entire cluster, you will need to perform the command for every node/bucket combination that exists for that cluster.

Use this tool to get the couchbase node statistics. The general format for the command is:

> cbstats <IP>:11210 <command> -b <bucket_name> [-p <bucket_password>]

Where BUCKET_HOST is the hostname and port ( HOSTNAME[:PORT] ) combination for a Couchbase bucket, and username and password are the authentication for the named bucket. COMMAND (and [options] ) are one of the follow options:

checkpoint [vbid]
dispatcher [logs]
hash [detail]
raw argument
tap [username password]
vkey keyname vbid

From these options, all and timings will be the main ones you will use to understand cluster or node performance. The other options are used by Couchbase internally and to help resolve customer support incidents.

For example, the cbstats output can be used with other command-line tools to sort and filter the data.

> watch --diff "cbstats \
    ip-10-12-19-81:11210 -b bucket_name -p bucket_password all | egrep 'item|mem|flusher|ep_queue|bg|eje|resi|warm'"

The following provides the stats that are created by cbstats:

Toplevel stats

Stat Description
uuid The unique identifier for the bucket
ep_version Version number of ep_engine
ep_storage_age Seconds since most recently
stored object was initially queued
ep_storage_age_highwat ep_storage_age high water mark
ep_startup_time System-generated engine startup time
ep_max_txn_size Max number of updates per transaction
ep_data_age Seconds since most recently
stored object was modified
ep_data_age_highwat ep_data_age high water mark
ep_too_young Number of times an object was
not stored due to being too young
ep_too_old Number of times an object was
stored after being dirty too long
ep_total_enqueued Total number of items queued for
ep_total_new_items Total number of persisted new items
ep_total_del_items Total number of persisted deletions
ep_total_persisted Total number of items persisted
ep_item_flush_failed Number of times an item failed to
flush due to storage errors
ep_item_commit_failed Number of times a transaction failed
to commit due to storage errors
ep_item_begin_failed Number of times a transaction failed
to start due to storage errors
ep_expired_access Number of times an item was expired on
application access.
ep_expired_pager Number of times an item was expired by
ep engine item pager
ep_item_flush_expired Number of times an item is not flushed
due to the expiry of the item
ep_queue_size Number of items queued for storage
ep_flusher_todo Number of items currently being
ep_flusher_state Current state of the flusher thread
ep_commit_num Total number of write commits
ep_commit_time Number of milliseconds of most recent
ep_commit_time_total Cumulative milliseconds spent
ep_vbucket_del Number of vbucket deletion events
ep_vbucket_del_fail Number of failed vbucket deletion
ep_vbucket_del_max_walltime Max wall time (µs) spent by deleting
a vbucket
ep_vbucket_del_avg_walltime Avg wall time (µs) spent by deleting
a vbucket
ep_flush_duration_total Cumulative seconds spent flushing
ep_flush_all True if disk flush_all is scheduled
ep_num_ops_get_meta Number of getMeta operations
ep_num_ops_set_meta Number of setWithMeta operations
ep_num_ops_del_meta Number of delWithMeta operations
ep_num_ops_set_meta_res_failed Number of setWithMeta ops that failed
conflict resolution
ep_num_ops_del_meta_res_failed Number of delWithMeta ops that failed
conflict resolution
ep_num_ops_set_ret_meta Number of setRetMeta operations
ep_num_ops_del_ret_meta Number of delRetMeta operations
curr_items Num items in active vbuckets (temp +
curr_temp_items Num temp items in active vbuckets
curr_items_tot Num current items including those not
active (replica, dead and pending
ep_kv_size Memory used to store item metadata,
keys and values, no matter the
vbucket’s state. If an item’s value is
ejected, this stats will be
decremented by the size of the item’s
ep_value_size Memory used to store values for
resident keys
ep_overhead Extra memory used by transient data
like persistence queues, replication
queues, checkpoints, etc
ep_mem_low_wat Low water mark for auto-evictions
ep_mem_high_wat High water mark for auto-evictions
ep_total_cache_size The total byte size of all items, no
matter the vbucket’s state, no matter
if an item’s value is ejected
ep_oom_errors Number of times unrecoverable OOMs
happened while processing operations
ep_tmp_oom_errors Number of times temporary OOMs
happened while processing operations
ep_mem_tracker_enabled True if memory usage tracker is
ep_bg_fetched Number of items fetched from disk
ep_bg_meta_fetched Number of meta items fetched from disk
ep_bg_remaining_jobs Number of remaining bg fetch jobs
ep_max_bg_remaining_jobs Max number of remaining bg fetch jobs
that we have seen in the queue so far
ep_tap_bg_fetched Number of tap disk fetches
ep_tap_bg_fetch_requeued Number of times a tap bg fetch task is
ep_num_pager_runs Number of times we ran pager loops
to seek additional memory
ep_num_expiry_pager_runs Number of times we ran expiry pager
loops to purge expired items from
ep_num_access_scanner_runs Number of times we ran access scanner
to snapshot working set
ep_access_scanner_num_items Number of items that last access
scanner task swept to access log.
ep_access_scanner_task_time Time of the next access scanner task
ep_access_scanner_last_runtime Number of seconds that last access
scanner task took to complete.
ep_items_rm_from_checkpoints Number of items removed from closed
unreferenced checkpoints
ep_num_value_ejects Number of times item values got
ejected from memory to disk
ep_num_eject_failures Number of items that could not be
ep_num_not_my_vbuckets Number of times Not My VBucket
exception happened during runtime
ep_tap_keepalive Tap keepalive time
ep_dbname DB path
ep_io_num_read Number of io read operations
ep_io_num_write Number of io write operations
ep_io_read_bytes Number of bytes read (key + values)
ep_io_write_bytes Number of bytes written (key + values)
ep_pending_ops Number of ops awaiting pending
ep_pending_ops_total Total blocked pending ops since reset
ep_pending_ops_max Max ops seen awaiting 1 pending
ep_pending_ops_max_duration Max time (µs) used waiting on pending
ep_bg_num_samples The number of samples included in the
ep_bg_min_wait The shortest time (µs) in the wait
ep_bg_max_wait The longest time (µs) in the wait
ep_bg_wait_avg The average wait time (µs) for an item
before it’s serviced by the dispatcher
ep_bg_min_load The shortest load time (µs)
ep_bg_max_load The longest load time (µs)
ep_bg_load_avg The average time (µs) for an item to
be loaded from the persistence layer
ep_num_non_resident The number of non-resident items
ep_bg_wait The total elapse time for the wait
ep_bg_load The total elapse time for items to be
loaded from the persistence layer
ep_allow_data_loss_during_shutdown Whether data loss is allowed during
server shutdown
ep_alog_block_size Access log block size
ep_alog_path Path to the access log
ep_alog_sleep_time Interval between access scanner runs
in minutes
ep_alog_task_time Hour in GMT time when access scanner
task is scheduled to run
ep_backend The backend that is being used for
data persistence
ep_bg_fetch_delay The amount of time to wait before
doing a background fetch
ep_chk_max_items The number of items allowed in a
checkpoint before a new one is created
ep_chk_period The maximum lifetime of a checkpoint
before a new one is created
ep_chk_persistence_remains Number of remaining vbuckets for
checkpoint persistence
ep_chk_persistence_timeout Timeout for vbucket checkpoint
ep_chk_remover_stime The time interval for purging closed
checkpoints from memory
ep_config_file The location of the ep-engine config
ep_couch_bucket The name of this bucket
ep_couch_host The hostname that the CouchDB views
server is listening on
ep_couch_port The port the CouchDB views server is
listening on
ep_couch_reconnect_sleeptime The amount of time to wait before
reconnecting to CouchDB
ep_couch_response_timeout Length of time to wait for a response
from CouchDB before reconnecting
ep_data_traffic_enabled Whether or not data traffic is enabled
for this bucket
ep_degraded_mode True if the engine is either warming
up or data traffic is disabled
ep_exp_pager_stime The time interval for purging expired
items from memory
ep_expiry_window Expiry window to not persist an object
that is expired
ep_failpartialwarmup True if we want kill the bucket if
warmup fails
ep_flushall_enabled True if this bucket allows the use of
the flush_all command
ep_getl_default_timeout The default getl lock duration
ep_getl_max_timeout The maximum getl lock duration
ep_ht_locks The amount of locks per vb hashtable
ep_ht_size The initial size of each vb hashtable
ep_item_num_based_new_chk True if the number of items in the
current checkpoint plays a role in a
new checkpoint creation
ep_keep_closed_chks True if we want to keep the closed
checkpoints for each vbucket unless
the memory usage is above high water
ep_max_checkpoints The maximum amount of checkpoints that
can be in memory per vbucket
ep_max_item_size The maximum value size
ep_max_size The maximum amount of memory this
bucket can use
ep_max_vbuckets The maximum amount of vbuckets that
can exist in this bucket
ep_mutation_mem_threshold The ratio of total memory available
that we should start sending temp oom
or oom message when hitting
ep_pager_active_vb_pcnt Active vbuckets paging percentage
ep_tap_ack_grace_period The amount of time to wait for a tap
acks before disconnecting
ep_tap_ack_initial_sequence_number The initial sequence number for a tap
ack when a tap stream is created
ep_tap_ack_interval The amount of messages a tap producer
should send before requesting an ack
ep_tap_ack_window_size The maximum amount of ack requests
that can be sent before the consumer
sends a response ack. When the window
is full the tap stream is paused.
ep_tap_backfill_resident The resident ratio for deciding how to
do backfill. If under the ratio we
schedule full disk backfill. If above
the ratio then we do bg fetches for
non-resident items.
ep_tap_backlog_limit The maximum amount of backfill items
that can be in memory waiting to be
sent to the tap consumer
ep_tap_backoff_period The number of seconds the tap
ep_tap_bg_fetch_requeued Number of times a tap bg fetch task is
ep_tap_bg_max_pending The maximum number of bg jobs a tap
connection may have
ep_tap_noop_interval Number of seconds between a noop is
sent on an idle connection
ep_tap_requeue_sleep_time The amount of time to wait before a
failed tap item is requeued
ep_tap_throttle_cap_pcnt Percentage of total items in write
queue at which we throttle tap input
ep_tap_throttle_queue_cap Max size of a write queue to throttle
incoming tap input
ep_tap_throttle_threshold Percentage of max mem at which we
begin NAKing tap input
ep_uncommitted_items The amount of items that have not been
written to disk
ep_vb0 Whether vbucket 0 should be created by
ep_waitforwarmup True if we should wait for the warmup
process to complete before enabling
ep_warmup Shows if warmup is enabled / disabled
ep_warmup_batch_size The size of each batch loaded during
ep_warmup_dups Number of Duplicate items encountered
during warmup
ep_warmup_min_items_threshold Percentage of total items warmed up
before we enable traffic
ep_warmup_min_memory_threshold Percentage of max mem warmed up before
we enable traffic
ep_warmup_oom The amount of oom errors that occurred
during warmup
ep_warmup_thread The status of the warmup thread
ep_warmup_time The amount of time warmup took

