Managing a Sync Gateway Cluster
Collecting logs from your Sync Gateway cluster
Tutorials are accurate at the time of writing but rely heavily on third party software. Tutorials are provided to demonstrate how a particular problem may be solved. Use of third party software is not supported by Couchbase. For further help in the event of a problem, contact the relevant software maintainer. |
Troubleshooting and Log Collection
This tutorial provides guidance on how to diagnose and troubleshoot problems with the Sync Gateway deployment on Kubernetes.
When troubleshooting, it is important to rule out Kubernetes itself as the root cause of the problem you are experiencing. See the Kubernetes Troubleshooting guide for information about debugging applications within a Kubernetes cluster. For troubleshooting a Couchbase Server deployment using the Couchbase operator, please refer to our guide.
The location of the Sync Gateway logs within a pod is specified with the "logging" key in the Sync Gateway configuration file (see logging guide)
To view or fetch the logs from a Sync Gateway pod, you must first identify the Sync Gateway pods in your deployment using the following command.
console$ kubectl get pods
Your response will include a list of sync gateway pods in your deployment
Using sgcollect_info
is a command line utility with detailed statistics for a specific Sync Gateway node.
This tool must be run on each node individually.
The sgcollect_info
tool is bundled as part of the Sync Gateway container image.
You have two options on how to retrieve the logs from the Sync Gateway pods.
Option 1
You can trigger the execution of the sgcollect_info
tool on each individual pod using the _sgcollect_info
REST endpoint.
In order to do this, you would need access to the admin port. As recommended, the admin port is expected to only be accessible from within the Sync Gateway pod.
Identify list of Sync Gateway Pods
Run the following command to get list of sync gateway pods. Repeat the steps in the [Triggering sgcollect_info] section for every pod listed in the output.
console$ kubectl get pods -o=name | grep sync-gateway
Set up Port Forwarding
Run following command to set up port forwarding from your local machine to admin port on the Sync Gateway pod. This command assumes the default admin port of 4985. If you have configured your sync gateway to use an alternative admin port, replace that in the command below
console$ kubectl port-forward <pod_id> 4985:4985
Triggering sgcollect_info
Trigger the execution of the sgcollect_info
tool on the Sync Gateway pod using the POST _sgcollect_info
REST endpoint.
This is an example of the command.
The example below outputs the logs to local directory. Instead, Enterprise customers can use this endpoint to automatically upload it to Couchbase support servers. |
console$ curl -X POST \
http://localhost:4985/_sgcollect_info \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"output_dir": "/home/sync_gateway/logs",
"upload": false
Monitor the status of the log collection
Use the GET _sgcollect_info
REST endpoint to monitor the status of the log collection.
This is an example of the command.
Wait until the status reported back is not running
console$ curl -X GET \
http://localhost:4985/_sgcollect_info \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Copy Log Files
This is an optional step and is only required if you had opted to not directly upload documents to the Couchbase support servers.
This would be the case if you are intending to troubleshoot yourself.
Once sgcollect_info
has completed, you can copy the output .zip file from each of the pods to your local machine for further analysis.
console$ kubectl cp <pod-id>:/home/sync_gateway/logs/* .
Option 2
This option is less secure than the option discussed in the previous section as it uses kubectl exec
to trigger the execution of
for a specific Sync Gateway node.
This tool must be run on each Sync Gateway node individually.
The sgcollect_info
tool is bundled as part of the Sync Gateway container image.
Collecting logs on a pod
To collect logs on a specific pod, run sgcollect_info
using the kubectl
exec command.
The following command runs sgcollect_info
on the specified pod and outputs the results to an file.
console$ kubectl exec <pod_id> -- /opt/couchbase-sync-gateway/tools/sgcollect_info /tmp/
Coping log output from pod
To copy the sgcollect_info
generated output from the pod, use the kubectl
console$ kubectl cp <pod_id>:/tmp/ .
Convenience Scripts
Collecting sgcollect_info
logs from all pods
The following script runs sgcollect_info
on all the pods and to copy the zipped files over to the current folder.
sh#! /bin/sh
for pod in `kubectl get pods -o=name | grep sync-gateway | sed "s/^.\{4\}//"`
echo "Running sgcollect_info to generate $LOGFILE"
kubectl exec $pod -- /opt/couchbase-sync-gateway/tools/sgcollect_info $LOGFILE
echo "copying $pod:$LOGFILE to current folder"
kubectl cp $pod:$LOGFILE .
Rolling Upgrades of Sync Gateway Nodes
A deployment controller facilitates a rolling upgrade of the Sync Gateway nodes in the cluster and the load balancer will automatically take care of redirecting the traffic to the remaining nodes.
A deployment that is configured to have a single Sync Gateway import node will experience some latency in processing write requests until the import node comes back up again.
For example, to upgrade the version of the Sync Gateway, update the corresponding deployment configuration file and re-apply that to the cluster:
console$ kubectl apply -f sgw-deployment-upgrade.yaml
Verify the status of the rollout as follows:
console$ kubectl rollout status deployment sync-gateway
The deployment controller will ensure that at least one replica is available to serve the incoming requests while the other replicas are being upgraded. The load balancer will automatically redirect all requests to the remaining nodes.
If the upgrade fails for any reason, rollback or undo the rollout with the following command:
console$ kubectl rollout undo deployment sync-gateway
Upgrading the Kubernetes Cluster
Refer to the following Couchbase Operator guide for a discussion about upgrading the Kubernetes cluster for the Couchbase deployment.