Button Macro


      Use the Antora btn:[] Macro for buttons and named items that the user clicks in the UI. The button can be inside the step for a procedure, but the text does not need to be in a procedure to use the macro.

      For example, btn:[Submit] renders as Submit.

      The following UI elements are considered buttons:

      • Any clickable element that opens a dialog or pane.

      • Any clickable element that causes an action to happen.

      • Any clickable element that contains an icon.

      buttons examples
      A button might or might not have a defined border and color.

      When you need to describe a button in the UI:

      • Refer to the button by its name only. Do not add "button."

        For example, Submit.

      • Use the btn:[] macro to format the button.

      If a clickable element changes the screen or navigates the user away from their current location in the UI, use the Menu UI Macro, instead.

      For more information about how to use the Button Macro to format your documentation, see Button, Keyboard, and Menu UI Macros in the Contributing to the Documentation guide.