Set Up Documentation Repositories


      To contribute to the Couchbase Documentation, you need to get the repository that contains the documentation files onto your computer. For a quick overview on some terminology and concepts related to GitHub repositories, see About repositories in the GitHub Documentation.

      You only need to do these steps the first time you contribute to a repository.

      Find the Correct Repository

      To start, you need to know which Couchbase Documentation repository contains the files you need to edit.

      You can quickly find the correct repository for a page by using the edit Edit on GitHub button at the top of a page on the Couchbase Docs site.

      Couchbase Documentation repositories are usually prefixed with docs-.

      Clone the Repository

      Contributors from outside Couchbase need to fork documentation repositories to contribute changes. If you’re a Couchbase employee, DO NOT fork repositories to contribute to Couchbase Documentation.

      After you have found the repository that you want to work in, you need to clone it onto your computer:

      1. On the GitHub page for the repository, click Code.

      2. In the Local tab, do one of the following:

        1. To copy a command to use in your terminal, click HTTPS and then the Copy icon. Continue to Clone with the Command Line

        2. To clone the repository using GitHub Desktop, click Open with GitHub Desktop. Continue to Clone with GitHub Desktop.

        3. To clone the repository using VS Code, see Clone with VS Code.

      Clone with the Command Line

      To continue cloning the repository with the command line:

      1. Do one of the following:

        1. Create a new folder on your computer where you want to store the files for the new repository. Consider giving the folder the same name as the repository.

        2. Select an existing folder where you want to store the files for the new repository.

      2. Open a new terminal window.

      3. In your terminal, enter the following command, replacing <path/to/folder> with the path to your folder from Step 1, and press Enter:

        $ cd <path/to/folder>
      4. Type git clone, paste the URL you copied from GitHub, and press Enter. The command should look similar to the following:

        git clone

      Wait for the clone process to finish downloading the main branch of the repository onto your computer.

      Clone with GitHub Desktop

      To continue cloning the repository with GitHub Desktop, follow the instructions in the GitHub Desktop documentation.

      Wait for the clone process to finish downloading the main branch of the repository onto your computer.

      Clone with VS Code

      To clone a repository using VS Code, follow the instructions in the VS Code documentation.