Forwarding Couchbase Logs with Fluent Bit
Learn how to configure the Autonomous Operator to forward Couchbase logs using Fluent Bit.
Tutorials are accurate at the time of writing but rely heavily on third party software. Tutorials are provided to demonstrate how a particular problem may be solved. Use of third party software is not supported by Couchbase. For further help in the event of a problem, contact the relevant software maintainer. |
Having a containerized application’s logs available on standard console output is desirable in Kubernetes environments, since it allows for simple debugging, as well as standards-based integration with centralized log management systems running in a Kubernetes cluster.
Unfortunately, the Couchbase Server container doesn’t natively write its logs to standard console output.
Instead, the default behavior of the Couchbase Server container (in deployments managed by the Autonomous Operator) is to write its various log files to the default
or logs
persistent volumes.
However, as of version 2.2, the Autonomous Operator can optionally deploy and manage a third party log processor on each Couchbase pod which enables Couchbase Server logs to be forwarded to the log processor’s standard console output as well as other destinations. This guide will walk you through an example of how to configure log forwarding for a Couchbase deployment using the Couchbase-supplied log processor image based on Fluent Bit.
Examples are provided for forwarding logs to Loki and Elasticsearch, as well as how to target Azure blob storage and Amazon S3 storage for Couchbase Server audit logs. An example for configuring log redaction is also shown to demonstrate how the log forwarding solution can redact logs in-flight.
Before You Begin
This tutorial assumes that you have already installed the Autonomous Operator. The Autonomous Operator needs to be running in the same namespace where you deploy the Couchbase cluster in the Configure the Couchbase Cluster section below.
Configure the Couchbase Cluster
Log forwarding is enabled via the CouchbaseCluster
resource specification.
The following example contains a basic Couchbase cluster deployment configuration that already has log forwarding configured.
Important non-default settings are called out and described.
It is not a requirement that log forwarding be configured when the cluster is first deployed. You can always enable and configure log forwarding post-deployment. |
yamlapiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: cb-example-auth
type: Opaque
username: QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcg== # Administrator
password: cGFzc3dvcmQ= # password
kind: CouchbaseBucket
name: default
kind: CouchbaseCluster
name: cb-example
enabled: true (1)
manageConfiguration: true
configurationName: "fluent-bit-config"
image: "couchbase/fluent-bit:1.2.3"
enabled: true (2)
pruneAge: "1h" (3)
image: couchbase/server:7.6.0
fsGroup: 1000
adminSecret: cb-example-auth
managed: true
- size: 3
name: all_services
- data
- index
- query
- search
- eventing
- analytics
default: couchbase
volumeClaimTemplates: (4)
- metadata:
name: couchbase
storage: 1Gi
1 | couchbaseclusters.spec.logging.server.enabled : Setting this field to true enables the logging sidecar container.
This field normally defaults to false .
This is technically the only field that needs to be modified in order to enable log forwarding. The Autonomous Operator will default to pulling the Couchbase-supplied log processor image from the Docker public registry. |
2 | couchbaseclusters.spec.logging.audit.enabled : Setting this field to true enables audit logging on the Couchbase cluster.
This field normally defaults to false .
Unlike other Couchbase logging, audit logging is not turned on by default. Since some of the examples in this tutorial utilize audit logs, we want to make sure it is turned on. |
3 | couchbaseclusters.spec.logging.audit.rotation.pruneAge : Setting this field to a time period enables garbage collection of rotated audit logs using Couchbase Servers
native audit log cleanup available in Couchbase Server 7.2.4+.
This field normally defaults to 0 . |
4 | couchbaseclusters.spec.volumeClaimTemplates : This setting is not specifically for log forwarding, it is purely that log forwarding requires a persistent volume to access the logs so this shows an example of how to set one up.
Refer to the storage documentation for your platform as well as the Couchbase documentation for full details.
You may want to tweak the resources allocated for example or the storage class. |
Copy the example cluster deployment configuration from above and save it to a file.
