Quick Start

    • Developer Preview

      You will need a Docker daemon - on Linux use your respective package manager, on macOS or Windows you can use Docker Desktop.

      You will also need a Couchbase Server cluster running and accessible - if you do not already have a test cluster available, we recommend using Vagrant or Docker to start one up. Note that CMOS is built for Couchbase Server 7.0 and above, and Prometheus metrics may not be available on versions below 7.0.

      1. Run the container: docker run --rm -d -p 8080:8080 --name cmos couchbase/observability-stack:latest (if your Couchbase Server is running in Docker, you may need to set extra options to permit them to communicate)

      2. Browse to http://localhost:8080

      3. Click "Add Cluster" and follow the instructions

      When you are done testing, run docker stop cmos to clean up.