vBucket total stats

Stat Description
ep_vb_total Total vBuckets (count)
curr_items_tot Total number of items
curr_items Number of active items in memory
curr_temp_items Number of temporary items in memory
vb_dead_num Number of dead vBuckets
ep_diskqueue_items Total items in disk queue
ep_diskqueue_memory Total memory used in disk queue
ep_diskqueue_fill Total enqueued items on disk queue
ep_diskqueue_drain Total drained items on disk queue
ep_diskqueue_pending Total bytes of pending writes
ep_vb_snapshot_total Total VB state snapshots persisted in disk
ep_meta_data_memory Total memory used by meta data

Active vBucket class stats

Stat Description
vb_active_num Number of active vBuckets
vb_active_curr_items Number of in memory items
vb_active_num_non_resident Number of non-resident items
vb_active_perc_mem_resident % memory resident
vb_active_eject Number of times item values got ejected
vb_active_expired Number of times an item was expired
vb_active_ht_memory Memory overhead of the hashtable
vb_active_itm_memory Total item memory
vb_active_meta_data_memory Total metadata memory
vb_active_ops_create Number of create operations
vb_active_ops_update Number of update operations
vb_active_ops_delete Number of delete operations
vb_active_ops_reject Number of rejected operations
vb_active_queue_size Active items in disk queue
vb_active_queue_memory Memory used for disk queue
vb_active_queue_age Sum of disk queue item age in milliseconds
vb_active_queue_pending Total bytes of pending writes
vb_active_queue_fill Total enqueued items
vb_active_queue_drain Total drained items

Replica vBucket stats

Stat Description
vb_replica_num Number of replica vBuckets
vb_replica_curr_items Number of in memory items
vb_replica_num_non_resident Number of non-resident items
vb_replica_perc_mem_resident % memory resident
vb_replica_eject Number of times item values got ejected
vb_replica_expired Number of times an item was expired
vb_replica_ht_memory Memory overhead of the hashtable
vb_replica_itm_memory Total item memory
vb_replica_meta_data_memory Total metadata memory
vb_replica_ops_create Number of create operations
vb_replica_ops_update Number of update operations
vb_replica_ops_delete Number of delete operations
vb_replica_ops_reject Number of rejected operations
vb_replica_queue_size Replica items in disk queue
vb_replica_queue_memory Memory used for disk queue
vb_replica_queue_age Sum of disk queue item age in milliseconds
vb_replica_queue_pending Total bytes of pending writes
vb_replica_queue_fill Total enqueued items
vb_replica_queue_drain Total drained items

Pending vBucket stats

Stat Description
vb_pending_num Number of pending vBuckets
vb_pending_curr_items Number of in memory items
vb_pending_num_non_resident Number of non-resident items
vb_pending_perc_mem_resident % memory resident
vb_pending_eject Number of times item values got ejected
vb_pending_expired Number of times an item was expired
vb_pending_ht_memory Memory overhead of the hashtable
vb_pending_itm_memory Total item memory
vb_pending_meta_data_memory Total metadata memory
vb_pending_ops_create Number of create operations
vb_pending_ops_update Number of update operations
vb_pending_ops_delete Number of delete operations
vb_pending_ops_reject Number of rejected operations
vb_pending_queue_size Pending items in disk queue
vb_pending_queue_memory Memory used for disk queue
vb_pending_queue_age Sum of disk queue item age in milliseconds
vb_pending_queue_pending Total bytes of pending writes
vb_pending_queue_fill Total enqueued items
vb_pending_queue_drain Total drained items

Tap stats

Stat Description
ep_tap_ack_grace_period The amount of time to wait for a tap acks
before disconnecting
ep_tap_ack_interval The amount of messages a tap producer
should send before requesting an ack
ep_tap_ack_window_size The maximum amount of ack requests that
can be sent before the consumer sends a
response ack. When the window is full the
tap stream is paused
ep_tap_queue_backfillremaining Number of items needing to be backfilled
ep_tap_total_backlog_size Number of remaining items for replication
ep_tap_total_queue Sum of tap queue sizes on the current
tap queues
ep_tap_total_fetched Sum of all tap messages sent
ep_tap_bg_max_pending The maximum number of bg jobs a tap
connection may have
ep_tap_bg_fetched Number of tap disk fetches
ep_tap_bg_fetch_requeued Number of times a tap bg fetch task is
ep_tap_fg_fetched Number of tap memory fetches
ep_tap_deletes Number of tap deletion messages sent
ep_tap_throttled Number of tap messages refused due to
ep_tap_count Number of tap connections
ep_tap_bg_num_samples The number of tap bg fetch samples
included in the avg
ep_tap_bg_min_wait The shortest time (µs) for a tap item
before it is serviced by the dispatcher
ep_tap_bg_max_wait The longest time (µs) for a tap item
before it is serviced by the dispatcher
ep_tap_bg_wait_avg The average wait time (µs) for a tap item
before it is serviced by the dispatcher
ep_tap_bg_min_load The shortest time (µs) for a tap item to
be loaded from the persistence layer
ep_tap_bg_max_load The longest time (µs) for a tap item to
be loaded from the persistence layer
ep_tap_bg_load_avg The average time (µs) for a tap item to
be loaded from the persistence layer
ep_tap_noop_interval The number of secs between a noop is
added to an idle connection
ep_tap_backoff_period The number of seconds the tap connection
should back off after receiving ETMPFAIL
ep_tap_queue_fill Total enqueued items
ep_tap_queue_drain Total drained items
ep_tap_queue_backoff Total back-off items
ep_tap_queue_backfill Number of backfill remaining
ep_tap_queue_itemondisk Number of items remaining on disk
ep_tap_throttle_threshold Percentage of memory in use before we
throttle tap streams
ep_tap_throttle_queue_cap Disk write queue cap to throttle
tap streams

Per Tap client stats

Each stat begins with =ep_tapq:= followed by a unique /client_id/ and another colon. For example, if your client is named, =slave1=, the =qlen= stat would be =ep_tapq:slave1:qlen=.

Stat Description P/C
type The kind of tap connection (producer or PC
created Creation time for the tap connection PC
supports_ack true if the connection use acks PC
connected true if this client is connected PC
disconnects Number of disconnects from this client PC
reserved true if the tap stream is reserved P
suspended true if the tap stream is suspended P
qlen Queue size for the given client_id P
qlen_high_pri High priority tap queue items P
qlen_low_pri Low priority tap queue items P
vb_filters Size of connection vbucket filter set P
vb_filter The content of the vbucket filter P
rec_fetched Tap messages sent to the client P
rec_skipped Number of messages skipped due to P
tap reconnect with a different filter P
idle True if this connection is idle P
has_queued_item True if there are any remaining items P
from hash table or disk
bg_result_size Number of ready background results P
bg_jobs_issued Number of background jobs started P
bg_jobs_completed Number of background jobs completed P
flags Connection flags set by the client P
pending_disconnect true if we’re hanging up on this client P
paused true if this client is blocked P
pending_backfill true if we’re still backfilling keys P
for this connection P
pending_disk_backfill true if we’re still backfilling keys P
from disk for this connection P
backfill_completed true if all items from backfill is P
successfully transmitted to the client P
backfill_start_timestamp Timestamp of backfill start P
reconnects Number of reconnects from this client P
backfill_age The age of the start of the backfill P
ack_seqno The current tap ACK sequence number P
recv_ack_seqno Last receive tap ACK sequence number P
ack_log_size Tap ACK backlog size P
ack_window_full true if our tap ACK window is full P
seqno_ack_requested The seqno of the ack message that the P
producer is wants to get a response for
expires When this ACK backlog expires P
queue_memory Memory used for tap queue P
queue_fill Total queued items P
queue_drain Total drained items P
queue_backoff Total back-off items P
queue_backfillremaining Number of backfill remaining P
queue_itemondisk Number of items remaining on disk P
total_backlog_size Num of remaining items for replication P
total_noops Number of NOOP messages sent P
num_checkpoint_end Number of chkpoint end operations C
num_checkpoint_end_failed Number of chkpoint end operations failed C
num_checkpoint_start Number of chkpoint end operations C
num_checkpoint_start_failed Number of chkpoint end operations failed C
num_delete Number of delete operations C
num_delete_failed Number of failed delete operations C
num_flush Number of flush operations C
num_flush_failed Number of failed flush operations C
num_mutation Number of mutation operations C
num_mutation_failed Number of failed mutation operations C
num_opaque Number of opaque operation C
num_opaque_failed Number of failed opaque operations C
num_vbucket_set Number of vbucket set operations C
num_vbucket_set_failed Number of failed vbucket set operations C
num_unknown Number of unknown operations C

Tap aggregated stats

Aggregated tap stats allow named tap connections to be logically grouped and aggregated together by prefixes.

For example, if all of your tap connections started with =rebalance= or =replication=, you could call =stats tapagg = to request stats grouped by everything before the first == character, giving you a set for =rebalance= and a set for =replication=.