(In this case we’ve named the file couchbase-cluster-log-forwarding.yaml
Run the following command to deploy it into Kubernetes:
console$ kubectl apply -f couchbase-cluster-log-forwarding.yaml
Note that the Autonomous Operator must already be deployed and running in the current namespace in order for the above command to succeed (refer to the prerequisites).
Next, verify that the cluster has been deployed successfully.
console$ kubectl get pods
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE cb-example-0000 1/1 Running 0 1m cb-example-0001 1/1 Running 0 1m cb-example-0002 1/1 Running 0 1m couchbase-operator-1917615544-pd4q6 1/1 Running 0 8m
You should observe the three Couchbase pods that were created according to the cluster configuration, and they should each have a status of RUNNING
With the Couchbase cluster successfully deployed, you should now be able to observe Couchbase log events on the standard output of the logging
container of each pod.
console$ kubectl logs cb-example-0000 logging
Example log event on standard console output:
[1615311121.859344000, {"filename":"/fluent-bit/test/logs/memcached.log.000000.txt","timestamp":"2021-03-09T17:32:01.859344+00:00","level":"INFO","message":"Couchbase version 7.2.3-7909 starting."}]
You’ll notice that processed log events are structured messages with keys and values:
"message":"Couchbase version 7.2.3-7909 starting."
The default configuration used has support for Elasticsearch, Loki, Splunk and standard console output as destinations for logs. However, everything aside from standard console output will not match any streams by default. See Configure Log Forwarding for how to enable them.
Now that we’ve successfully implemented the default configuration for processing and forwarding Couchbase logs to standard console output, we can move on to the next section where we’ll explore how to customize the configuration to do things like apply different types of parsing and redaction to specific logs, as well as forward those logs to multiple different locations.
Customize the Log Forwarding Configuration
The log forwarding configuration determines how the logging
sidecar container processes and forwards Couchbase logs.
Since this configuration can contain sensitive information, it is stored in a Kubernetes Secret.
When we created the Couchbase cluster in the previous section, the Autonomous Operator automatically created a default log forwarding configuration Secret with the name fluent-bit-config
We’ll be modifying this Secret in order to implement our own custom configuration.
Allow Custom Configurations
Before we can modify the fluent-bit-config
secret, we’ll first need to modify the CouchbaseCluster
resource to allow custom log forwarding configurations.
console$ kubectl patch cbc cb-example -p '{"spec":{"logging": {"server": {"manageConfiguration": false}}}}'
Patching your CouchbaseCluster
resource so that couchbaseclusters.spec.logging.server.manageConfiguration
is set to false
Now that we’ve successfully allowed our Couchbase cluster to use custom log forwarding configurations, let’s get to customizing!
Create a Custom Configuration
Since the Couchbase-supplied default log processor image is based on Fluent Bit, you can technically customize the log forwarding configuration with any kind of configuration that is supported by Fluent Bit. In addition, the default image also contains built-in parsers, redaction scripts, and other configuration files — all of which can be selectively utilized in your custom configuration.
The following is an example of a custom log forwarding configuration Secret that limits the number of Couchbase logs that are processed and forwarded to just the Couchbase audit log:
yamlapiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: fluent-bit-config
fluent-bit.conf: |(1)
flush 1
daemon Off
log_level Warning
parsers_file /fluent-bit/etc/parsers-couchbase.conf(2)
# Include audit log only
@include /fluent-bit/etc/couchbase/in-audit-log.conf(3)
# Send to the standard output
name stdout
match couchbase.log.*(4)
1 | stringData.fluent-bit.conf : Log forwarding configuration files are defined in the stringData field of the Secret.
The fluent-bit.conf file is specified with a field that starts with a space and a vertical bar (| ), followed by the contents of the main configuration.
