Guide Types

    March 9, 2025
    + 12

    A Guide in Pendo can fall under one of the following main Guide types.

    Each Guide Type has its own content plan template, based on its specific content requirements.

    Guides also have specific guidelines for settings and Guide behavior inside Pendo.

    Guide Type Description

    Poll Guides

    Polls ask a user a specific question to obtain a measure of user sentiment towards a feature or product area.

    A Poll can ask for either:

    • open-ended feedback.

    • feedback based on a specific numeric scale (a rating) of 1-5.

    Tooltip Guides

    A Tooltip can be either an Additional Information Tooltip or a Prerequisite Tooltip.

    Additional Information Tooltips can:

    • Provide a brief explanation of a concept in the UI, to ease a friction point.

    • Point out to documentation for more information about a complex topic.

    Prerequisite Tooltips can:

    • Direct a user to another area of the UI to complete a prerequisite task.

    • Launch other guides (walkthroughs).

    UI Tour Guides

    UI Tours use a step-by-step structure to show users around the UI in a particular part of the interface.

    UI Tours focus on showing the UI and features, rather than tasks or specific workflows.

    Walkthrough Guides

    Walkthrough guides help users accomplish a specific task from the UI.

    Walkthroughs use a step-by-step structure to guide users through a workflow.