

      Description — Couchbase Lite concepts — Data model — Documents
      Related Content — Databases | Blobs | Indexing |


      Document Structure

      In Couchbase Lite the term 'document' refers to an entry in the database. You can compare it to a record, or a row in a table.

      Each document has an ID or unique identifier. This ID is similar to a primary key in other databases.

      You can specify the ID programmatically. If you omit it, it will be automatically generated as a UUID.

      Couchbase documents are assigned to a Collection. The ID of a document must be unique within the Collection it is written to. You cannot change it after you have written the document.

      The document also has a value which contains the actual application data. This value is stored as a dictionary of key-value (k-v) pairs. The values can be made of up several different Data Types such as numbers, strings, arrays, and nested objects.

      Data Encoding

      The document body is stored in an internal, efficient, binary form called Fleece. This internal form can be easily converted into a manageable native dictionary format for manipulation in applications.

      Fleece data is stored in the smallest format that will hold the value whilst maintaining the integrity of the value.

      Fleece data encoding

      When working with Android-Java, the Fleece encoding cycle can result in the Java type information being lost. Therefore care should be taken with non-explicit functions such as toArray() or toMap(), when storing and recovering data in a document, or converting that document to JSON and back.

      Always use explicit creation of the expected type, whenever the type of result is not itself explicit. For example:

      • Java

      • Kotlin

      Document doc = collection.getDocument(someDoc.getId());
      // force longVal to be type Long, even if it could be represented as an int.
      long longVal = doc.getLong("test");
      val doc = collection.getDocument (
      // force longVal to be type Long, even if it could be represented as an Int.
      val longVal = doc?.getLong(("test"))

      Similarly, interpreting data not stored as boolean as a boolean value can give inconsistent results.

      Data Types

      The Document class offers a set of property accessors for various scalar types, such as:

      • Boolean

      • Date

      • Double

      • Float

      • Int

      • Long

      • String

      These accessors take care of converting to/from JSON encoding, and make sure you get the type you expect.

      In addition to these basic data types Couchbase Lite provides for the following:


      represents a read-only key-value pair collection


      represents a writeable key-value pair collection


      represents a readonly ordered collection of objects


      represents a writeable collection of objects


      represents an arbitrary piece of binary data


      Couchbase Lite also provides for the direct handling of JSON data implemented in most cases by the provision of a toJSON() method on appropriate API classes (for example, on MutableDocument, Dictionary, Blob and Array) — see Working with JSON Data.

      Constructing a Document

      An individual document often represents a single instance of an object in application code.

      You can consider a document as the equivalent of a 'row' in a relational table, with each of the document’s attributes being equivalent to a 'column'.

      Documents can contain nested structures. This allows developers to express many-to-many relationships without requiring a reference or join table, and is naturally expressive of hierarchical data.

      Most apps will work with one or more documents, persisting them to a local database and optionally syncing them, either centrally or to the cloud.

      In this section we provide an example of how you might create a hotel document, which provides basic contact details and price data.

      Data Model
      hotel: {
        type: string (value = `hotel`)
        name: string
        address: dictionary {
          street: string
          city: string
          state: string
          country: string
          code: string
        phones: array
        rate: float

      Open a Database

      First open your database. If the database does not already exist, Couchbase Lite will create it for you.

      Couchbase documents are assigned to a Collection. All the CRUD examples in this document operate on a collection object (here, the Default Collection).

      • Kotlin

      • Java

      // Initialize the Couchbase Lite system
      // Get the database (and create it if it doesn’t exist).
      val database = Database("getting-started")
      val collection = database.getCollection("myCollection")
          ?: throw IllegalStateException("collection not found")
      // Get the database (and create it if it doesn’t exist).
      Database database = new Database("getting-started");
      try (Collection collection = database.getCollection("myCollection")) {
          if (collection == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("collection not found"); }

      See Databases for more information

      Create a Document

      Now create a new document to hold your application’s data.

      Use the mutable form, so that you can add data to the document.

      • Kotlin

      • Java

      // Create your new document
      val mutableDoc = MutableDocument()
      // Create your new document
      MutableDocument mutableDoc = new MutableDocument();

      For more on using Documents, see Document Initializers and Mutability.

      Create a Dictionary

      Now create a mutable dictionary (address).

      Each element of the dictionary value will be directly accessible via its own key.

