March 9, 2025
+ 12

Antora has 5 admonition types:

Do not use more than two admonitions back-to-back on a page, and do not overuse them.

Remember: if everything is important, nothing is.

If you need to add block or "compound" content to an admonition block, use a compound admonition, as described in the Admonitions.


Use a note when you:

  • Want to tell the user something that’s not critical.

  • Want the user to keep something in mind while working through a procedure.

  • Want to highlight a specific point in a concept.

For example:

If you used the default installation for Couchbase Server, you can find the command line clients inside your installation.
The document key must be unique for each document you insert.

Use other admonition types, like cautions and warnings for critical information.


Use a tip when you:

  • Want to tell the user about a shortcut or faster way of accomplishing a task.

  • Want to tell the user about something optional.

  • Want to let the user know something that’s useful, but isn’t considered that important.

You should also use a tip to let a user know when they can also accomplish a task from the API as well as the UI. Make sure to provide a link to the API documentation as well as the specific method, call, or class the user should use.

For example:

The maximum allowed value is 2147483648 seconds (68.096 years).
You can also press ENTER to submit your query.

You can also foo the bar from the Public Management API:


Use a warning when you:

  • Need to tell the user about something that could cause data loss or irreversible damage.

  • Need to tell the user about an irreversible action or critical piece of information.

For example:

Dropping a bucket is an irreversible action. You canot recover the data from a dropped bucket.
A deleted repository and its back-up data cannot be recovered.


Use a caution when you:

  • Need to tell the user that the code described or provided has not been extensively tested.

  • Need to tell the user about something that might cause an error.

For example:

Memcached buckets are deprecated. Use a Couchbase or Ephemeral bucket, instead.
You must modify the default number of replicas for a bucket. Otherwise, all key-value writes with durability enabled will fail.


Use an important when you:

  • Need to tell the user about something that’s changed across versions and does not work the same way.

Try to use an important at the top of a page or section.

For example:

In version 3.3 of the .NET SDK, foo no longer requires the bar parameter.