Cloud Native Gateway
A direct gRPC interface to key Couchbase services, abstracting topology details behind a service endpoint.
The Couchbase Cloud Native Gateway (CNG) allows applications to access Couchbase through a set of RPC network endpoints based on gRPC, a Cloud Native Computing Foundation project.
In deployments without CNG, applications using Couchbase SDKs dynamically adjust to the cluster topology, building connections to individual nodes using a combination of memcached binary protocol and HTTP. There are some deployment scenarios, typically in cloud deployments based on Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift, where it is preferable to be able to abstract the topology details behind a service endpoint. This allows applications to connect to a single hostname and port and be load balanced across that service. All of the scale and elastic properties of Couchbase Server remain intact — such as scaling up or down the cluster, and upgrading the version being run. In these deployments, the application uses the Couchbase SDK with only configuration changes, and the Cloud Native Gateway handles topological changes.
For Kubernetes and OpenShift, this means the Cloud Native Gateway service can be exposed outside Kubernetes through standard Kubernetes networking configuration.
Specifically, this means when deployed, you can build upon the Ingress and Gateway networking in Kubernetes to expose that service outside the Kubernetes / OpenShift cluster to applications running outside Kubernetes.
You can define Kubernetes LoadBalancers
and OpenShift Routes
to access the CouchbaseCluster
with the Cloud Native Gateway service defined.
This also allows deployers to work with other parts of the Cloud Native ecosystem, such as Istio, Krakkend, many gRPC proxies, many observability tools, and so on. There is a direct gRPC interface to the Data, Query, and FTS (Search) services in the Couchbase Cluster. This can be useful in the rare cases where an SDK may not exist for your language or you want to just use a small feature such as a Functions as a Service (FaaS, a.k.a. Lambda) type deployment.
gRPC was chosen because it aligns well to the low latency performance of Couchbase — gRPC over HTTP/2 is an efficient binary wire protocol which can be efficiently marshaled to the native services of Couchbase Server. |
How it is Deployed
The Cloud Native Gateway runs as a sidecar image to every Couchbase Server node in a cluster. This sidecar is set up and managed by the Couchbase Autonomous Operator.
When deploying a Couchbase Cluster in Kubernetes, you will define a CouchbaseCluster
Starting with release 2.6.1, the object definition allows you to add a cloudNativeGateway
object to add the Cloud Native Gateway to your cluster and create a Service
For example:
image: couchbase/cloud-native-gateway:1.0.0
serverSecretName: secret-for-cng
At the moment, adding CNG to an existing cluster requires a rebalance which will create new pods and move data. For compatibility with commonly deployed Kubernetes and OpenShift releases, the Couchbase Autonomous Operator cannot yet use some of the newer features for sidecar management. |
Monitoring Health
Metrics for a number of CNG functions are available.
In this release, metrics are volatile interface stability. This means that the metrics may change in updated releases, even maintenance releases. Please consider this interface stability when planning system monitoring. |
Logs for the Cloud Native Gateway are available via kubectl logs
and are collected with the cbopinfo command when creating a logs archive.
One way you may view the logs is through the standard kubectl logs
specifying the container:
console$ kubectl logs pod/mycluster-0000 -c cloud-native-gateway
Using grpcurl to Verify
A common utility, gRPCurl, which is "like curl, but for gRPC", can be used to verify that the Cloud Native Gateway is accessible from another environment. The gRPC standard health check is a simple way to do this.
First, forward a port to any of the nodes in your defined cluster:
console$ kubectl port-forward pod/mycluster-0000 18098:18098
Then call it with grpcurl
against a default Health/Check
once you have the definition.
To get the RPC definition:
console$ curl -o health.proto
Then check against the healthcheck
endpoint with:
console$ grpcurl --insecure -proto health.proto -d '{ "service": "hello" }' localhost:18098
And you should see a response:
console{ "status": "SERVING" }
Upgrade Considerations
The Cloud Native Gateway container can be upgraded independently of the rest of a deployment.
This makes applying maintenance fixes easy and targeted while allowing deployments to minimize the software running.
To upgrade to a newer version of CNG listed as compatible in the system requirements,
simply update the image
in the deployment via normal Kubernetes or OpenShift tooling.
Changing the image used for the cloudNativeGateway requires a rebalance at this time.
In the future, we expect to be able to improve this through the Kubernetes sidecar APIs.
At the time of writing (February 2024), these are not available on OpenShift or from Kubernetes at popular Cloud Service Providers.
Platform Integration
As the Cloud Native Gateway is a standard gRPC over HTTP/2 service, it can be accessed as a service within Kubernetes. More often though, the reason to deploy CNG is to expose it outside K8S.
The details of deploying an HTTP service should be taken from the Kubernetes documentation, or the documentation from the platform you are using. Here are some examples of configurations we have used and tested.
Creating OpenShift Routes
OpenShift has a number of ways you may create and manage routes. Any method is acceptable.
To create a passthrough
Route, which secures communication between the application and CNG via TLS, you would create a Route
with the oc
command line:
console$ oc create route passthrough --service mycluster-cloud-native-gateway-service --port 443
Note, you can run oc get services
to get the name of the service associated with your CouchbaseCluster
Creating AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service LoadBalancers
The most common way to create a LoadBalancer
through EKS is to create a deployment YAML file which you would then kubectl apply
yamlapiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: mycluster-cng-service-loadbalancer
type: LoadBalancer
app: mycluster-cloud-native-gateway-service
- protocol: TCP
port: 443
targetPort: 443
AWS LoadBalancers have a number of advanced options which you may want to use for your deployment. For example, you may wish to use a different DNS domain to match the planned certificate you will use with CNG.