      • Kotlin

      • Java

      // Create a new mutable dictionary and populate some keys/values
      val address = MutableDictionary()
      address.setString("street", "1 Main st.")
      address.setString("city", "San Francisco")
      address.setString("state", "CA")
      address.setString("country", "USA")
      address.setString("code", "90210")
      // Create a new mutable dictionary and populate some keys/values
      MutableDictionary address = new MutableDictionary();
      address.setString("street", "1 Main st.");
      address.setString("city", "San Francisco");
      address.setString("state", "CA");
      address.setString("country", "USA");
      address.setString("code", "90210");

      Learn more about Using Dictionaries.

      Create an Array

      Since the hotel may have multiple contact numbers, provide a field (phones) as a mutable array.

      • Kotlin

      • Java

      // Create and populate mutable array
      val phones = MutableArray()
      // Create and populate mutable array
      MutableArray phones = new MutableArray();

      Learn more about Using Arrays

      Populate a Document

      Now add your data to the mutable document created earlier. Each data item is stored as a key-value pair.

      • Kotlin

      • Java

      // Initialize and populate the document
      // Add document type to document properties (1)
      mutableDoc.setString("type", "hotel")
      // Add hotel name string to document properties (2)
      mutableDoc.setString("name", "Hotel Java Mo")
      // Add float to document properties (3)
      mutableDoc.setFloat("room_rate", 121.75f)
      // Add dictionary to document's properties (4)
      mutableDoc.setDictionary("address", address)
      // Add array to document's properties (5)
      mutableDoc.setArray("phones", phones)
      // Initialize and populate the document
      // Add document type to document properties (1)
      mutableDoc.setString("type", "hotel");
      // Add hotel name string to document properties (2)
      mutableDoc.setString("name", "Hotel Java Mo");
      // Add float to document properties (3)
      mutableDoc.setFloat("room_rate", 121.75F);
      // Add dictionary to document's properties (4)
      mutableDoc.setDictionary("address", address);
      // Add array to document's properties (5)
      mutableDoc.setArray("phones", phones);
      Couchbase recommend using a type attribute to define each logical document type.

      Save a Document

      Now persist the populated document to your Couchbase Lite database. This will auto-generate the document id.

      • Kotlin

      • Java

      // Save the document changes (1)
      // Save the document changes (1);

      Close the Database

      With your document saved, you can now close our Couchbase Lite database.

      • Kotlin

      • Java

      // Close the database (1)
      // Close the database (1)

      Working with Data

      Checking a Document’s Properties

      To check whether a given property exists in the document, use the `Document.Contains(String key) method.

      If you try to access a property which doesn’t exist in the document, the call will return the default value for that getter method (0 for Document.getInt() 0.0 for Document.getFloat() etc.).

      Fleece data encoding

      Care should be taken when storing and recovering data in a document or converting that document to JSON and back.
      Data encoding (Fleece) can result in Long values being converted to Integers, and Double values to Float.
      Interpreting data as boolean can also give inconsistent results.

      Date accessors

      Couchbase Lite offers Date accessors as a convenience. Dates are a common data type, but JSON doesn’t natively support them, so the convention is to store them as strings in ISO-8601 format.

      Example 1. Date Getter

      This example sets the date on the createdAt property and reads it back using the Document.getDate() accessor method.

      • Kotlin

      • Java

      doc.setValue("createdAt", Date())
      val date = doc.getDate("createdAt")
      newTask.setValue("createdAt", new Date());
      Date date = newTask.getDate("createdAt");

      Using Dictionaries

      API References
      Example 2. Read Only
      • Kotlin

      • Java

      // NOTE: No error handling, for brevity (see getting started)
      val document = collection.getDocument("doc1")
      // Getting a dictionary from the document's properties
      val dict = document?.getDictionary("address")
      // Access a value with a key from the dictionary
      val street = dict?.getString("street")
      // Iterate dictionary
      dict?.forEach { println("${it} -> ${dict.getValue(it)}") }
      // Create a mutable copy
      val mutableDict = dict?.toMutable()
      // NOTE: No error handling, for brevity (see getting started)
      Document document = collection.getDocument("doc1");
      if (document == null) { return; }
      // Getting a dictionary from the document's properties
      Dictionary dict = document.getDictionary("address");
      if (dict == null) { return; }
      // Access a value with a key from the dictionary
      String street = dict.getString("street");
      // Iterate dictionary
      for (String key: dict.getKeys()) {
          System.out.println("Key " + key + " = " + dict.getValue(key));
      // Create a mutable copy
      MutableDictionary mutableDict = dict.toMutable();
      Example 3. Mutable
      • Kotlin