Note that Fluent Bit is very particular about its format and schema — files must all follow the same indentation. |
2 | /fluent-bit/etc/parsers-couchbase.conf : This is the path to the built-in file that contains all of the default parser configurations in the Couchbase-supplied log processor image (you can view this file on GitHub). |
3 | @include /fluent-bit/etc/couchbase/in-audit-log.conf : This is the path to the built-in file that contains the input configuration that processes just the Couchbase audit log (you can view this file on GitHub).
Since we want to limit the Couchbase logs being processed to just the audit log, we want to make sure that we only include the input configuration file for the audit log. |
4 | couchbase.log.* : By default, all parsed Couchbase log events are tagged with couchbase.log.<name-of-log> .
The default output configuration then uses the wildcard match couchbase.log.* to forward all tagged Couchbase logs to the output.
However, because we defined a single input configuration that only processes the audit log, we are free to leave the default wildcard match.
This is because the only log events that will be available for output will be those from the audit log. |
This log forwarding configuration assumes that you’ve already enabled Couchbase audit logging in the CouchbaseCluster resource.
If you deployed the example cluster configuration from earlier in this tutorial, then audit logging is already enabled and no action is necessary.
Copy the above secret configuration and save it to a file.
Make sure to check for any formatting issues when copying from HTML to text format for YAML.
(In this case we’ve named the file fluent-bit-config.yaml
Run the following command to deploy it into Kubernetes:
console$ kubectl apply -f fluent-bit-config.yaml
Once the Secret is updated in Kubernetes, the configuration changes will be populated into the volume that is mounted in the logging
sidecar container on each Couchbase pod.
The logging
container’s watcher process will detect the new configuration, and restart Fluent internally to consume the new configuration.
Once Fluent Bit restarts, only audit log events will be processed and forwarded to standard console output.
The ability to restart Fluent Bit internally is a special characteristic of the Couchbase-supplied log processor image. If you’re using a custom sidecar container image, be aware that Fluent Bit, on its own, does not currently support dynamic reload of its configuration. Also note that the Couchbase-supplied log forwarding implementation does not currently support log buffering during restart. Therefore, log events that occur while Fluent Bit is restarting may be lost. |
If you want to check the configuration then a simple base64 decode command can be run using the Kubernetes Secret
console$ kubectl get secret "fluent-bit-config" -o go-template='{{range $k,$v := .data}}{{printf "%s: " $k}}{{if not $v}}{{$v}}{{else}}{{$v | base64decode}}{{end}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'
Next Steps
Now that you’ve successfully implemented some basic log forwarding customizations, we recommend that you try out some of the other examples in this tutorial. These examples should help you get an even better idea of the capabilities of both Fluent Bit and the Autonomous Operator when it comes to processing and forwarding Couchbase logs.
Example: Loki Stack
This example assumes you’ve deployed the CouchbaseCluster resource described at the beginning of the tutorial. It also assumes that you are familiar with how to customize a log forwarding configuration. |
A simple approach to deploy a full logging and monitoring solution is to use a Loki Stack.
A stack that includes a Fluent Bit daemonset
(node logs), Loki, Grafana, and Prometheus, provides a nice and simple integrated solution for monitoring and logging.
You can deploy this stack using a Helm chart.
Once you have Helm installed, add the chart repository:
consolehelm repo add grafana
The following command installs the chart in the default namespace:
consolehelm upgrade --install loki grafana/loki-stack \ --set fluent-bit.enabled=false,grafana.enabled=true,prometheus.enabled=true,prometheus.alertmanager.persistentVolume.enabled=false,prometheus.server.persistentVolume.enabled=false
The above command was borrowed and modified from the official Loki documentation, where you can find further details on how to then use Grafana and configure the stack how you might want in your cluster.
