Couchbase Lite Release Notes
Description — Couchbase Lite on C
Abstract — This content describes the key features and changes implemented by release 3.2 of Couchbase Lite on C
Related Content — What’s New | Compatibility | Supported Platforms
Couchbase Lite Release Notes
For an overview of the latest features offered in Couchbase Lite 3.2.0, see New in 3.2 |
Couchbase Lite Release Notes
No new deprecations for GA release
For an overview of the latest features offered in Couchbase Lite 3.2.0, see New in 3.2 |
Couchbase Lite Release Notes
Issues and Resolutions
CBL-3846 - Fixed corrupt Revision Data error when saving documents
CBL-4247 - Fixed Replicator binary logs with collections cannot be decoded
CBL-4326 - Fixed opening the upgraded database from 2.8 to 3.0.2 is slow
CBL-4334 - Fixed Data getting corrupted during collection replication
CBL-4390 - Fixed The URL Scheme the HTTP Message is incorrect when using proxy
CBL-4391 - Fixed Stop replicator could cause 'database is locked' error when saving a document
CBL-4470 - Fixed FLTimestamp_ToString() could return a slice with a wrong size
CBL-4499 - Fixed Replicator may get stuck when there is an error of "Invalid delta"
CBL-4547 - Allow DictKeys to cache shared keys from query results
CBL-4568 - Fixed URLEndpointListener.getURLs returns an empty list on Android v>=11
CBL-4639 - Use FTS match() in the WHERE clause of LEFT OUTER JOINS Not Returning Correct Result
CBL-4801 - Fixed opening an old db is slow in V3.1 the first time
CBL-4802 - Fixed websocket implementation unable to handle continuation fragments
CBL-4838 - Fixed Attachments/Blobs got deleted after compaction&re-sync
CBL-4913 - Fixed regression in pull of blobs/legacy attachment handling
CBL-5082 - Fixed crash in setting Housekeeper::_doExpiration()
CBL-5033 - Fixed Puller revoked docs should queue with other revs
CBL-5044 - Don’t capture backtrace for OutOfRange error FLDictIterator_Next
CBL-5307 - Correctly updating remote revision when pulling the existing revision
CBL-5377 - Fixed MILLIS_TO_STRING is returning UTC instead of local time zone
CBL-5449 - Fixed Attachments flag is dropped when applying delta to incoming rev
CBL-5515 - Fixed Result alias can’t be used elsewhere in query
CBL-5540 - Fixed pthread_mutex_lock called on a destroyed mutex
CBL-5587 - Fixed Remote rev KeepBody flag could be cleared accidentally
CBL-5589 - Fixed N1QL Parser has exponential slowdown for redundant parentheses
CBL-5724 - Fixed Replicator syncs from beginning when using prebuilt dbs synced from SG
No new deprecations for GA release
For an overview of the latest features offered in Couchbase Lite 3.2.0, see New in 3.2 |
3.2.0 Beta 3 — June 2024
Version 3.2.0 Beta 3 for C delivers the following features and enhancements:
Couchbase Lite Beta 3 Release Notes
Issues and Resolutions
CBL-5307 - Updating remote revision when pulling the existing revision
CBL-5044 - Don’t capture backtrace for OutOfRange error FLDictIterator_Next
CBL-5020 - Fixed cannot read digest file: /libs/macos/aarch64/lib/libLiteCoreJNI.dylib.MD5 exception
CBL-5449 - Port - Attachments flag is dropped when applying delta to incoming rev
CBL-4536 - Error when saving documents with LiteCore error 17: must be called during a transaction
CBL-4506 - Investigate Replicator starts up slow for big database
CBL-4499 - Replicator may get stuck when there is an error of "Invalid delta"
CBL-4802 - Websocket implementation unable to handle continuation fragments
CBL-4390 - The URL Scheme the HTTP Message is incorrect when using proxy
CBL-4247 - Replicator binary logs with collections cannot be decoded
CBL-4568 - URLEndpointListener.getURLs returns an empty list on Android v>=11
CBL-4334 - Data getting corrupted during collection replication
CBL-4326 - Opening the upgraded database from 2.8 to 3.0.2 is slow
CBL-4391 - Stop replicator could cause 'database is locked' error when saving a document
CBL-4913 - Regression in pull of blobs/legacy attachment handling
CBL-4547 - Allow DictKeys to cache shared keys from query results
CBL-4639 - Use FTS match() in the WHERE clause of LEFT OUTER JOINS Not Returning Correct Result
CBL-4838 - Attachments/Blobs got deleted after compaction&re-sync
CBL-4470 - FLTimestamp_ToString() could return a slice with a wrong size
CBL-3836 - Corrupt Revision Data error when saving documents
CBL-5491 - Default’s
are deprecated -
CBL-4316 - Replicator’s
andisDocumentPending(String id)
are deprecated -
CBL-4315 - ReplicatorConfiguration’s filters and conflict resolver properties are deprecated
CBL-4314 - ReplicatorConfiguration APIs with Database object are deprecated
CBL-4306 - DatabaseChange and DatabaseChangeListener are deprecated
For an overview of the latest features offered in Couchbase Lite 3.2.0 Beta 3, see New in 3.2 |