      • Java

      // NOTE: No error handling, for brevity (see getting started)
      // Create a new mutable dictionary and populate some keys/values
      val mutableDict = MutableDictionary()
      mutableDict.setString("street", "1 Main st.")
      mutableDict.setString("city", "San Francisco")
      // Add the dictionary to a document's properties and save the document
      val mutableDoc = MutableDocument("doc1")
      mutableDoc.setDictionary("address", mutableDict)
      // NOTE: No error handling, for brevity (see getting started)
      // Create a new mutable dictionary and populate some keys/values
      MutableDictionary mutableDict = new MutableDictionary();
      mutableDict.setString("street", "1 Main st.");
      mutableDict.setString("city", "San Francisco");
      // Add the dictionary to a document's properties and save the document
      MutableDocument mutableDoc = new MutableDocument("doc1");
      mutableDoc.setDictionary("address", mutableDict);;

      Using Arrays

      API References
      Example 4. Read Only
      • Kotlin

      • Java

      // NOTE: No error handling, for brevity (see getting started)
      val document = collection.getDocument("doc1")
      // Getting a phones array from the document's properties
      val array = document?.getArray("phones")
      // Get element count
      val count = array?.count()
      // Access an array element by index
      val phone = array?.getString(1)
      // Iterate array
      array?.forEachIndexed { index, item -> println("Row  ${index} = ${item}") }
      // Create a mutable copy
      val mutableArray = array?.toMutable()
      // NOTE: No error handling, for brevity (see getting started)
      Document document = collection.getDocument("doc1");
      if (document == null) { return; }
      // Getting a phones array from the document's properties
      Array array = document.getArray("phones");
      if (array == null) { return; }
      // Get element count
      int count = array.count();
      // Access an array element by index
      String phone = array.getString(1);
      // Iterate array
      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
          System.out.println("Row  " + i + " = " + array.getString(i));
      // Create a mutable copy
      MutableArray mutableArray = array.toMutable();
      Example 5. Mutable
      • Kotlin

      • Java

      // NOTE: No error handling, for brevity (see getting started)
      // Create a new mutable array and populate data into the array
      val mutableArray = MutableArray()
      // Set the array to document's properties and save the document
      val mutableDoc = MutableDocument("doc1")
      mutableDoc.setArray("phones", mutableArray)
      // NOTE: No error handling, for brevity (see getting started)
      // Create a new mutable array and populate data into the array
      MutableArray mutableArray = new MutableArray();
      // Set the array to document's properties and save the document
      MutableDocument mutableDoc = new MutableDocument("doc1");
      mutableDoc.setArray("phones", mutableArray);;

      Using Blobs

      For more on working with blobs, see Blobs

      Document Initializers

      You can use the following methods/initializers:

      • Use the MutableDocument() initializer to create a new document where the document ID is randomly generated by the database.

      • Use the MutableDocument(String id) initializer to create a new document with a specific ID.

      • Use the {url-api-method-collection-getdocument} method to get a document. If the document doesn’t exist in the collection, the method will return null. You can use this behavior to check if a document with a given ID already exists in the collection.

      Example 6. Persist a document

      The following code example creates a document and persists it to the database.

      • Kotlin

      • Java

      val doc = MutableDocument()
      doc.let {
          it.setString("type", "task")
          it.setString("owner", "todo")
          it.setDate("createdAt", Date())
      MutableDocument newTask = new MutableDocument();
      newTask.setString("type", "task");
      newTask.setString("owner", "todo");
      newTask.setDate("createdAt", new Date());;


      By default, a document is immutable when it is read from the database. Use the `Document.toMutable() to create an updatable instance of the document.

      Example 7. Make a mutable document

      Changes to the document are persisted to the database when the save method is called.

      • Kotlin

      • Java

      collection.getDocument("xyz")?.toMutable()?.let {
          it.setString("name", "apples")

      MutableDocument mutableDocument = collection.getDocument("xyz").toMutable();
      mutableDocument.setString("name", "apples");;
      Any user change to the value of reserved keys (_id, _rev or _deleted) will be detected when a document is saved and will result in an exception (Error Code 5 — CorruptRevisionData) — see also Document Constraints.