Once the chart is deployed, you can update the Couchbase Cluster to forward logs to Loki by adding the correct annotation as per below.
kind: CouchbaseCluster
name: cb-example
- size: 3
name: all_services
annotations: "*"
You can retrieve the Grafana admin secret and do any port forwarding or similar required:
consolekubectl get secret loki-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo kubectl port-forward service/loki-grafana 3000:80
In order to have alerting on logs through the UI, you’ll need to use Grafana 7.5 or higher. |
Example: Elasticsearch
This example assumes you’ve deployed the CouchbaseCluster resource described at the beginning of the tutorial. It also assumes that you are familiar with how to customize a log forwarding configuration. |
An Elasticsearch deployment or StatefulSet can provide a good integrated solution for monitoring and logging. A basic deployment configuration with a single replica is shown below.
yamlkind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: elasticsearch
app: elasticsearch
app: elasticsearch
clusterIP: None
- port: 9200
name: rest
- port: 9300
name: inter-node
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
name: es-cluster
serviceName: elasticsearch
replicas: 1
app: elasticsearch
app: elasticsearch
- name: elasticsearch
cpu: 1000m
cpu: 100m
- containerPort: 9200
name: rest
protocol: TCP
- containerPort: 9300
name: inter-node
protocol: TCP
- name:
value: k8s-logs
- name:
- name: discovery.seed_hosts
value: "es-cluster-0.elasticsearch"
- name: cluster.initial_master_nodes
value: "es-cluster-0"
- name: ES_JAVA_OPTS
value: "-Xms512m -Xmx512m"
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: kibana
app: kibana
- port: 5601
app: kibana
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: kibana
app: kibana
replicas: 1
app: kibana
app: kibana
- name: kibana
cpu: 1000m
cpu: 100m
value: http://elasticsearch:9200
- containerPort: 5601
This needs to be deployed in the same namespace as the Couchbase cluster, otherwise the service URL will need to be explicit (include the namespace) in the log configuration.
Once the Elasticsearch deployment is in place, we can update the stream match for the Elasticsearch output.
kind: CouchbaseCluster
name: cb-example
- size: 3
name: all_services
annotations: "*"
Example: Azure Blob Storage
This example assumes you’ve deployed the CouchbaseCluster resource described at the beginning of the tutorial. It also assumes that you are familiar with how to customize a log forwarding configuration. |
This example shows you how to forward audit logs to an Azure endpoint. The main area to manage is the output configuration, so in the following example we’ve simply included the default configuration file and then appended an output to Azure Blob Storage:
yamlapiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: fluent-bit-config
fluent-bit.conf: |
# Just include the normal file and append to it the Azure Blob output
@include /fluent-bit/etc/fluent-bit.conf
# Output only audit log by default
name azure_blob
match couchbase.log.audit
account_name YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME
shared_key YOUR_SHARED_KEY
path kubernetes
container_name logs
auto_create_container on
tls on
1 | Make sure to specify your details for account_name and shared_key , along with things like the container_name and path .
All the various options are described in the official Fluent Bit documentation for the Azure Blob output plugin. |
To simplify testing, the Azurite
emulator can be used.
yamlapiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: azurite
app: azurite
- port: 10000
app: azurite
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: azurite-deployment
app: azurite
replicas: 1
app: azurite
app: azurite
- name: azurite
- containerPort: 10000
The log forwarding configuration then becomes:
yamlapiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: fluent-bit-config
fluent-bit.conf: |
# Just include the normal file and append to it the Azure Blob output
@include /fluent-bit/etc/fluent-bit.conf
# Output only audit log by default
name azure_blob
match couchbase.log.audit
account_name devstoreaccount1
shared_key Eby8vdM02xNOcqFlqUwJPLlmEtlCDXJ1OUzFT50uSRZ6IFsuFq2UVErCz4I6tq/K1SZFPTOtr/KBHBeksoGMGw==
path kubernetes
container_name logs
auto_create_container on
tls off
emulator_mode on
endpoint azurite:10000
Example: Amazon S3
This example assumes you’ve deployed the CouchbaseCluster resource described at the beginning of the tutorial. It also assumes that you are familiar with how to customize a log forwarding configuration. |
This example shows you how to forward audit logs to an Amazon S3 endpoint. The main area to manage is the output configuration, so in the following example we’ve simply included the default configuration file and then appended an output to the S3 cloud object store:
yamlapiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: fluent-bit-config
fluent-bit.conf: |
# Just include the normal file and append to it the S3 output
@include /fluent-bit/etc/fluent-bit.conf
# Output only audit log by default
[OUTPUT] (1)
Name s3
Match couchbase.log.audit
bucket my-bucket
region us-west-2
total_file_size 250M
s3_key_format /$TAG[2]/$TAG[0]/%Y/%m/%d/%H/%M/%S/$UUID.gz
s3_key_format_tag_delimiters .-
1 | Note that the role_arn key is an important setting to specify if not using something like instance roles.
