March 23, 2025
+ 12

Description — Couchbase mobile database live query concepts


Activating a Live Query

A live query is a query that, once activated, remains active and monitors the database for changes; refreshing the result set whenever a change occurs. As such, it is a great way to build reactive user interfaces — especially table/list views — that keep themselves up to date.

So, a simple use case may be: A replicator running and pulling new data from a server, whilst a live-query-driven UI automatically updates to show the data without the user having to manually refresh. This helps your app feel quick and responsive.

To activate a LiveQuery just add a change listener to the query statement. It will be immediately active. When a change is detected the query automatically runs, and posts the new query result to any observers (change listeners).

Example 1. Starting a Live Query
static void query_change_listener(void* context, CBLQuery* query, CBLListenerToken* token) {
    CBLError err{};
    CBLResultSet* results = CBLQuery_CopyCurrentResults(query, token, &err);
    while(CBLResultSet_Next(results)) {
        // Update UI

// NOTE: No error handling, for brevity (see getting started)

CBLError err{};
CBLQuery* query = CBLDatabase_CreateQuery(database, kCBLN1QLLanguage,
    FLSTR("SELECT * FROM _"), NULL, &err); (1)

CBLListenerToken* token = CBLQuery_AddChangeListener(query, query_change_listener, NULL); (2)
1 Build the query statements
2 Activate the live query by attaching a listener. Save the token in order to detach the listener and stop the query later — se Example 2
Example 2. Stop a LIve Query
CBLListener_Remove(token); // The token received from AddChangeListener
1 Here we use the change lister token from Example 1 to remove the listener. Doing so stops the live query.