      Batch operations

      If you’re making multiple changes to a database at once, it’s faster to group them together. The following example persists a few documents in batch.

      Example 8. Batch operations
      • Kotlin

      • Java

      database.inBatch(UnitOfWork {
          for (i in 0..9) {
              val doc = MutableDocument()
              doc.let {
                  it.setValue("type", "user")
                  it.setValue("name", "user $i")
                  it.setBoolean("admin", false)
              log("saved user document: ${doc.getString("name")}")
      database.inBatch(() -> {
          for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
              MutableDocument doc = new MutableDocument();
              doc.setValue("type", "user");
              doc.setValue("name", "user " + i);
              doc.setBoolean("admin", false);

      At the local level this operation is still transactional: no other Database instances, including ones managed by the replicator can make changes during the execution of the block, and other instances will not see partial changes. But Couchbase Mobile is a distributed system, and due to the way replication works, there’s no guarantee that Sync Gateway or other devices will receive your changes all at once.

      Document change events

      You can register for document changes. The following example registers for changes to the document with ID user.john and prints the verified_account property when a change is detected.

      Example 9. Document change events
      • Kotlin

      • Java

      collection.addDocumentChangeListener("user.john") { change ->
          collection.getDocument(change.documentID)?.let {
              log("Status: ${it.getString("verified_account")}")
          change -> {
              String docId = change.getDocumentID();
              try {
                  Document doc = collection.getDocument(docId);
                  if (doc != null) {
                      Logger.log("Status: " + doc.getString("verified_account"));
              catch (CouchbaseLiteException e) {
                  Logger.log("Failed getting doc : " + docId);

      Using Kotlin Flows and LiveData

      Kotlin users can also take advantage of Flows and LiveData to monitor for changes.

      The following methods show how to watch for document changes in a given database or for changes to a specific document.

      • Database Changes

      • Document Changes

              return collection.collectionChangeFlow(null)
                  .map { it.documentIDs }
              return collection.documentChangeFlow("1001")
                  .mapNotNull { change ->
                      change.takeUnless {

      Document Expiration

      Document expiration allows users to set the expiration date for a document. When the document expires, it is purged from the database. The purge is not replicated to Sync Gateway.

      Example 10. Set document expiration

      This example sets the TTL for a document to 1 day from the current time.

      • Kotlin

      • Java

      // Purge the document one day from now
          Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24))
      // Reset expiration
      collection.setDocumentExpiration("doc1", null)
      // Query documents that will be expired in less than five minutes
      val query = QueryBuilder
                  Expression.longValue(System.currentTimeMillis() + (1000 * 60 * 5))
      // Purge the document one day from now
      Instant ttl =, ChronoUnit.DAYS);
      collection.setDocumentExpiration("doc123", new Date(ttl.toEpochMilli()));
      // Reset expiration
      collection.setDocumentExpiration("doc1", null);
      // Query documents that will be expired in less than five minutes
      Instant fiveMinutesFromNow =, ChronoUnit.MINUTES);
      Query query = QueryBuilder

      You can set expiration for a whole Collection

      Document Constraints

      Couchbase Lite APIs do not explicitly disallow the use of attributes with the underscore prefix at the top level of document. This is to facilitate the creation of documents for use either in local only mode where documents are not synced, or when used exclusively in peer-to-peer sync.

      "_id", :"_rev" and "_sequence" are reserved keywords and must not be used as top-level attributes — see Example 11.

      Users are cautioned that any attempt to sync such documents to Sync Gateway will result in an error. To be future proof, you are advised to avoid creating such documents. Use of these attributes for user-level data may result in undefined system behavior.

      For more guidance — see: Sync Gateway - data modeling guidelines

      Example 11. Reserved Keys List
      • _attachments

      • _deleted [1]

      • _id [1]

      • _removed

      • _rev [1]

      • _sequence

      Working with JSON Data

      The toJSON() typed-accessor means you can easily work with JSON data, native and Couchbase Lite objects.


      Convert an ArrayObject to and from JSON using the toJSON() and toArray methods — see Example 4.