Stat Description
[prefix]:count Number of connections matching this prefix
[prefix]:qlen Total length of queues with this prefix
[prefix]:backfill_remaining Number of items needing to be backfilled
[prefix]:backoff Total number of backoff events
[prefix]:drain Total number of items drained
[prefix]:fill Total number of items filled
[prefix]:itemondisk Number of items remaining on disk
[prefix]:total_backlog_size Num of remaining items for replication

Timing stats

Timing stats provide histogram data from high resolution timers over various operations within the system.

General form

As this data is multi-dimensional, some parsing may be required for machine processing. It’s somewhat human readable, but the =stats= script mentioned in the Getting Started section above will do fancier formatting for you.

Consider the following sample stats:

STAT disk_insert_8,16 9488

STAT disk_insert_16,32 290
STAT disk_insert_32,64 73
STAT disk_insert_64,128 86
STAT disk_insert_128,256 48
STAT disk_insert_256,512 2
STAT disk_insert_512,1024 12
STAT disk_insert_1024,2048 1

This tells you that =disk_insert= took 8-16µs 9,488 times, 16-32µs 290 times, and so on.

The same stats displayed through the =stats= CLI tool would look like

disk_insert (10008 total)

8us - 16us : ( 94.80%) 9488 ###########################################
16us - 32us : ( 97.70%) 290 #
32us - 64us : ( 98.43%) 73
64us - 128us : ( 99.29%) 86
128us - 256us : ( 99.77%) 48
256us - 512us : ( 99.79%) 2
512us - 1ms : ( 99.91%) 12
1ms - 2ms : ( 99.92%) 1

Available stats

The following histograms are available from “timings” in the above form to describe when time was spent doing various things:

Stat Description
bg_wait bg fetches waiting in the dispatcher queue
bg_load bg fetches waiting for disk
bg_tap_wait tap bg fetches waiting in the dispatcher queue
bg_tap_load tap bg fetches waiting for disk
pending_ops client connections blocked for operations in pending vbuckets
storage_age Analogous to ep_storage_age in main stats
data_age Analogous to ep_data_age in main stats
get_cmd servicing get requests
arith_cmd servicing incr/decr requests
get_stats_cmd servicing get_stats requests
get_vb_cmd servicing vbucket status requests
set_vb_cmd servicing vbucket set state commands
del_vb_cmd servicing vbucket deletion commands
chk_persistence_cmd waiting for checkpoint persistence
tap_vb_set servicing tap vbucket set state commands
tap_vb_reset servicing tap vbucket reset commands
tap_mutation servicing tap mutations
notify_io waking blocked connections
paged_out_time time (in seconds) objects are non-resident
disk_insert waiting for disk to store a new item
disk_update waiting for disk to modify an existing item
disk_del waiting for disk to delete an item
disk_vb_del waiting for disk to delete a vbucket
disk_commit waiting for a commit after a batch of updates
disk_vbstate_snapshot Time spent persisting vbucket state changes
item_alloc_sizes Item allocation size counters (in bytes)

Hash stats

Hash stats provide information on your vbucket hash tables.

Requesting these stats does affect performance, so don’t do it too regularly, but it’s useful for debugging certain types of performance issues. For example, if your hash table is tuned to have too few buckets for the data load within it, the =max_depth= will be too large and performance will suffer.

Stat Description
avg_count The average number of items per vbucket
avg_max The average max depth of a vbucket hash table
avg_min The average min depth of a vbucket hash table
largest_max The largest hash table depth of in all vbuckets
largest_min The largest minimum hash table depth of all vbuckets
max_count The largest number of items in a vbucket
min_count The smallest number of items in a vbucket
total_counts The total number of items in all vbuckets

It is also possible to get more detailed hash tables stats by using ‘hash detail’. This will print per-vbucket stats.

Each stat is prefixed with =vb_= followed by a number, a colon, then the individual stat name.

For example, the stat representing the size of the hash table for vbucket 0 is =vb_0:size=.

Stat Description
state The current state of this vbucket
size Number of hash buckets
locks Number of locks covering hash table operations
min_depth Minimum number of items found in a bucket
max_depth Maximum number of items found in a bucket
reported Number of items this hash table reports having
counted Number of items found while walking the table
resized Number of times the hash table resized
mem_size Running sum of memory used by each item
mem_size_counted Counted sum of current memory used by each item

Checkpoint stats

Checkpoint stats provide detailed information on per-vbucket checkpoint data structure.

Like Hash stats, requesting these stats has some impact on performance. Therefore, please do not poll them from the server frequently. Each stat is prefixed with =vb_= followed by a number, a colon, and then each stat name.

Stat Description
cursor_name:cursor_checkpoint_id Checkpoint ID at which the cursor is
name ‘cursor_name’ is pointing now
open_checkpoint_id ID of the current open checkpoint
num_tap_cursors Number of referencing TAP cursors
num_checkpoint_items Number of total items in a checkpoint
data structure
num_open_checkpoint_items Number of items in the open checkpoint
num_checkpoints Number of checkpoints in a checkpoint
data structure
num_items_for_persistence Number of items remaining for persistence
checkpoint_extension True if the open checkpoint is in the
extension mode
state The state of the vbucket this checkpoint
contains data for
last_closed_checkpoint_id The last closed checkpoint number
persisted_checkpoint_id The last persisted checkpoint number

Memory stats

This provides various memory-related stats including the stats from tcmalloc. Note that tcmalloc stats are not available on some operating systems (e.g., Windows) that do not support tcmalloc.

Stat Description
mem_used (deprecated) Engine’s total memory usage
bytes Engine’s total memory usage
ep_kv_size Memory used to store item metadata,
keys and values, no matter the
vbucket’s state. If an item’s value
is ejected, this stat will be
decremented by the size of the
item’s value.
ep_value_size Memory used to store values for
resident keys
ep_overhead Extra memory used by transient data
like persistence queue, replication
queues, checkpoints, etc
ep_max_size Max amount of data allowed in memory
ep_mem_low_wat Low water mark for auto-evictions
ep_mem_high_wat High water mark for auto-evictions
ep_oom_errors Number of times unrecoverable OOMs
happened while processing operations
ep_tmp_oom_errors Number of times temporary OOMs
happened while processing operations
ep_mem_tracker_enabled If smart memory tracking is enabled
tcmalloc_allocated_bytes Engine’s total memory usage reported
from tcmalloc
tcmalloc_heap_size Bytes of system memory reserved by
tcmalloc_free_bytes Number of bytes in free, mapped
pages in page heap
tcmalloc_unmapped_bytes Number of bytes in free, unmapped
pages in page heap. These are bytes
that have been released back to OS
tcmalloc_max_thread_cache_bytes A limit to how much memory TCMalloc
dedicates for small objects
tcmalloc_current_thread_cache_bytes A measure of some of the memory
TCMalloc is using for small objects

Stats key and Vkey

Stat Description K/V
key_cas The keys current cas value KV
key_data_age How long the key has waited for its KV
value to be persisted (0 if clean) KV
key_exptime Expiration time from the epoch KV
key_flags Flags for this key KV
key_is_dirty If the value is not yet persisted KV
key_valid See description below V
key_vb_state The vbucket state of this key KV

key_valid= can have the following responses:

  • this_is_a_bug - Some case we didn’t take care of.

  • dirty - The value in memory has not been persisted yet.

  • length_mismatch - The key length in memory doesn’t match the length on disk.

  • data_mismatch - The data in memory doesn’t match the data on disk.

  • flags_mismatch - The flags in memory don’t match the flags on disk.

  • valid - The key is both on disk and in memory

  • ram_but_not_disk - The value doesn’t exist yet on disk.

  • item_deleted - The item has been deleted.


Stats _warmup_ shows statistics related to warmup logic

Stat Description
ep_warmup Shows if warmup is enabled / disabled
ep_warmup_estimated_key_count Estimated number of keys in database
ep_warmup_estimated_value_count Estimated number of values in database
ep_warmup_state The current state of the warmup thread
ep_warmup_thread Warmup thread status
ep_warmup_key_count Number of keys warmed up
ep_warmup_value_count Number of values warmed up
ep_warmup_dups Duplicates encountered during warmup
ep_warmup_oom OOMs encountered during warmup
ep_warmup_item_expired Number of items expired during warmup
ep_warmup_time Time (µs) spent by warming data
ep_warmup_keys_time Time (µs) spent by warming keys
ep_warmup_mutation_log Number of keys present in mutation log
ep_warmup_access_log Number of keys present in access log
ep_warmup_min_items_threshold Percentage of total items warmed up
before we enable traffic
ep_warmup_min_memory_threshold Percentage of max mem warmed up before
we enable traffic
ep_warmup_estimate_time Estimated time in microseconds to do warmup

KV store stats

These provide various low-level stats and timings from the underlying KV storage system and useful to understand various states of the storage system.

The following stats are available for all database engine:

Stat Description
open Number of database open operations
close Number of database close operations
readTime Time spent in read operations
readSize Size of data in read operations
writeTime Time spent in write operations
writeSize Size of data in write operations
delete Time spent in delete() calls

The following stats are available for the CouchStore database engine:

Stat Description
backend_type Type of backend database engine
commit Time spent in CouchStore commit operation
commitRetry Time spent in retry of commit operation
numLoadedVb Number of Vbuckets loaded into memory
numCommitRetry Number of commit retry
lastCommDocs Number of docs in the last commit
failure_set Number of failed set operation
failure_get Number of failed get operation
failure_vbset Number of failed vbucket set operation
save_documents Time spent in CouchStore save documents operation

Dispatcher stats and job logs

This provides the stats from AUX dispatcher and non-IO dispatcher, and from all the reader and writer threads running for the specific bucket. Along with stats, the job logs for each of the dispatchers and worker threads is also made available.

The following stats are available for the workers and dispatchers:

Stat Description
state Threads’s current status: running, sleeping etc.
runtime The amount of time since the thread started running
task The activity/job the thread is involved with at the moment

The following stats are for individual job logs:

Stat Description
starttime The timestamp when the job started
runtime Time it took for the job to run
task The activity/job the thread ran during that time

Stats reset

Resets the list of stats below.

