
    March 9, 2025
    + 12

    Headings are text components that mark off areas of Instruction Text or other interactive components in the UI.

    They can appear at the top of pages, dialogs, or break up sections of related components.

    To write headings in UI copy, use the following guidelines:

    Guideline Acceptable Not Acceptable


    Page, dialog, and section headings should either:

    • Be a simple noun-phrase that explains what the user can find on that page.

    • Start with a verb that accurately describes the action the user can take on that page.

    Configure services

    Database services



    Copy connection string


    Your Services

    Decision Dialogs should always have a heading written as a question, asking the user to confirm an action.

    Delete this database?

    Turn on this database?

    Create a bucket with these settings?

    Delete this database

    Database turn on

    Bucket creation


    Write all Decision Dialogs headings in sentence case.

    Write main headings that appear as part of pages in title case.

    Capitalize proper nouns or other terms that are capitalized elsewhere in the UI.

    There might be instances where it’s more appropriate to write other main headings in sentence case. Use your best judgment - are you writing more of a sentence, or just a single noun?

    Completed Maintenance Jobs

    Configure Database Access Credentials


    Delete This Database?

    self-managed targets


    Try to avoid adding commas (,), unless you need to list multiple items.

    Make sure to use the Oxford comma.

    Configure a Bucket, Scope, and Collection

    Configure a bucket scope and collection

    Configure a bucket, scope and collection

    Use question marks (?) if a heading is a question.

    Always write the heading as a question on Decision Dialogs.

    Delete this database?

    Turn on this database?

    Create a bucket with these settings?

    Delete this database

    Database turn on

    Bucket creation

    Never add a period (.) or exclamation mark (!) to the end of a heading.

    Schedule On/Off

    Set Schedule

    Set your schedule!

    Schedule database on/off.