      Additionally you can:

      • Initialize a 'MutableArrayObject' using data supplied as a JSON string. This is done using the init(json) constructor — see: Example 4

      • Convert an ArrayFragment object to a JSON String

      • Set data with a JSON string using setJSON()

      Example 12. Arrays as JSON strings
      • Kotlin

      • Java

      // github tag=tojson-array
      val mArray = MutableArray(JSON) (1)
      for (i in 0 until mArray.count()) {
          mArray.getDictionary(i)?.apply {
              log(getString("name") ?: "unknown")
    "id"), toMap()))
          } (2)
      collection.getDocument("1002")?.getArray("features")?.apply {
          for (feature in toList()) {
          } (3)
      } (4)
      // github tag=tojson-array
      final MutableArray mArray = new MutableArray(JSON); (1)
      for (int i = 0; i < mArray.count(); i++) { (2)
          final Dictionary dict = mArray.getDictionary(i);
 MutableDocument(dict.getString("id"), dict.toMap()));
      final Array features = collection.getDocument("1002").getArray("features");
      for (Object feature: features.toList()) { Logger.log(feature.toString()); }
      Logger.log(features.toJSON()); (3)


      Convert a Blob to JSON using the toJSON method — see Example 13.

      You can use isBlob() to check whether a given dictionary object is a blob or not — see Example 13.

      Note that the blob object must first be saved to the database (generating the required metadata) before you can use the toJSON method.

      Example 13. Blobs as JSON strings
      • Kotlin

      • Java

      // github tag=tojson-blob
      val thisBlob = collection.getDocument("thisdoc-id")!!.toMap()
      if (!Blob.isBlob(thisBlob)) {
      val blobType = thisBlob["content_type"].toString()
      val blobLength = thisBlob["length"] as Number?
      // github tag=tojson-blob
      final Map<String, ?> thisBlob = collection.getDocument("thisdoc-id").toMap();
      if (!Blob.isBlob(thisBlob)) { return; }
      final String blobType = thisBlob.get("content_type").toString();
      final Number blobLength = (Number) thisBlob.get("length");

      See also: Blobs


      Convert a DictionaryObject to and from JSON using the toJSON and toDictionary methods — see Example 14.

      Additionally you can:

      • Initialize a 'MutableDictionaryObject' using data supplied as a JSON string. This is done using the init(json) constructor-- see: Example 14

      • Set data with a JSON string using setJSON()

      Example 14. Dictionaries as JSON strings
      • Kotlin

      • Java

      // github tag=tojson-dictionary
      val mDict = MutableDictionary(JSON) (1)
      log("Details for: ${mDict.getString("name")}")
      mDict.keys.forEach { key ->
          log(key + " => " + mDict.getValue(key))
      // github tag=tojson-dictionary
      final MutableDictionary mDict = new MutableDictionary(JSON); (1)
      Logger.log("Details for: " + mDict.getString("name"));
      for (String key: mDict.getKeys()) {
          Logger.log(key + " => " + mDict.getValue(key));


      Convert a Document to and from JSON strings using the toJSON() and setJSON() methods — see Example 15.

      Additionally you can:

      • Initialize a 'MutableDocument' using data supplied as a JSON string. This is done using the init(json) or init(id: json:) constructor — see: Example 15

      • Set data with a JSON string using setJSON()

      Example 15. Documents as JSON strings
      • Kotlin

      • Java

          .forEach {
              it.getString("metaId")?.let { thisId ->
                  srcColl.getDocument(thisId)?.toJSON()?.let { json -> (1)
                      log("JSON String = $json")
                      val hotelFromJSON = MutableDocument(thisId, json) (2)
                      dstColl.getDocument(thisId)?.toMap()?.forEach { e ->
                          log("$e.key => $e.value")
                      } (3)
      // github tag=tojson-document
      final Query listQuery = QueryBuilder
      try (ResultSet results = listQuery.execute()) {
          for (Result row: results) {
              final String thisId = row.getString("metaId");
              final String json = srcColl.getDocument(thisId).toJSON(); (1)
              Logger.log("JSON String = " + json);
              final MutableDocument hotelFromJSON = new MutableDocument(thisId, json); (2)
              for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry: dstColl.getDocument(thisId).toMap().entrySet()) {
                  Logger.log(entry.getKey() + " => " + entry.getValue()); (3)

      Query Results as JSON

      Convert a Query Result to JSON using its toJSON() accessor method.