Reset Stats:


Reset Histograms:


Getting server timings

Be aware that this tool is a per-node, per-bucket operation. That means that if you want to perform this operation, you must specify the IP address of a node in the cluster and a named bucket. If you do not provided a named bucket, the server will apply the setting to any default bucket that exists at the specified node. If you want to perform this operation for an entire cluster, you will need to perform the command for every node/bucket combination that exists for that cluster.

The following is sample output from cbstats timings :

disk_insert (10008 total)
   8us - 16us    : ( 94.80%)8 ###########################################
   16us - 32us   : ( 97.70%)  290 #
   32us - 64us   : ( 98.43%)   73
   64us - 128us  : ( 99.29%)   86
   128us - 256us : ( 99.77%)   48
   256us - 512us : ( 99.79%)    2
   512us - 1ms   : ( 99.91%)   12
   1ms - 2ms     : ( 99.92%)    1
disk_commit (1 total)
    0 - 1s        : (100.00%) 1 #############################################################
disk_vbstate_snapshot (2 total)
    4s - 8s       : (100.00%) 2 #############################################################
get_stats_cmd (1535 total)
set_vb_cmd (1024 total)
    4us - 8us     : ( 97.95%) 1003 ########################################################
    8us - 16us    : ( 98.83%)    9

The first statistic tells you that disk_insert took 8-16µs8 times, 16-32µs 290 times, and so forth.

The following are the possible return values provided by cbstats timings. The return values provided by this command depend on what has actually occurred on a data bucket:

bg_load Background fetches waiting for disk
bg_wait Background fetches waiting in the dispatcher queue
data_age Age of data written to disk
disk_commit Time waiting for a commit after a batch of updates
disk_del Wait for disk to delete an item
disk_insert Wait for disk to store a new item
disk_vbstate_snapshot Time spent persisting vbucket state changes
disk_update Wait time for disk to modify an existing item
get_cmd Servicing get requests
get_stats_cmd Servicing get_stats requests
set_vb_cmd Servicing vbucket set state commands
item_alloc_sizes Item allocation size counters (in bytes)
notify_io Time for waking blocked connections
storage_age Time since most recently persisted item was initially queued for storage.
tap_mutation Time spent servicing tap mutations

Getting warmup information

Be aware that this tool is a per-node, per-bucket operation. That means that if you want to perform this operation, you must specify the IP address of a node in the cluster and a named bucket. If you do not provided a named bucket, the server will apply the setting to any default bucket that exists at the specified node. If you want to perform this operation for an entire cluster, you will need to perform the command for every node/bucket combination that exists for that cluster.

You can use cbstats to get information about server warmup, including the status of warmup and whether warmup is enabled. The following are two alternates to filter for the information:

cbstats hostname:port -b bucket_name -p bucket_password | grep 'warmup'

cbstats hostname:port -b bucket_name -p bucket_password raw warmup
  • ep_warmup_thread - Indicates if the warmup has completed. Returns “running” or “complete”.
  • ep_warmup_state - Indicates the current progress of the warmup:
    • Initial - Start warmup processes.
    • EstimateDatabaseItemCount - Estimating database item count.
    • KeyDump - Begin loading keys and metadata, but not documents, into RAM.
    • CheckForAccessLog - Determine if an access log is available. This log indicates which keys have been frequently read or written.
    • LoadingAccessLog - Load information from access log.
    • LoadingData - The server is loading data first for keys listed in the access log, or if no log available, based on keys found during the ‘Key Dump’ phase.
    • Done - The server is ready to handle read and write requests.

High-level warmup statistics that are available are as follows:

Name Description Value Type
ep_warmup_dups Number of failures due to duplicate keys Integer
ep_warmup_estimated_key_count Estimated number of keys in database Integer (DEFAULT = “unknown”)
ep_warmup_estimated_value_count Estimated number of key data to read based on the access log Integer (DEFAULT = “unknown”)
ep_warmup_keys_time Total time spent by loading persisted keys Integer
ep_warmup_min_items_threshold Enable data traffic after loading this percentage of key data Integer
ep_warmup_min_memory_threshold Enable data traffic after filling this % of memory Integer (%)
ep_warmup_oom Number of out of memory failures during warmup Integer
ep_warmup_state What is current warmup state String, refer to WarmupStateTable
ep_warmup_thread Is warmup running? String (“running”, “complete”)
ep_warmup_time Total time spent by loading data (warmup) Integer (microseconds)

There are also additional lower-level, detailed statistics returned by passing the keyword “warmup” for the command. For instance:

cbstats hostname:port -b bucket_name -p bucket_password raw warmup

The additional lower-level stats are as follows. Note that some of these items are also available as higher-level summary statistics about warmup:

Name Description Value Type
ep_warmup Is warmup enabled? String (“enabled”)
ep_warmup_key_count How many keys have been loaded? Integer
ep_warmup_value_count How many key values (data) have been loaded? Integer
ep_warmup_dups Number of failures due to duplicate keys Integer
ep_warmup_estimated_key_count Estimated number of keys in database Integer (DEFAULT = “unknown”)
ep_warmup_estimated_value_count Estimated number of key data to read based on the access log Integer (DEFAULT = “unknown”)
ep_warmup_keys_time Total time spent by loading persisted keys Integer
ep_warmup_min_items_threshold Enable data traffic after loading this percentage of key data Integer
ep_warmup_min_memory_threshold Enable data traffic after filling this % of memory Integer (%)
ep_warmup_oom Number of out of memory failures during warmup Integer
ep_warmup_state What is current warmup state String, refer to WarmupStateTable
ep_warmup_thread Is warmup running? String (“running”, “complete”)
ep_warmup_time Total time spent by loading data (warmup) Integer (microseconds)

Getting TAP information

Couchbase Server uses an internal protocol known as TAP to stream information about data changes between cluster nodes. Couchbase Server uses the TAP protocol during 1) rebalance, 2) replication at other cluster nodes, and 3) persistence of items to disk.

Be aware that this tool is a per-node, per-bucket operation. That means that if you want to perform this operation, you must specify the IP address of a node in the cluster and a named bucket. If you do not provided a named bucket, the server will apply the setting to any default bucket that exists at the specified node. If you want to perform this operation for an entire cluster, you will need to perform the command for every node/bucket combination that exists for that cluster.

The following statistics will be output in response to a cbstats tap request:

ep_tap_total_queue Sum of tap queue sizes on the current tap queues
ep_tap_total_fetched Sum of all tap messages sent
ep_tap_bg_max_pending The maximum number of background jobs a tap connection may have
ep_tap_bg_fetched Number of tap disk fetches
ep_tap_bg_fetch_requeued Number of times a tap background fetch task is requeued.
ep_tap_fg_fetched Number of tap memory fetches
ep_tap_deletes Number of tap deletion messages sent
ep_tap_throttled Number of tap messages refused due to throttling.
ep_tap_keepalive How long to keep tap connection state after client disconnect.
ep_tap_count Number of tap connections.
ep_tap_bg_num_samples The number of tap background fetch samples included in the average
ep_tap_bg_min_wait The shortest time (µs) for a tap item before it is serviced by the dispatcher
ep_tap_bg_max_wait The longest time (µs) for a tap item before it is serviced by the dispatcher
ep_tap_bg_wait_avg The average wait time (µs) for a tap item before it is serviced by the dispatcher
ep_tap_bg_min_load The shortest time (µs) for a tap item to be loaded from the persistence layer
ep_tap_bg_max_load The longest time (µs) for a tap item to be loaded from the persistence layer
ep_tap_bg_load_avg The average time (µs) for a tap item to be loaded from the persistence layer
ep_tap_noop_interval The number of secs between a no-op is added to an idle connection
ep_tap_backoff_period The number of seconds the tap connection should back off after receiving ETMPFAIL
ep_tap_queue_fill Total enqueued items
ep_tap_queue_drain Total drained items
ep_tap_queue_backoff Total back-off items
ep_tap_queue_backfill Number of backfill remaining
ep_tap_queue_itemondisk Number of items remaining on disk
ep_tap_throttle_threshold Percentage of memory in use before we throttle tap streams
ep_tap_throttle_queue_cap Disk write queue cap to throttle tap streams

You use the cbstats tapagg to get statistics from named tap connections which are logically grouped and aggregated together by prefixes.

For example, if all of your tap connections started with rebalance_ or replication_, you could call cbstats tapagg _ to request stats grouped by the prefix starting with _. This would return a set of statistics for rebalance and a set for replication. The following are possible values returned by cbstats tapagg :

[prefix]:count Number of connections matching this prefix
[prefix]:qlen Total length of queues with this prefix
[prefix]:backfill_remaining Number of items needing to be backfilled
[prefix]:backoff Total number of backoff events
[prefix]:drain Total number of items drained
[prefix]:fill Total number of items filled
[prefix]:itemondisk Number of items remaining on disk
[prefix]:total_backlog_size Number of remaining items for replication

cbepctl tool

The cbepctl command enables you to control many of the configuration, RAM and disk parameters of a running cluster. This tool is for controlling the vBucket states on a Couchbase Server node. It is also responsible for controlling the configuration, memory and disk persistence behavior. This tool was formerly provided as the separate tools, cbvbucketctl and cbflushctl in Couchbase 1.8.


Changes to the cluster configuration using cbepctl are not persisted over a cluster restart.

Linux /opt/couchbase/bin/cbepctl
Windows C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Server\bin\cbepctl.exe
Mac OS X /Applications/Couchbase

Be aware that this tool is a per-node, per-bucket operation. That means that if you want to perform this operation, you must specify the IP address of a node in the cluster and a named bucket. If you do not provided a named bucket, the server will apply the setting to any default bucket that exists at the specified node. If you want to perform this operation for an entire cluster, you will need to perform the command for every node/bucket combination that exists for that cluster.

cbepctl host:11210 -b bucket_name -p bucket_password start
cbepctl host:11210 -b bucket_name -p bucket_password stop
cbepctl host:11210 -b bucket_name -p bucket_password set type param value

For this command, host is the IP address for your Couchbase cluster, or node in the cluster. The port will always be the standard port used for cluster-wide stats and is at 11210. You also provide the named bucket and the password for the named bucket. After this you provide command options and authentication.

