Couchbase Lite Release Notes
Couchbase Lite Release Notes
For an overview of the latest features offered in Couchbase Lite 3.2.0, see New in 3.2 |
Couchbase Lite Release Notes
No new deprecations for GA release
For an overview of the latest features offered in Couchbase Lite 3.2.0, see New in 3.2 |
Couchbase Lite Release Notes
Issues and Resolutions
CBL-3846 - Fixed corrupt Revision Data error when saving documents
CBL-4247 - Fixed Replicator binary logs with collections cannot be decoded
CBL-4326 - Fixed opening the upgraded database from 2.8 to 3.0.2 is slow
CBL-4334 - Fixed Data getting corrupted during collection replication
CBL-4390 - Fixed The URL Scheme the HTTP Message is incorrect when using proxy
CBL-4391 - Fixed Stop replicator could cause 'database is locked' error when saving a document
CBL-4470 - Fixed FLTimestamp_ToString() could return a slice with a wrong size
CBL-4499 - Fixed Replicator may get stuck when there is an error of "Invalid delta"
CBL-4547 - Allow DictKeys to cache shared keys from query results
CBL-4568 - Fixed URLEndpointListener.getURLs returns an empty list on Android v>=11
CBL-4639 - Use FTS match() in the WHERE clause of LEFT OUTER JOINS Not Returning Correct Result
CBL-4801 - Fixed opening an old db is slow in V3.1 the first time
CBL-4802 - Fixed websocket implementation unable to handle continuation fragments
CBL-4838 - Fixed Attachments/Blobs got deleted after compaction&re-sync
CBL-4913 - Fixed regression in pull of blobs/legacy attachment handling
CBL-5082 - Fixed crash in setting Housekeeper::_doExpiration()
CBL-5033 - Fixed Puller revoked docs should queue with other revs
CBL-5044 - Don’t capture backtrace for OutOfRange error FLDictIterator_Next
CBL-5307 - Correctly updating remote revision when pulling the existing revision
CBL-5377 - Fixed MILLIS_TO_STRING is returning UTC instead of local time zone
CBL-5449 - Fixed Attachments flag is dropped when applying delta to incoming rev
CBL-5515 - Fixed Result alias can’t be used elsewhere in query
CBL-5540 - Fixed pthread_mutex_lock called on a destroyed mutex
CBL-5587 - Fixed Remote rev KeepBody flag could be cleared accidentally
CBL-5589 - Fixed N1QL Parser has exponential slowdown for redundant parentheses
CBL-5724 - Fixed Replicator syncs from beginning when using prebuilt dbs synced from SG
CBL-5225 - Fixed ReplicatedDocument getters do not comply with the spec
CBL-5584 - Fixed should disable the listener before freeing it
CBL-4782 - Stop treating all connection failures as Server Errors
CBL-4298 - Fixed Work Manager Replication thows on Replication complete
CBL-4294- ReplicatorConfiguration.setAuthenticator should allow a null argument
CBL-4992 - Fixed Null is a legal revId in createC4DocumentChange
CBL-4990 - Fixed CollectionChangeNotifier.getChanges() prematurely signals end of changes
CBL-4988 - Map LiteCore log domain "Changes" to LogDomain.DATABASE
CBL-4797 - Database.exists should support the default directory
CBL-5486 - Fixed native crash in objects derived from ResultSet
CBL-4837 - Lower the max size on the ClientTask thread pool to 8
CBL-5455 - Fixed Result.toJSON is annotated @NonNull, but can return null
No new deprecations for GA release
For an overview of the latest features offered in Couchbase Lite 3.2.0, see New in 3.2 |
3.2.0 Beta 2 — May 2024
Version 3.2.0 Beta 2 for Java delivers the following features and enhancements:
Couchbase Lite Beta 2 Release Notes
Issues and Resolutions
CBL-5225 - Fix ReplicatedDocument getters do not comply with the spec
CBL-4992 - Beryllium: Null is a legal revId in createC4DocumentChange
CBL-4990 - Fix Beryllium:
prematurely signals end of changes -
CBL-4988 - Beryllium: Map LiteCore log domain "Changes" to LogDomain.DATABASE
CBL-4986 - Remap Changes LiteCore Log Domain to Database Domain
CBL-5455 - FixResult.toJSON is annotated @NonNull, but can return null
CBL-4742 - Stop treating all connection failures as Server Errors
CBL-4797 - Database.exists should support the default directory
CBL-4294 - ReplicatorConfiguration.setAuthenticator should allow a null argument
CBL-4837 - Lower the max size on the ClientTask thread pool to 8
CBL-4298 - Work Manager Replication thows on Replication complete (Beryllium)
CBL-5307 - Updating remote revision when pulling the existing revision
CBL-5044 - Don’t capture backtrace for OutOfRange error FLDictIterator_Next
CBL-5020 - Fixed cannot read digest file: /libs/macos/aarch64/lib/libLiteCoreJNI.dylib.MD5 exception
CBL-5449 - Port - Attachments flag is dropped when applying delta to incoming rev
CBL-4536 - Error when saving documents with LiteCore error 17: must be called during a transaction
CBL-4506 - Investigate Replicator starts up slow for big database
CBL-4499 - Replicator may get stuck when there is an error of "Invalid delta"
CBL-4802 - Websocket implementation unable to handle continuation fragments
CBL-4390 - The URL Scheme the HTTP Message is incorrect when using proxy
CBL-4247 - Replicator binary logs with collections cannot be decoded
CBL-4568 - URLEndpointListener.getURLs returns an empty list on Android v>=11
CBL-4334 - Data getting corrupted during collection replication
CBL-4326 - Opening the upgraded database from 2.8 to 3.0.2 is slow
CBL-4391 - Stop replicator could cause 'database is locked' error when saving a document
CBL-4913 - Regression in pull of blobs/legacy attachment handling
CBL-4547 - Allow DictKeys to cache shared keys from query results
CBL-4639 - Use FTS match() in the WHERE clause of LEFT OUTER JOINS Not Returning Correct Result
CBL-4838 - Attachments/Blobs got deleted after compaction&re-sync
CBL-4470 - FLTimestamp_ToString() could return a slice with a wrong size
CBL-3836 - Corrupt Revision Data error when saving documents
CBL-5491 - Default’s
are deprecated -
CBL-4316 - Replicator’s
andisDocumentPending(String id)
are deprecated -
CBL-4315 - ReplicatorConfiguration’s filters and conflict resolver properties are deprecated
CBL-4314 - ReplicatorConfiguration APIs with Database object are deprecated
CBL-4313 - MessageEndpointListenerConfiguration APIs using Database object are deprecated
CBL-4312 - URLEndpointListenerConfiguration APIs using Database object are deprecated
CBL-4311 - QueryBuilder :
are deprecated -
CBL-4309 - QueryBuilder : DataSource’s
is deprecated -
CBL-4306 - DatabaseChange and DatabaseChangeListener are deprecated
CBL-4264 - Increased security: store BasicAuthenticator password as a char[ and zero before release]
CBL-4262 - ReplicatorConfiguration.setPinnedServerCertificate should take a Certificate
CBL-3963 - Remove Deprecated ReplicatorConfiguration.ReplicatorType
CBL-1727 - Improved naming for AbstractReplicatorConfiguration.ReplicatorType
CBL-4263 - The public type ReplicatorConfiguration.ReplicatorType is not visible from Kotlin
For an overview of the latest features offered in Couchbase Lite 3.2.0 Beta 2, see New in 3.2 |