      Example 16. Using JSON Results

      Use Result.toJSON() to transform your result string into a JSON string, which can easily be serialized or used as required in your application. See <> for a working example.

      • Kotlin

      • Java

      // Uses Jackson JSON processor
      val mapper = ObjectMapper()
      val hotels = mutableListOf<Hotel>()
      listQuery.execute().use { rs ->
          rs.forEach {
              // Get result as JSON string
              val json = it.toJSON() (1)
              // Get Hashmap from JSON string
              val dictFromJSONstring = mapper.readValue(json, (2)
              // Use created hashmap
              val hotelId = dictFromJSONstring["id"].toString() //
              val hotelType = dictFromJSONstring["type"].toString()
              val hotelname = dictFromJSONstring["name"].toString()
              // Get custom object from JSON string
              val thisHotel = mapper.readValue(json, (3)
              ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
              ArrayList<Hotel> hotels = new ArrayList<>();
              HashMap<String, Object> dictFromJSONstring;
              try (ResultSet resultSet = listQuery.execute()) {
                  for (Result result: resultSet) {
                      // Get result as JSON string
                      String thisJsonString = result.toJSON(); (1)
                      // Get Java  Hashmap from JSON string
                      dictFromJSONstring =
                          mapper.readValue(thisJsonString, HashMap.class); (2)
                      // Use created hashmap
                      String hotelId = dictFromJSONstring.get("id").toString();
                      String hotelType = dictFromJSONstring.get("type").toString();
                      String hotelname = dictFromJSONstring.get("name").toString();
                      // Get custom object from Native 'dictionary' object
                      Hotel thisHotel =
                          mapper.readValue(thisJsonString, Hotel.class); (3)
              // Uses Jackson JSON processor
              ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
              List<Hotel> hotels = new ArrayList<>();
              try (ResultSet rs = listQuery.execute()) {
                  for (Result result: rs) {
                      String json = result.toJSON();
                      Map<String, String> dictFromJSONstring = mapper.readValue(json, HashMap.class);
                      String hotelId = dictFromJSONstring.get("id");
                      String hotelType = dictFromJSONstring.get("type");
                      String hotelname = dictFromJSONstring.get("name");
                      // Get custom object from JSON string
                      Hotel thisHotel = mapper.readValue(json, Hotel.class);
          public List<Map<String, Object>> docsOnlyQuerySyntaxN1QL(Database thisDb) throws CouchbaseLiteException {
              // For Documentation -- N1QL Query using parameters
              //  Declared elsewhere: Database thisDb
              Query thisQuery =
                      "SELECT META().id AS thisId FROM _ WHERE type = \"hotel\""); (4)
              List<Map<String, Object>> results = new ArrayList<>();
              try (ResultSet rs = thisQuery.execute()) {
                  for (Result result: rs) { results.add(result.toMap()); }
              return results;
          public List<Map<String, Object>> docsonlyQuerySyntaxN1QLParams(Database thisDb) throws CouchbaseLiteException {
              // For Documentation -- N1QL Query using parameters
              //  Declared elsewhere: Database thisDb
              Query thisQuery =
                      "SELECT META().id AS thisId FROM _ WHERE type = $type"); // <.
                  new Parameters().setString("type", "hotel")); (5)
              List<Map<String, Object>> results = new ArrayList<>();
              try (ResultSet rs = thisQuery.execute()) {
                  for (Result result: rs) { results.add(result.toMap()); }
              return results;
      // Copyright (c) 2023 Couchbase, Inc All rights reserved.
      // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      // limitations under the License.
      package com.couchbase.codesnippets;
      import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
      import java.util.HashMap;
      import java.util.Map;
      import java.util.Set;
      import com.couchbase.codesnippets.utils.Logger;
      import com.couchbase.lite.BasicAuthenticator;
      import com.couchbase.lite.Collection;
      import com.couchbase.lite.CollectionConfiguration;
      import com.couchbase.lite.CouchbaseLiteException;
      import com.couchbase.lite.Database;
      import com.couchbase.lite.DatabaseEndpoint;
      import com.couchbase.lite.DocumentFlag;
      import com.couchbase.lite.Endpoint;
      import com.couchbase.lite.ListenerToken;
      import com.couchbase.lite.ReplicatedDocument;
      import com.couchbase.lite.Replicator;
      import com.couchbase.lite.ReplicatorConfiguration;
      import com.couchbase.lite.ReplicatorProgress;
      import com.couchbase.lite.ReplicatorStatus;