You can use the following command options to manage persistence:

Option Description
stop stop persistence
start start persistence
drain wait until queues are drained
set to set checkpoint_param, flush_param, and tap_param. This changes how or when persistence occurs.

You can use the following command options, combined with the parameters to set checkpoint_param, flush_param, and tap_param. These changes the behavior of persistence in Couchbase Server.

The command options for checkpoint_param are:

Parameter Description
chk_max_items Max number of items allowed in a checkpoint.
chk_period Time bound (in sec.) on a checkpoint.
item_num_based_new_chk True if a new checkpoint can be created based on. the number of items in the open checkpoint.
keep_closed_chks True if we want to keep closed checkpoints in memory, as long as the current memory usage is below high water mark.
max_checkpoints Max number of checkpoints allowed per vbucket.

Changing the disk cleanup interval

One of the most important use cases for the cbepctl flush_param is the set the time interval for disk cleanup. Couchbase Server does lazy expiration, that is, expired items are flagged as deleted rather than being immediately erased. Couchbase Server has a maintenance process that will periodically look through all information and erase expired items. This maintenance process will run every 60 minutes, but it can be configured to run at a different interval. For example, the following options will set the cleanup process to run every 10 minutes:

./cbepctl localhost:11210 -b bucket_name -p bucket_password set flush_param exp_pager_stime 600

Be aware that this tool is a per-node, per-bucket operation. That means that if you want to perform this operation, you must specify the IP address of a node in the cluster and a named bucket. If you do not provided a named bucket, the server will apply the setting to any default bucket that exists at the specified node. If you want to perform this operation for an entire cluster, you will need to perform the command for every node/bucket combination that exists for that cluster.

Here we specify 600 seconds, or 10 minutes as the interval Couchbase Server waits before it tries to remove expired items from disk.

Changing disk write queue quotas

One of the specific uses of cbepctl is to the change the default maximum items for a disk write queue. This impacts replication of data that occurs between source and destination nodes within a cluster. Both data that a node receives from client applications, and replicated items that it receives are placed on a disk write queue. If there are too many items waiting in the disk write queue at any given destination, Couchbase Server will reduce the rate of data that is sent to a destination. This is process is also known as backoff.

By default, when a disk write queue contains one million items, a Couchbase node will reduce the rate it sends out data to be replicated. You can change this setting to be the greater of 10% of the items at a destination node or a number you specify. For instance:

> ./cbepctl -b bucket_name -p bucket_password set tap_param tap_throttle_queue_cap 2000000

Be aware that this tool is a per-node, per-bucket operation. That means that if you want to perform this operation, you must specify the IP address of a node in the cluster and a named bucket. If you do not provided a named bucket, the server will apply the setting to any default bucket that exists at the specified node. If you want to perform this operation for an entire cluster, you will need to perform the command for every node/bucket combination that exists for that cluster.

In this example we specify that a replica node send a request to backoff when it has two million items or 10% of all items, whichever is greater. You will see a response similar to the following:

setting param: tap_throttle_queue_cap 2000000

In this next example, we change the default percentage used to manage the replication stream. If the items in a disk write queue reach the greater of this percentage or a specified number of items, replication requests will slow down:

> ./cbepctl -b bucket_name -p bucket_password set tap_param tap_throttle_cap_pcnt 15

In this example, we set the threshold to 15% of all items at a replica node. When a disk write queue on a replica node reaches this point, it will request replication backoff. For more information about replicas, replication and backoff from replication, see Replicas and Replication. The other command options for tap_param are:

Parameter Description
tap_keepalive Seconds to hold a named tap connection.
tap_throttle_queue_cap Max disk write queue size when tap streams will put into a temporary, 5-second pause. ‘Infinite’ means there is no cap.
tap_throttle_cap_pcnt Maximum items in disk write queue as percentage of all items on a node. At this point tap streams will put into a temporary, 5-second pause.
tap_throttle_threshold Percentage of memory in use when tap streams will be put into a temporary, 5-second pause.

Changing access log settings

In Couchbase Server 2.0, we provide a more optimized disk warmup. In past versions of Couchbase Server, the server would load all keys and data sequentially from vBuckets in RAM. Now the server pre-fetches a list of most-frequently accessed keys and fetches these documents first. The server runs a periodic scanner process which will determine which keys are most frequently-used. You can use cbepctl flush_param to change the initial time and the interval for the process. You may want to do this, for instance, if you have a peak time for your application when you want the keys used during this time to be quickly available after server restart.

Be aware that this tool is a per-node, per-bucket operation. That means that if you want to perform this operation, you must specify the IP address of a node in the cluster and a named bucket. If you do not provided a named bucket, the server will apply the setting to any default bucket that exists at the specified node. If you want to perform this operation for an entire cluster, you will need to perform the command for every node/bucket combination that exists for that cluster.

By default the scanner process will run once every 24 hours with a default initial start time of 2:00 AM UTC. This means after you install a new Couchbase Server 2.0 instance or restart the server, by default the scanner will run every 24- hour time period at 2:00 AM GMT and then 2:00 PM GMT by default. To change the time interval when the access scanner process runs to every 20 minutes:

> ./cbepctl hostname:port -b bucket_name -p bucket_password set flush_param alog_sleep_time 20

To change the initial time that the access scanner process runs from the default of 2:00 AM UTC:

> ./cbepctl hostname:port -b bucket_name -p bucket_password set flush_param alog_task_time 23

In this example we set the initial time to 11:00 PM UTC.

Changing thresholds for ejection

The item pager process ejects items from RAM when too much space is being taken up in RAM. Ejection means that documents are removed from RAM but the key and metadata remain.

If the amount of RAM used by items reaches the high water mark (upper threshold), both active and replica data are ejected until the memory usage (amount of RAM consumed) reaches the low water mark (lower threshold).

The server determines that items are not frequently used based on a not-recently-used (NRU) boolean. There a few settings you can adjust to change server behavior during the ejection process. In general, we do not recommend you change ejection defaults for Couchbase Server unless you are required to do so.

Be aware that this tool is a per-node, per-bucket operation. To perform this operation, the IP address of a node in the cluster and a named bucket must be specified. If a named bucket is not provided, the server applies the setting to any default bucket that exists at the specified node. To perform this operation for an entire cluster, perform the command for every node/bucket combination that exists for that cluster.

For technical information about the ejection process, the role of NRU and server processes related to ejection, see Ejection and Working Set Management.

Setting the Low Water Mark

This represents the lower threshold of RAM to be consumed on a node. The item pager stops ejecting items once the low water mark is reached. To change this percentage amount of RAM, use the cpepctl tool:

>    ./cbepctl -b bucket_name -p bucket_password set flush_param mem_low_wat 70

Setting the High Water Mark

This represents the amount of RAM consumed by items that must be breached before infrequently used active and replica items are ejected. To change this amount, use the cbepctl tool. In the following example, the high water mark is set to 80% of RAM for a specific data bucket on a given node.

This means that items in RAM on this node can consume up to 80% of RAM before the item pager begins ejecting items.

>    ./cbepctl -b bucket_name -p bucket_password set flush_param mem_high_wat 80

Setting Percentage of Ejected Items

Based on the NRU algorithm, the server ejects active and replica data from a node. By default, the server is configured to 40% active items and 60% replica data from a node.

To change default percentage for ejecting active and replica items, use the cbepctl tool. The following example increases the percentage of active items that can be ejected from a node to 50%.

>    ./cbepctl -b bucket_name -p bucket_password set flush_param pager_active_vb_pcnt 50

Be aware of potential performance implications when making this change. It may seem more desirable to eject as many replica items as possible and limit the amount of active data that can be ejected. In doing so, you will be able to maintain as much active data from a source node as possible, and maintain incoming requests to that node. However, if you have the server eject a very large percentage of replica data, should a node fail, the replica data is not immediately available. In that case, the items are retrieved from disk and put back into RAM. Once in RAM, the request can be fulfilled. Couchbase recommends that you do not change these defaults.

For technical information about the ejection process, the role of NRU and server processes related to ejection, see Ejection and Working Set Management.

Changing setting for out of memory errors

By default, Couchbase Server will send clients a temporary out of memory error if RAM is 95% consumed and only 5% RAM remains for overhead. We do not suggest you change this default to a higher value; however you may choose to reduce this value if you think you need more RAM available for system overhead such as disk queue or for server data structures. To change this value:

>./cbepctl -b bucket_name -p bucket_password set flush_param mutation_mem_threshold 65

Be aware that this tool is a per-node, per-bucket operation. That means that if you want to perform this operation, you must specify the IP address of a node in the cluster and a named bucket. If you do not provided a named bucket, the server will apply the setting to any default bucket that exists at the specified node. If you want to perform this operation for an entire cluster, you will need to perform the command for every node/bucket combination that exists for that cluster.

In this example we reduce the threshold to 65% of RAM. This setting must be updated on a per-node, per-bucket basis, meaning you need to provide the specific node and named bucket to update this setting. To update it for an entire cluster, you will need to issue the command for every combination of node and named bucket that exists in the cluster.

Enabling flush of data buckets - will be deprecated

By default, this setting appears in Couchbase Web Console and is disabled; when it is enabled Couchbase Server is able to flush all the data in a bucket. Be also aware that this operation will be deprecated as a way to enable data bucket flushes. This is because cbepctl is designed for individual node configuration not operating on data buckets shared by multiple nodes.

The preferred way to enable data bucket flush is either 1) Couchbase Web Console or via 2) couchbase-cli. For more information about these two options, see Creating and editing data buckets and Flushing buckets with couchbase-cli.