All the various options are described in the official Fluent Bit documentation for the Amazon S3 output plugin. |
Log Redaction In-flight
This example assumes you’ve deployed the CouchbaseCluster resource described at the beginning of the tutorial. It also assumes that you are familiar with how to customize a log forwarding configuration. |
Fluent Bit provides some very powerful facilities to mutate the log lines before they even leave the container. These facilities can be effectively utilized to redact sensitive information from log events.
When Couchbase Server writes an event to a log file, it encases certain sensitive information in special tags.
Therefore, the goal of redaction is to remove or replace the contents of the <ud>…</ud>
tags in the string.
There are two main approaches we can take:
Just remove the entire line
Replace or remove redacted content within the line
The first approach can be provided by a simple grep filter within Fluent Bit.
The following configuration will filter out any entries for the message
key that match a regex:
console[FILTER] Name grep Match * Exclude message \<ud\>
However, the Couchbase-supplied log processor image provides optional support for the second approach, whereby the contents of the <ud>…</ud>
tags are hashed before the log events are forwarded to standard console output or other locations.
This selective log redaction is currently facilitated by a LUA filter that leverages a Couchbase-supplied LUA script and a third-party SHA-1 hashing library, both of which are included in the default log processor image.
Log redaction isn’t enabled by default, so we’ll need to enable it by customizing the log forwarding configuration. The following example generates a sample message to redact using the Fluent Bit dummy plugin:
# Simple test generator for redaction
Name dummy
Tag couchbase.redact.test
Dummy {"message": "Cats are <ud>sma#@&*+-.!!!!!rter</ud> than dogs, and <ud>sheeps</ud>"}
# Redaction of fields
Name lua
# Typically this would be a couchbase.log.X tag instead you match on, this is just for the test here
Match couchbase.redact.*
script redaction.lua
call cb_sub_message
# Now rewrite the tags for redacted information - not required if redacting normal logs
Name rewrite_tag
Match couchbase.redact.*
Rule message .* couchbase.log.$TAG[2] false
name stdout
match couchbase.log.*
When run, this will output something like the following showing the redacted strings as hashes:
[0] couchbase.logs.test: [1616146713.035099437, {"message"=>"Cats are <ud>00b335216f27c1e7d35149b5bbfe19d4eb2d6af1</ud> than dogs, and <ud>888f807d45ff6ce47240c7ed4e884a6f9dc7b4fb</ud>"}] [0] couchbase.logs.test: [1616146714.035226932, {"message"=>"Cats are <ud>00b335216f27c1e7d35149b5bbfe19d4eb2d6af1</ud> than dogs, and <ud>888f807d45ff6ce47240c7ed4e884a6f9dc7b4fb</ud>"}] [0] couchbase.logs.test: [1616146715.035028818, {"message"=>"Cats are <ud>00b335216f27c1e7d35149b5bbfe19d4eb2d6af1</ud> than dogs, and <ud>888f807d45ff6ce47240c7ed4e884a6f9dc7b4fb</ud>"}]
For redaction we recommend only matching those streams you want to redact to reduce the load. LUA scripting has an overhead and it is recommended to use an extra Fluent Bit worker thread at least if you enable it. A salt for redaction can be provided in the logging configuration secret by specifying it in the |