March 9, 2025
+ 12

How to control read/write/delete access using Sync Gateway’s Sync Function API to ensure secure access to data in cloud-to-edge enterprise data synchronization.

Related topics: Create Role | Create User | Add Role to User | Allow Access | Verify Access | Write Access

Related Concepts: Access control Model | Channels | Users | Roles

Read Access Control

Channels form the core of the Sync Gateway Access Control model.

Every document in the database is assigned a list of channels it is distributed to. Every user (or role) is granted access to a list of channels — as shown in Example 1.

Channels can be user-defined or they can be system channels (like the public, all-docs, wildcard)

This dual-purpose is reflected in the way you use channels:

  • By granting a user (or role) access to a channel, you are imposing access control. Users can only access documents that are channels that they have been granted access to.

  • By assigning a document to a channel you are imposing document routing and data segregation

You grant roles and-or users access to channels using:

  • Admin REST API
    Using admin_channels property using the admin REST API endpoint — see /{tkn-db}/_user/{name}

  • Dynamically via Sync Function 
     Programmatically within the sync function using the exposed helper function access() — see Sync Function API

  • Configuration File (pre 3.0)
    Using the appropriate admin_channels property in the Legacy Pre-3.0 Configuration.
    Note: This option is disabled by default in 3.0; to use it, set the disable_persistent_config CLI or configuration file property flag to true and provide a full configuration

Example 1. Allow Access

Add a channel to an existing user by sending a PUT request to the Admin REST API _role endpoint (/{tkn-db}/_role/{name} ).

Specify the roles to be assigned in the admin_channels array.

$ curl -vX PUT "http://localhost:4985/mydatabase/_user/{user}" -H (1) "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "admin_channels": ["Channel1","Channel3]}' (2)
1 {user} is the user name to be updated, e.g. "Edge1User"
2 Here we add Channel1 and Channel3 to the user

Write Access Control

Channels enforce read access control to the documents. Any user who has access to a document can update the document.

Write access can be enforced at a document property level by implementing suitable logic within the Sync Function, using its helper functions to control the users allowed to make document updates and deletions — as shown in Example 2.

You can build user validation into your Sync Function. For example, you can require that the user making the change has a specific name, role or channel access — as shown in Example 3. Do this using any combination of: requireUser(), requireRole() or requireAccess().

Note that when sending a change to Sync Gateway through the Admin REST API, the Sync Function executes with admin privileges. Calls to requireUser, requireAccess and requireRole will be no-ops, and will always appear successful.

Example 2. Check Write Access

This example shows Sync Function logic that allows only the document owner to make changes. It does so by requiring that the current user is the one recorded as an owner on the old document.

This example makes use of channel data stored in XATTRS, an option introduced in 3.0 — see Use XATTRs for Access Grants for more on this topic.

function (doc, oldDoc, meta) { (1) if (oldDoc) { requireUser(oldDoc.owner); (2) } if (meta.xattr.channelxattr) { requireAccess(meta.xattr.channelxattr); (3) } else { throw("No channel access granted") (4) } }
1 Note the additional, optional, meta argument, which gives acsess to XATTR objects.
2 If the user making the change is not an owner of the pre-change document, an exception is thrown and the update is rejected with an error.
3 Here we check the designated XATTR for the document channel(s) and require the user making the change to have access to on or more of the channels.
4 If the XATTR is not set we throw an exception.
Example 3. Helper Function examples

Here we show various ways to use some of the Sync Function API’s helper functions:

requireUser("snej") (1) requireUser(["snej", "jchris", "tleyden"]) (2) requireRole("admin") (3) requireRole(["admin", "old-timer"]) (4) requireAccess("events") (5) requireAccess(["events", "messages"]) (6)
1 throw an error if username is not "snej"
2 throw if username is not in the list
3 throw an error unless the user has the "admin" role
4 throw an error unless the user has one of those roles
5 throw an error unless the user has access to read the "events" channel
6 throw an error unless the can read one of these channels