Flushing a bucket is data destructive. If you use cbepctl, it makes no attempt to confirm or double check the request. Client applications using this are advised to double check with the end user before sending such a request. You can control and limit the ability to flush individual buckets by setting the flushEnabled parameter on a bucket in Couchbase Web Console or via cbepctl flush_param.

Be aware that this tool is a per-node, per-bucket operation. That means that if you want to perform this operation, you must specify the IP address of a node in the cluster and a named bucket. If you do not provided a named bucket, the server will apply the setting to any default bucket that exists at the specified node. If you want to perform this operation for an entire cluster, you will need to perform the command for every node/bucket combination that exists for that cluster.

To enable flushing a data bucket:

> ./cbepctl hostname:port -b bucket_name -p bucket_password set flush_param flushall_enabled true

To disable flushing a data bucket:

> ./cbepctl hostname:port -b bucket_name -p bucket_password set flush_param flushall_enabled false

You can initiate the flush via the REST API. For information about changing this setting in the Web Console, see Viewing Data Buckets. For information about flushing data buckets via REST, see Flushing a Bucket.

Other cbepctl flush_param

The complete list of options for flush_param are:

Parameter Description
alog_sleep_time Access scanner interval (minute)
alog_task_time Access scanner next task time (UTC)
bg_fetch_delay Delay before executing a bg fetch (test feature).
couch_response_timeout timeout in receiving a response from CouchDB.
exp_pager_stime Expiry Pager interval. Time interval that Couchbase Server waits before it performs cleanup and removal of expired items from disk.
flushall_enabled Enable flush operation.
klog_compactor_queue_cap queue cap to throttle the log compactor.
klog_max_log_size maximum size of a mutation log file allowed.
klog_max_entry_ratio max ratio of # of items logged to # of unique items.
pager_active_vb_pcnt Percentage of active vbuckets items among all ejected items by item pager.
pager_unbiased_period Period after last access scanner run during which item pager preserve working set.
queue_age_cap Maximum queue age before flushing data.
max_size Max memory used by the server.
max_txn_size Maximum number of items in a flusher transaction.
min_data_age Minimum data age before flushing data.
mutation_mem_threshold Amount of RAM that can be consumed in that caching layer before clients start receiving temporary out of memory messages.
timing_log path to log detailed timing stats.

cbcollect_info tool

This is one of the most important diagnostic tools used by Couchbase technical support teams; this command-line tool provides detailed statistics for a specific node. The tool is at the following locations, depending upon your platform:

Operating System Location
Linux /opt/couchbase/bin/cbcollect_info
Windows C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Server\bin\cbcollect_info
Mac OS X /Applications/Couchbase

Be aware that this tool is a per-node operation. If you want to perform this operation for an entire cluster, you will need to perform the command for every node that exists for that cluster.

You will need a root account to run this command and collect all the server information needed. There are internal server files and directories that this tool accesses which require root privileges.

To use this command, you remotely connect to the machine which contains your Couchbase Server then issue the command with options. You typically run this command under the direction of technical support at Couchbase and it will generate a file. This archive will contain several different files which contain performance statistics and extracts from server logs. The following describes usage, where output_file is the name of file you will create and send to Couchbase technical support:

cbcollect_info hostname:port output_file

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -v          increase verbosity level

If you choose the verbosity option, -v debugging information for cbcollect_info will be also output to your console. When you run cbcollect_info, it will gather statistics from an individual node in the cluster.

This command will collect information from an individual Couchbase Server node. If you are experiencing problems with multiple nodes in a cluster, you may need to run it on all nodes in a cluster.

The tool will create the following.log files in your named archive:

couchbase.log OS-level information about a node.
ns_server.couchdb.log Information about the persistence layer for a node.
ns_server.debug.log Debug-level information for the cluster management component of this node.
ns_server.error.log Error-level information for the cluster management component of this node. Info-level entries for the cluster management component of this node.
ns_server.views.log Includes information about indexing, time taken for indexing, queries which have been run, and other statistics about views.
stats.log The results from multiple cbstats options run for the node. For more information, see cbstats Tool

After you finish running the tool, you should upload the archive and send it to Couchbase technical support:

> curl --upload-file file_name

Where file_name is the name of your archive, and company_name is the name of your organization. After you have uploaded the archive, please contact Couchbase technical support. For more information, see Working with Couchbase Customer Support.

cbbackup tool

The cbbackup tool creates a copy of data from an entire running cluster, an entire bucket, a single node, or a single bucket on a single functioning node. Your node or cluster needs to be functioning in order to create the backup. Couchbase Server will write a copy of data onto disk.


cbbackup, cbrestore and cbtransfer do not communicate with external IP addresses for server nodes outside of a cluster. They can only communicate with nodes from a node list obtained within a cluster. You should perform backup, restore, or transfer to data from a node within a Couchbase cluster. This also means that if you install Couchbase Server with the default IP address, you cannot use an external hostname to access it. For general information about hostnames for the server, see Using Hostnames with Couchbase Server.

Depending upon your platform, this tool is the following directories:

Linux /opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackup
Windows C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Server\bin\cbbackup
Mac OS X /Applications/Couchbase

The format of the cbbackup command is:

cbbackup [options] [source] [destination]


  • [options]

    Same options available for cbtransfer, see cbtransfer Tool

  • [source]

    Source for the backup. This can be either a URL of a node when backing up a single node or the cluster, or a URL specifying a directory where the data for a single bucket is located.

  • [destination]

    The destination directory for the backup files to be stored. Either the directory must exist, and be empty, or the directory will be created. The parent directory must exist.

This tool has several different options which you can use to:

  • Backup all buckets in an entire cluster,

  • Backup one named bucket in a cluster,

  • Backup all buckets on a node in a cluster,

  • Backup one named buckets on a specified node,

All command options for cbbackup are the same options available for cbtransfer. For a list of standard and special-use options, see cbtransfer Tool.

You can backup an entire cluster, which includes all of the data buckets and data at all nodes. This will also include all design documents; do note however that you will need to rebuild any indexes after you restore the data. To backup an entire cluster and all buckets for that cluster:

> cbbackup http://HOST:8091 ~/backups \
          -u Administrator -p password

Where ~/backups is the directory where you want to store the data. When you perform this operation, be aware that cbbackup will create the following directory structure and files in the ~/backups directory assuming you have two buckets in your cluster named my_name and sasl and two nodes N1 and N2 :


Where bucket-my_name and bucket-sasl are directories containing data files and where N1 and N2 are two sets of data files for each node in the cluster. To backup a single bucket in a cluster:

> cbbackup http://HOST:8091 /backups/backup-20120501 \
  -u Administrator -p password \
  -b default

In this case -b default specifies you want to backup data from the default bucket in a cluster. You could also provide any other given bucket in the cluster that you want to backup. To backup all the data stored in multiple buckets from a single node which access the buckets:

> cbbackup http://HOST:8091 /backups/ \
  -u Administrator -p password \

This is an example of how to backup data from a single bucket on a single node follows:

> cbbackup http://HOST:8091 /backups \
  -u Administrator -p password \
  --single-node \
  -b bucket_name

This example shows you how you can specify keys that are backed up using the - k option. For example, to backup all keys from a bucket with the prefix ‘object’:

> cbbackup http://HOST:8091 /backups/backup-20120501 \
  -u Administrator -p password \
  -b bucket_name \
  -k '^object.*'

For more information on using cbbackup scenarios when you may want to use it and best practices for backup and restore of data with Couchbase Server, see Backing Up Using cbbackup.

Backing Up Design Documents Only

You can backup only design documents from a cluster or bucket with the option, design_doc_only=1. You can later restore the design documents only with cbrestore, see cbrestore Tool :

> ./cbbackup ~/backup -x design_doc_only=1 -b bucket_name

transfer design doc only. bucket msgs will be skipped.

Where you provide the hostname and port for a node in the cluster. This will make a backup copy of all design documents from bucket_name and store this as design.json in the directory ~/backup/bucket_name. If you do not provide a named bucket it will backup design documents for all buckets in the cluster. In this example we did a backup of two design documents on a node and our file will appear as follows:

                  "map":"function (doc, meta) {\n  emit(, null);\n}"
                  "map":"function (doc, meta) {\n  emit(, null);\n}"

Using cbbackup from Couchbase Server 2.0 with 1.8.x

You can use cbbackup 2.x to backup data from a Couchbase 1.8.x cluster, including 1.8. To do so you use the same command options you use when you backup a 2.0 cluster except you provide it the hostname and port for the 1.8.x cluster. You do not need to even install Couchbase Server 2.0 in order to use cbbackup 2.x to backup Couchbase Server 1.8.x. You can get a copy of the tool from the Couchbase command-line tools GitHub repository. After you get the tool, go to the directory where you cloned the tool and perform the command. For instance:

./cbbackup http://1.8_host_name:port ~/backup -u Administrator -p password

This creates a backup of all buckets in the 1.8 cluster at ~/backups on the physical machine where you run cbbackup. So if you want to make the backup on the machine containing the 1.8.x data bucket, you should copy the tool on that machine. As in the case where you perform backup with Couchbase 2.0, you can use cbbackup 2.0 options to backup all buckets in a cluster, backup a named bucket, backup the default bucket, or backup the data buckets associated with a single node.

Be aware that you can also use the cbrestore 2.0 tool to restore backup data onto a 1.8.x cluster. See cbrestore Tool.

cbrestore tool

The cbrestore tool restores data from a file to an entire cluster or to a single bucket in the cluster. Items that had been written to file on disk will be restored to RAM.


cbbackup, cbrestore and cbtransfer do not communicate with external IP addresses for server nodes outside of a cluster. They can only communicate with nodes from a node list obtained within a cluster. You should perform backup, restore, or transfer to data from a node within a Couchbase cluster. This also means that if you install Couchbase Server with the default IP address, you cannot use an external hostname to access it. For general information about hostnames for the server, see Using Hostnames with Couchbase Server.

The tool is in the following locations, depending on your platform:

Linux /opt/couchbase/bin/cbrestore
Windows C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Server\bin\cbrestore
Mac OS X /Applications/Couchbase

The format of the cbrestore command is:

cbrestore [options] [host:ip] [source] [destination]


  • [options]

    Command options for cbrestore are the same options for cbtransfer, see cbtransfer Tool.

