March 9, 2025
+ 12

Use the following guidance to write text for a Tooltip Guide.

A Tooltip can be either:

While Guide content changes based on the Tooltip type, some Guide configuration does not change:

Guide Name

Start the Guide Name with Tooltip -.

Use the Guide Goal that you identified when writing your Guide Plan to create the Guide Name.

Acceptable Not Acceptable

Tooltip - Set Query Context

Query Tooltip

Query Context Tooltip

Query Context

Set Query Context

Guide Layout

Use the following layouts depending on the type of Tooltip you want to create:

  • Additional Info Tooltip

  • Prereq Tooltip

Guide Category

All Tooltips must be assigned the Education > Education Guide Category.

Guide Settings

Use the following guidelines for Tooltip Guide settings.


Use the following guidelines for Styling settings.

Setting Description


Do not change the Theme for a Tooltip without a good reason and express permission.

Step 1 Name

Adding a name to the Step for a Tooltip is optional.


Enable the Caret.


Do not enable the Backdrop for a Tooltip.

Close Button

Enable the Close Button.


You should not need to change the default Width dimension for a Tooltip.

ARIA Label - Accessible Name

Use your Guide Name to provide an accessible name for the Tooltip. For example, Set Query Context Tooltip.


Leave the Role as Dialog.

Autofocus this step

Leave Autofocus this step enabled.

ARIA Label - Close Button

Leave as Close.


Use the following guidelines for Location settings.

Setting Description

Position On Page

Set to Relative to Element.

Position to Element

Use Auto, or choose the location that provides the best visual result. Make sure the Tooltip is fully visible and legible.

Anchor To Element

The Suggested Match option after you select an element with Anchor To Element will rarely be specific enough for reliable Guide display. You will need to edit the CSS with the Custom CSS option.

For some tips on syntax to try and use for targeting, see Using CSS Selectors in Feature Tagging.

Page Location

Set according to the needs of the Tooltip.

Usually, this should be Only on this page.

Some Guides may need to be displayed Sitewide.


All Tooltips should be set to activate through a Badge.

Badge Settings

Use the following guidelines for Badge Styling and Behavior.

Setting Description

Styling > Badge Icon

Use the A black circle with a white question mark inside. badge icon.

If the badge needs to display on a button that’s the same color as the badge, use the A white circle with a black question mark inside. icon.

Styling > Position

For accessibility, always set Position to Inline Right.

Styling > Offset

Set the Offset to achieve the best visual result. Keep the badge close to the specific element, but leave some breathing room.

Styling > Color

Set the color to Capella’s primary color: #0266C2.

Styling > Z-Index

You should not need to change the badge’s Z-Index.

Styling > ARIA Label - Accessible Name

Set to <Element Name> tooltip badge.

Behavior > Guide Behavior

Set to Show only on badge click.

Behavior > Badge Behavior

Set to Always show badge.

Behavior > Frequency

Set to Show every time.

Guide Content

Use the following guidelines for developing Guide content.

Guide content differs based on whether you are creating an Additional Information Tooltip or Prerequisite Tooltip.

Additional Information Tooltips

Additional Information Tooltips should only contain:

Don’t add an action button to Additional Information Tooltips.


The title for an Additional Information Tooltip should be What’s this feature? or What does this mean?

Titles must be in bold.

Body Text

In the body text for an Additional Information Tooltip:

Description Do Don’t

Avoid lengthy explanations for the target UI element. If you find yourself going over more than 2 short paragraphs, rethink the Tooltip.

Choose a database type:

  • Provisioned: Have greater control over your deployment, with features designed for heavier workloads.

  • Serverless: Let Couchbase manage your deployment while you focus on development.

Use a Provisioned database to manage all aspects of your Couchbase Capella database deployment. You can choose the combination of nodes and services that suits your workload needs, as well as the support plan you need for your database. Use a Serverless database to let Couchbase manage most aspects of your deployment for you.

Use links to give the user additional context and explanation through the documentation.

Use a project to organize the databases in your organization. For more details, see the Couchbase Documentation.

Projects organize and control access to databases and App Services in your organization. You can view the projects available to you on the Projects tab. You can create a project if you have the Project Creator or Organization Owner role. If you don’t have the Project Creator or Organization Owner role, you can only access and create databases and App Services in existing projects in your organization.

Use bold to emphasize UI element names.

Database Access

Database Access

Prerequisite Tooltips

Prerequisite Tooltips should contain:


In the title for a Prerequisite Tooltip:

Description Do Don’t

Write the title as an imperative phrase, starting with an action verb.

Set bucket, scope, and access

Configure database access credentials

Buckets, scopes, collections

Query Context

Write in sentence case, but match capitalization of named UI elements.

Set Query Context

Add a new bucket

Add Your Database Access Credentials

Add api key and secret

Don’t use any other punctuation aside from commas, where needed.

Set database name and region

Get API Key, API Secret, and API endpoint

Set your database name!

Are you sure you want to continue?

Body Text

In the body text for a Prerequisite Tooltip:

Description Do Don’t

Avoid lengthy explanations about the how and why for the Tooltip. Stick to 1 or 2 sentences.

To create a database, you need to create a project.

You need to create a project before you can create a database. All databases in Capella need to exist inside a project. You can select an existing project from the list, or you can go to the Projects tab to create a new project.

Clearly state the goal or benefit to the user, followed by where the Tooltip will take them in the UI.

To connect to your database, go to Database Access and add database access credentials.

Click Let’s go! to connect to your database.

Use links to give the user additional context and explanation through the documentation.

To create an App Service, create a compatible database. For more details, see the Couchbase Documentation.

You don’t have any compatible databases where you can create an App Service. You need to create a database to create an App Service. The database must have the Data, Index, and Query services. It must have at least one bucket, and not have an App Service currently linked to it.

Use bold to emphasize UI element names.

Database Access

Database Access

Action Button

Prerequisite Tooltips must have an action button.

The action button should always say Let’s go!.

Above the action button, make sure you add a code block with the following JavaScript, replacing the variables with the appropriate values:

if(!pendo.designerEnabled){ function getUrl(url) { // Get the query string from the current URL const queryParams =; // Append the query string to the specified URL, and add an optional permalink to another Pendo Guide at the destination URL const newUrl = url + queryParams + '$OPTIONAL_PENDO_PERMALINK'; // Open the new URL in a new window, '_blank'); } // Replace $PARTIAL_URL with everything after, stopping before the ? in the URL you want to go to pendo.dom('._pendo-button-primaryButton')[0].addEventListener("click", function () { getUrl('$PARTIAL_URL'); }); }