March 23, 2025
+ 12

Thank you for taking the time and effort to improve the Couchbase documentation.

Reporting Bugs and Requesting Enhancements

All bugs and enhancements for the Couchbase documentation are tracked using the DOC project issue board. If you find an error, or see room for improvement on a page, please don’t keep it to yourself. Even if you don’t plan to make the change yourself, we would still like to know what it is! Raise a DOC bug and someone on the team will look at it.

You can also raise a DOC issue by clicking the Feedback? button in the bottom-right corner of any page on this site.

How Do I Submit a Good DOC Issue?

Use a clear and descriptive title. For example, “Instructions for disabling THP on RHEL/CentOS 7 and later do not work.”

Describe the problem or enhancement in full. For any problem, describe it in detail, including any expected results and how they differ from the real results. Remember, the documentation team are not experts in every aspect of Couchbase. For that reason, be as descriptive as possible, providing the correct text or command. This drastically reduces the time it takes to resolve the issue. DOC-2056 is an example of a well-written DOC bug which allowed the assigned writer to make the necessary changes quickly.

Contributing Changes

If you want to contribute the changes to resolve an issue yourself, then this is greatly encouraged!

You can submit simple changes, such as typo fixes and minor clarifications, using the Simple Online Edits workflow. For more extensive content additions and updates, or if you prefer to work locally, see the Contributing Workflow.

Simple Online Edits

For simple changes, like fixing a typo or reworking a sentence, you can edit the content directly on GitHub by clicking the edit edit icon found on many of the documentation pages.

Once you’ve made your edits, replace the default commit message with a short description of your change, and click Commit Changes. Then follow the on-screen instructions to open a pull request.