  • [host:ip]

    Hostname and port for a node in cluster.

  • [source]

    Source bucket name for the backup data. This is in the directory created by cbbackup when you performed the backup.

  • [destination]

    The destination bucket for the restored information. This is a bucket in an existing cluster. If you restore the data to a single node in a cluster, provide the hostname and port for the node you want to restore to. If you restore an entire data bucket, provide the URL of one of the nodes within the cluster.

All command options for cbrestore are the same options available for cbtransfer. For a list of standard and special-use options, see cbtransfer Tool.

Using cbrestore for Design Documents Only

You can restore design documents to a server node with the option, design_doc_only=1. You can restore from a backup file you create with cbbackup, see cbbackup Tool :

> ./cbrestore ~/backup -x design_doc_only=1 -b a_bucket -B my_bucket

transfer design doc only. bucket msgs will be skipped.

This will restore design documents from the backup file ~/backup/a_bucket to the destination bucket my_bucket in a cluster. If you backed up more than one source bucket, you will need to perform this command more than once. For instance, imagine you did a backup for a cluster with two data buckets and have the backup files ~/backup/bucket_one/design.json and ~/backup/bucket_two/design.json :

> ./cbrestore ~/backup -x design_doc_only=1 -b bucket_one -B my_bucket

> ./cbrestore ~/backup -x design_doc_only=1 -b bucket_two -B my_bucket

This will restore design documents in both backup files to a bucket in your cluster named my_bucket After you restore the design documents you can see them in Couchbase Web Console under the Views tab. For more information about the Views Editor, see Using the Views Editor.

Using cbrestore from Couchbase Server 2.0 with 1.8.x

You can use cbrestore 2.0 to backup data from a Couchbase 1.8.x cluster, including 1.8. To do so you use the same command options you use when you backup a 2.0 cluster except you provide it the hostname and port for the 1.8.x cluster. You do not need to even install Couchbase Server 2.0 in order to use cbrestore 2.0 to backup Couchbase Server 1.8.x. You can get a copy of the tool from the Couchbase command-line tools GitHub repository. After you get the tool, go to the directory where you cloned the tool and perform the command. For instance:

./cbrestore ~/backup -u Administrator -p password -B saslbucket_destination -b saslbucket_source

This restores all data in the bucket-saslbucket_source directory under ~/backups on the physical machine where you run cbbackup. It will restore this data into a bucket named saslbucket_destination in the cluster with the node host:port of

Be aware that if you are trying to restore data to a different cluster, that you should make sure that cluster should have the same number of vBuckets as the cluster that you backed up. If you attempt to restore data from a cluster to a cluster with a different number of vBuckets, it will fail when you use the default port of 8091. The default number of vBuckets for Couchbase 2.0 is 1024; in earlier versions of Couchbase, you may have a different number of vBuckets. If you do want to restore data to a cluster with a different number of vBuckets, you should perform this command with port 11211, which will accommodate the difference in vBuckets:

cbrestore /backups/backup-42 memcached://HOST:11211 \
    --bucket-source=sessions --bucket-destination=sessions2

If you want more information about using cbbackup 2.0 tool to backup data onto a 1.8.x cluster. See cbbackup Tool.

For general information on using cbbackup, see Restoring using cbrestore tool.

cbtransfer tool

You use this tool to transfer data and design documents between two clusters or from a file to a cluster. With this tool you can also create a copy of data from a node that no longer running. This tool is the underlying, generic data transfer tool that cbbackup and cbrestore are built upon. It is a lightweight extract-transform-load (ETL) tool that can move data from a source to a destination. The source and destination parameters are similar to URLs or file paths.


cbbackup, cbrestore and cbtransfer do not communicate with external IP addresses for server nodes outside of a cluster. They can only communicate with nodes from a node list obtained within a cluster. You should perform backup, restore, or transfer to data from a node within a Couchbase cluster. This also means that if you install Couchbase Server with the default IP address, you cannot use an external hostname to access it. For general information about hostnames for the server, see Using Hostnames with Couchbase Server.

The tool is at the following locations:

Operating system Location
Linux /opt/couchbase/bin/
Windows C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Server\bin\
Mac OS X /Applications/Couchbase

The following is the syntax and examples for this command:

> ./cbtransfer [options] source destination

  cbtransfer http://SOURCE:8091 /backups/backup-42
  cbtransfer /backups/backup-42 http://DEST:8091
  cbtransfer /backups/backup-42 couchbase://DEST:8091
  cbtransfer http://SOURCE:8091 http://DEST:8091
  cbtransfer file.csv http://DEST:8091

The following are the standard command options which you can also view with cbtransfer -h :

Parameter Description
-h, –help Command help
-b BUCKET_SOURCE Single named bucket from source cluster to transfer
-B BUCKET_DESTINATION, –bucket-destination=BUCKET_DESTINATION Single named bucket on destination cluster which receives transfer. This allows you to transfer to a bucket with a different name as your source bucket. If you do not provide defaults to the same name as the bucket-source
-i ID, –id=ID Transfer only items that match a vbucketID
-k KEY, –key=KEY Transfer only items with keys that match a regexp
-n, –dry-run No actual transfer; just validate parameters, files, connectivity and configurations
-u USERNAME, –username=USERNAME REST username for source cluster or server node
-p PASSWORD, –password=PASSWORD REST password for cluster or server node
-t THREADS, –threads=THREADS Number of concurrent workers threads performing the transfer. Defaults to 4.
-v, –verbose Verbose logging; provide more verbosity
-x EXTRA, –extra=EXTRA Provide extra, uncommon config parameters
–single-node Transfer from a single server node in a source cluster. This single server node is a source node URL
–source-vbucket-state=SOURCE_VBUCKET_STATE Only transfer from source vbuckets in this state, such as ‘active’ (default) or ‘replica’. Must be used with Couchbase cluster as source.
–destination-vbucket-state=DESTINATION_VBUCKET_STATE Only transfer to destination vbuckets in this state, such as ‘active’ (default) or ‘replica’. Must be used with Couchbase cluster as destination.
–destination-operation=DESTINATION_OPERATION Perform this operation on transfer. “set” will override an existing document, ‘add’ will not override, ‘get’ will load all keys transferred from a source cluster into the caching layer at the destination. By default, the cbtransfer tool will use “set” and override any existing documents.
/path/to/filename Export a.csv file from the server or import a.csv file to the server.

The following are extra, specialized command options you use in this form cbtransfer -x [EXTRA OPTIONS] :

Parameter Description
batch_max_bytes=400000 Transfer this # of bytes per batch.
batch_max_size=1000 Transfer this # of documents per batch
cbb_max_mb=100000 Split backup file on destination cluster if it exceeds MB
max_retry=10 Max number of sequential retries if transfer fails
nmv_retry=1 0 or 1, where 1 retries transfer after a NOT_MY_VBUCKET message. Default of 1.
recv_min_bytes=4096 Amount of bytes for every TCP/IP batch transferred
report=5 Number batches transferred before updating progress bar in console
report_full=2000 Number batches transferred before emitting progress information in console
try_xwm=1 As of 2.1, transfer documents with metadata. 1 is default. 0 should only be used if you transfer from 1.8.x to 1.8.x.
data_only=0 For value 1, only transfer data from a backup file or cluster.
design_doc_only=0 For value 1, transfer design documents only from a backup file or cluster. Defaults to 0.

The most important way you can use this tool is to transfer data from a Couchbase node that is no longer running to a cluster that is running:

./cbtransfer \
       couchstore-files://COUCHSTORE_BUCKET_DIR \
       couchbase://HOST:PORT \

./cbtransfer \
       couchstore-files:///opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/default \
       couchbase:// \

Upon success, the tool will output as follows:

[####################] 100.0% (10000/10000 msgs)
bucket: bucket_name, msgs transferred...
      : total | last | per sec
batch : 1088 | 1088 | 554.8
byte : 5783385 | 5783385 | 3502156.4
msg : 10000 | 10000 | 5230.9

This shows we successfully transferred 10000 total documents in batch size of 1088 documents each. This next examples shows how you can send all the data from a node to standard output:

> ./cbtransfer stdout:

Will produce a output as follows:

set pymc40 0 0 10
set pymc16 0 0 10
set pymc9 0 0 10
set pymc53 0 0 10
set pymc34 0 0 10

Note Couchbase Server will store all data from a bucket, node or cluster, but not the associated design documents. To do so, you should explicitly use cbbackup to store the information and cbrestore to read it back into memory.

Exporting and Importing CSV Files

You can import and export well-formed.csv files with cbtransfer. This will import data into Couchbase Server as documents and will export documents from the server into comma-separated values. This does not include any design documents associated with a bucket in the cluster.

For example imagine you have records as follows in the default bucket in a cluster:

 ""name"":""fdee c3e"",
 ""achievements"":[77, 149, 239, 37, 76],""body"":""xc4ca4238a0b923820d

Where re-fdeea652a89ec3e9 is the document ID, 0 are flags, 0 is the expiration and the CAS value is 4271152681275955. The actual value in this example is the hash starting with "{""key""....... To export these items to a.csv file perform this command:

./cbtransfer http://[hostname]:[port] csv:./data.csv -b default -u Administrator -p password

Will transfer all items from the default bucket, -b default available at the node http://localhost:8091 and put the items into the /data.csv file. If you provide another named bucket for the -b option, it will export items from that named bucket. You will need to provide credentials for the cluster when you export items from a bucket in the cluster. You will see output similar to that in other cbtransfer scenarios:

[####################] 100.0% (10000/10000 msgs)
bucket: default, msgs transferred...
       : total | last | per sec
 batch : 1053 | 1053 | 550.8
 byte : 4783385 | 4783385 | 2502156.4
 msg : 10000 | 10000 | 5230.9
2013-05-08 23:26:45,107: mt warning: cannot save bucket design on a CSV destination

This shows we transferred 1053 batches of data at 550.8 batches per second. The tool outputs “cannot save bucket design….” to indicate that no design documents were exported. To import information from a.csv file to a named bucket in a cluster:

./cbtransfer /data.csv http://[hostname]:[port] -B bucket_name -u Administrator -p password

If your.csv is not correctly formatted you will see the following error during import:

w0 error: fails to read from csv file, .....