      import com.couchbase.lite.ReplicatorType;
      import com.couchbase.lite.SessionAuthenticator;
      import com.couchbase.lite.URLEndpoint;
      public class ReplicationExamples {
          private Replicator thisReplicator;
          private ListenerToken thisToken;
          public void activeReplicatorExample(Set<Collection> collections)
              throws URISyntaxException {
              // Create replicator
              // Consider holding a reference somewhere
              // to prevent the Replicator from being GCed
              Replicator repl = new Replicator( (6)
                  // initialize the replicator configuration
                  new ReplicatorConfiguration(new URLEndpoint(new URI("wss://"))) (7)
                      .addCollections(collections, null)
                      // Set replicator type
                      // Configure Sync Mode
                      .setContinuous(false) // default value
                      // set auto-purge behavior
                      // (here we override default)
                      .setAutoPurgeEnabled(false) (8)
                      // Configure Server Authentication --
                      // only accept self-signed certs
                      .setAcceptOnlySelfSignedServerCertificate(true) (9)
                      // Configure the credentials the
                      // client will provide if prompted
                      .setAuthenticator(new BasicAuthenticator("Our Username", "Our Password".toCharArray())) (10)
              // Optionally add a change listener (11)
              ListenerToken token = repl.addChangeListener(change -> {
                  CouchbaseLiteException err = change.getStatus().getError();
                  if (err != null) { Logger.log("Error code :: " + err.getCode(), err); }
              // Start replicator
              repl.start(false); (12)
              thisReplicator = repl;
              thisToken = token;
          public void replicatorSimpleExample(Set<Collection> collections) throws URISyntaxException {
              Endpoint theListenerEndpoint
                  = new URLEndpoint(new URI("wss://")); (13)
              ReplicatorConfiguration thisConfig =
                  new ReplicatorConfiguration(theListenerEndpoint) (14)
                      .addCollections(collections, null) // default configuration
                      .setAcceptOnlySelfSignedServerCertificate(true) (15)
                      .setAuthenticator(new BasicAuthenticator(
                          "valid.password".toCharArray())); (16)
              Replicator repl = new Replicator(thisConfig); (17)
              // Start the replicator
              repl.start(); (18)
              // (be sure to hold a reference somewhere that will prevent it from being GCed)
              thisReplicator = repl;
          public void replicationBasicAuthenticationExample(
              Set<Collection> collections,
              CollectionConfiguration collectionConfig)
              throws URISyntaxException {
              // Create replicator (be sure to hold a reference somewhere that will prevent the Replicator from being GCed)
              Replicator repl = new Replicator(
                  new ReplicatorConfiguration(new URLEndpoint(new URI("ws://localhost:4984/mydatabase")))
                      .addCollections(collections, collectionConfig)
                      .setAuthenticator(new BasicAuthenticator("username", "password".toCharArray())));
              thisReplicator = repl;
          public void replicationSessionAuthenticationExample(
              Set<Collection> collections,
              CollectionConfiguration collectionConfig)
              throws URISyntaxException {
              // Create replicator (be sure to hold a reference somewhere that will prevent the Replicator from being GCed)
              Replicator repl = new Replicator(
                  new ReplicatorConfiguration(new URLEndpoint(new URI("ws://localhost:4984/mydatabase")))
                      .addCollections(collections, collectionConfig)
                      .setAuthenticator(new SessionAuthenticator("904ac010862f37c8dd99015a33ab5a3565fd8447")));
              thisReplicator = repl;
          public void replicationCustomHeaderExample(
              Set<Collection> collections,
              CollectionConfiguration collectionConfig)
              throws URISyntaxException {
              Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>();
              headers.put("CustomHeaderName", "Value");
              // Create replicator (be sure to hold a reference somewhere that will prevent the Replicator from being GCed)
              Replicator repl = new Replicator(
                  new ReplicatorConfiguration(new URLEndpoint(new URI("ws://localhost:4984/mydatabase")))
                      .addCollections(collections, collectionConfig)
              thisReplicator = repl;
          public void replicationPushFilterExample(Set<Collection> collections) throws URISyntaxException {
              CollectionConfiguration collectionConfig = new CollectionConfiguration()