Transferring Design Documents Only

You can transfer design documents from one cluster to another one with the option, design_doc_only=1 :

> ./cbtransfer -x design_doc_only=1 -b bucket_one -B bucket_two
transfer design doc only. bucket msgs will be skipped.

This will transfer all design documents associated with bucket_one to bucket_two on the cluster with node In Couchbase Web Console you can see this updated design documents when you click on the View tab and select bucket_two in the drop-down.

cbhealthchecker tool

The cbhealthchecker tool generates a health report named Cluster Health Check Report for a Couchbase cluster. The report provides data that helps administrators, developers, and testers determine whether a cluster is healthy, has issues that must be addressed soon to prevent future problems, or has issues that must be addressed immediately.

The tool retrieves data from the Couchbase Server monitoring system, aggregates it over a time scale, analyzes the statistics against thresholds, and generates a report. Unlike other command line tools such as cbstats and cbtransfer that use the TAP protocol to obtain data from the monitoring system, cbhealthchecker obtains data by using the REST API and the memcached protocol. For more information about the statistics provided by Couchbase Server, see Statistics and Monitoring.

You can generate reports on the following time scales: minute, hour, day, week, month, and year. The tool outputs an HTML file, a text file, and a JSON file. Each file contains the same information — the only difference between them is the format of the information. All cbhealthchecker output is stored in a reports folder. The tool does not delete any files from the folder. You can delete files manually if the reports folder becomes too large. The path to the output files is displayed when the run finishes.

cbhealthchecker is automatically installed with Couchbase Server. You can find the tool in the following locations, depending upon your platform:

Operating System Location
Linux /opt/couchbase/bin/
Windows C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Server\bin\
Mac OS X /Applications/Couchbase

The format of the cbhealthchecker command is:


Option Syntax Description
CLUSTER -c HOST[:PORT] --cluster=HOST[:PORT] Hostname and port of a node in the cluster. The default port is 8091.
USERNAME -u USERNAME --user=USERNAME Admin username of the cluster.
PASSWORD -p PASSWORD --password=PASSWORD Admin password of the cluster.
OPTIONS -b BUCKETNAME --bucket=BUCKETNAME Specific bucket on which to report. The default is all buckets.
-i FILENAME --input=FILENAME Generate an analysis report from an input JSON file.
-o FILENAME --output=FILENAME File name for the HTML report. The default output file name is the report time stamp, for example: 2013-07-26_13-26-23.html.
-h --help Show the help message and exit.
-s SCALE --scale=SCALE Time span (scale) for the statistics: minute, hour, day, week, month or year. The default time span is day.
-j --jsononly Collect data and output only a JSON file. When you use this option, the analysis report is not generated.

Sample Commands

The following command runs a report on all buckets in the cluster for the past day:

./cbhealthchecker -c -u Administrator -p password

bucket: default
  node: 11210
  node: 11210

The run finished successfully.
Please find html output at '/opt/couchbase/bin/reports/2013-07-23_16-29-02.html'
and text output at '/opt/couchbase/bin/reports/2013-07-23_16-29-02.txt'.

The following command runs a report on all buckets in the cluster for the past month:

./cbhealthchecker -c -u Administrator -p password -s month

The run finished successfully.
Please find html output at '/opt/couchbase/bin/reports/2013-07-26_13-26-23.html'
and text output at '/opt/couchbase/bin/reports/2013-07-26_13-26-23.txt'.

The following command runs a report on only the beer-sample bucket for the past year and outputs the HTML report to a file named beer-health-report.html.

./cbhealthchecker -c -u Administrator -p password -o beer-health-report.html \
      -b beer-sample -s year

The run finished successfully.
Please find html output at '/opt/couchbase/bin/reports/beer-health-report.html'
and text output at '/opt/couchbase/bin/reports/2013-07-26_15-57-11.txt'.

The following command generates only the statistics and outputs them in a JSON file:

./cbhealthchecker -c -u Administrator -p password -j

The run finished successfully.
Please find collected stats at '/opt/couchbase/bin/reports/2013-07-26_13-30-36.json'.

HTML Report

You can view the HTML report in any web browser. If you copy the report to another location, be sure to copy all the files in the reports folder to ensure that the report is displayed correctly by the browser. When you have multiple HTML reports in the folder, you can use the tabs at the top of the page to display a particular report. (If the tabs do not function in your browser, try using Firefox.)

Throughout the report, normal health statuses are highlighted in green, warnings are highlighted in yellow, and conditions that require immediate action are highlighted in red. When viewing the report, you can hover your mouse over each statistic to display a message that describes how the statistic is calculated.

The report begins with a header that lists the statistics scale, the date and time the report was run, and an assessment of the overall health of the cluster. The following figure shows the report header:

  • The body of the report is divided into several sections:Couchbase — Alerts

    The alerts section contains a list of urgent issues that require immediate attention. For each issue, the report lists the symptoms detected, the impact of the issue, and the recommended corrective action to take. This section appears in the report only when urgent issues are detected. The following figure shows a portion of the alerts section of a report:

  • Couchbase Cluster Overview

    The cluster overview section contains cluster-wide metrics and metrics for each bucket and node in the cluster. This section appears in all reports. The following figure shows a portion of the cluster overview section of a report:

  • Couchbase — Warning Indicators

    The warning indicators section contains a list of issues that require attention. For each issue, the report lists the symptoms detected, the impact of the issue, and the recommended corrective action to take. This section appears in the report only when warning indicators are detected. The following figure shows a portion of the warning indicators section of a report:

cbreset_password tool

You use this tool to reset an administrative or read-only password. You can find this tool in the following locations, depending upon your platform:

Operating System Location
Linux /opt/couchbase/bin/tools/
Windows C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Server\bin\tools\
Mac OS X /Applications/Couchbase

To reset the administrative password:

./cbreset_password hostname:port

This will result in output as follows:

Please enter the new administrative password (or <Enter> for system generated password):

Enter a password of six characters or more or you can have the system generate one for you. After you enter a password or accept a generated one, the system will prompt you for confirmation:

Running this command will reset administrative password.
Do you really want to do it? (yes/no)yes

Upon success you will see this output:

Resetting administrative password...
Password for user Administrator was successfully replaced. New password is Uxye76FJ

There are a few possible errors from this command:

{error,<<"The password must be at least six characters.">>}

{error,<<"Failed to reset administrative password. Node is not initialized.">>}

The first one indicates you have not provided a password of adequate length. The second one indicates that Couchbase Server is not yet configured and running.

cbdocloader tool

You can use this tool to load a group of JSON documents in a given directory, or in a file. This is the underlying tool used during your initial Couchbase Server install which will optionally install two sample databases provided by Couchbase. You can find this tool in the following locations, depending upon your platform:

Operating System Location
Linux /opt/couchbase/bin/tools/
Windows C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Server\bin\tools\
Mac OS X /Applications/Couchbase

When you load documents as well as any associated design documents for views, you should use a directory structure similar to the following:

/design_docs    // which contains all the design docs for views.
/docs           // which contains all the raw json data files. This can contain other sub directories too.

All JSON files that you want to upload contain well-formatted JSON. Any file names should exclude spaces. If you want to upload JSON documents and design documents into Couchbase Server, be aware that the design documents will be uploaded after all JSON documents. The following are command options for cbdocloader :

-n HOST[:PORT], --node=HOST[:PORT] Default port is 8091

-u USERNAME, --user=USERNAME REST username of the cluster. It can be specified in environment variable REST_USERNAME.

-p PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD REST password of the cluster. It can be specified in environment variable REST_PASSWORD.

-b BUCKETNAME, --bucket=BUCKETNAME Specific bucket name. Default is default bucket. Bucket will be created if it does not exist.

-s QUOTA, RAM quota for the bucket. Unit is MB. Default is 100MB.

-h --help Show this help message and exit

The following is an example of uploading JSON from file:

./cbdocloader  -n localhost:8091 -u Administrator -p password -b mybucket ../samples/

Be aware that there are typically three types of errors that can occur: 1) the files are not well-formatted, 2) credentials are incorrect, or 3) the RAM quota for a new bucket to contain the JSON is too large given the current quota for Couchbase Server.

cbworkloadgen Tool

Tool that generates random data and perform read/writes for Couchbase Server. This is useful for testing your Couchbase node.

Operating System Location
Linux /opt/couchbase/bin/tools/
Windows C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Server\bin\tools\
Mac OS X /Applications/Couchbase

The following is the standard command format:

cbworkloadgen Usage:
cbworkloadgen -n host:port -u [username] -p [password]

Options are as follows:

-r [number] // % of workload will be writes, remainder will be reads
--ratio-sets=[number] // 95% of workload will be writes, 5% will be reads
-i [number]    // number of inserted items
-l // loop forever until interrupted by user
-t // set number of concurrent threads
-v // verbose mode

For example, to generate workload on a given Couchbase node and open port on that node:

> ./cbworkloadgen -n -u Administrator -p password

Will produce a result similar to the following if successful:

[####################] 100.0% (10527/10526 msgs)
bucket: default, msgs transferred...
       :                total |       last |    per sec
 batch :                   11 |         11 |        2.2
 byte  :               105270 |     105270 |    21497.9
 msg   :                10527 |      10527 |     2149.8

When you check the data bucket you will see 10000 new items of with random keys and values such as the following item:

pymc0    "MDAwMDAwMDAwMA=="

cbanalyze-core tool

Helper script to parse and analyze core dump from a Couchbase node. Depending upon your platform, this tool is at the following locations:

Operating System Location
Linux /opt/couchbase/bin/tools/
Windows Not Available on this platform.
Mac OS X /Applications/Couchbase