                  .setPushFilter((document, flags) -> flags.contains(DocumentFlag.DELETED)); (1)
              // Create replicator (be sure to hold a reference somewhere that will prevent the Replicator from being GCed)
              Replicator repl = new Replicator(
                  new ReplicatorConfiguration(new URLEndpoint(new URI("ws://localhost:4984/mydatabase")))
                      .addCollections(collections, collectionConfig));
              thisReplicator = repl;
          public void replicationPullFilterExample(Set<Collection> collections) throws URISyntaxException {
              CollectionConfiguration collectionConfig = new CollectionConfiguration()
                  .setPullFilter((document, flags) -> "draft".equals(document.getString("type"))); (1)
              // Create replicator (be sure to hold a reference somewhere that will prevent the Replicator from being GCed)
              Replicator repl = new Replicator(
                  new ReplicatorConfiguration(new URLEndpoint(new URI("ws://localhost:4984/mydatabase")))
                      .addCollections(collections, collectionConfig));
              thisReplicator = repl;
          public void replicationResetCheckpointExample(Set<Collection> collections) throws URISyntaxException {
              // Create replicator (be sure to hold a reference somewhere that will prevent the Replicator from being GCed)
              Replicator repl = new Replicator(
                  new ReplicatorConfiguration(new URLEndpoint(new URI("ws://localhost:4984/mydatabase")))
                      .addCollections(collections, null));
              // ... at some later time
          public void handlingNetworkErrorsExample(Set<Collection> collections) throws URISyntaxException {
              // Create replicator (be sure to hold a reference somewhere that will prevent the Replicator from being GCed)
              Replicator repl = new Replicator(
                  new ReplicatorConfiguration(new URLEndpoint(new URI("ws://localhost:4984/mydatabase")))
                      .addCollections(collections, null));
              repl.addChangeListener(change -> {
                  CouchbaseLiteException error = change.getStatus().getError();
                  if (error != null) { Logger.log("Error code:: " + error); }
              thisReplicator = repl;
          public void certificatePinningExample(Set<Collection> collections, String keyStoreName, String certAlias)
              throws URISyntaxException, KeyStoreException {
              // Create replicator (be sure to hold a reference somewhere that will prevent the Replicator from being GCed)
              Replicator repl = new Replicator(
                  new ReplicatorConfiguration(new URLEndpoint(new URI("ws://localhost:4984/mydatabase")))
                      .addCollections(collections, null)
                          (X509Certificate) KeyStore.getInstance(keyStoreName).getCertificate(certAlias)));
              thisReplicator = repl;
          public void replicatorConfigExample(Set<Collection> collections) throws URISyntaxException {
              // initialize the replicator configuration
              ReplicatorConfiguration thisConfig = new ReplicatorConfiguration(
                  new URLEndpoint(new URI("wss://"))) (19)
                  .addCollections(collections, null);
          public void p2pReplicatorStatusExample(Replicator repl) {
              ReplicatorStatus status = repl.getStatus();
              ReplicatorProgress progress = status.getProgress();
                  "The Replicator is " + status.getActivityLevel()
                      + "and has processed " + progress.getCompleted()
                      + " of " + progress.getTotal() + " changes");
          public void p2pReplicatorStopExample(Replicator repl) {
              // Stop replication.
              repl.stop(); (20)
          public void customRetryConfigExample(Set<Collection> collections) throws URISyntaxException {
              Replicator repl = new Replicator(
                  new ReplicatorConfiguration(new URLEndpoint(new URI("ws://localhost:4984/mydatabase")))
                      .addCollections(collections, null)
                      //  other config as required . . .
                      .setHeartbeat(150) (21)
                      .setMaxAttempts(20) (22)
                      .setMaxAttemptWaitTime(600)); (23)
              thisReplicator = repl;
          public void replicatorDocumentEventExample(Set<Collection> collections) throws URISyntaxException {
              // Create replicator (be sure to hold a reference somewhere that will prevent the Replicator from being GCed)
              Replicator repl = new Replicator(
                  new ReplicatorConfiguration(new URLEndpoint(new URI("ws://localhost:4984/mydatabase")))
                      .addCollections(collections, null));
              ListenerToken token = repl.addDocumentReplicationListener(replication -> {
                  Logger.log("Replication type: " + ((replication.isPush()) ? "push" : "pull"));
                  for (ReplicatedDocument document: replication.getDocuments()) {
                      Logger.log("Doc ID: " + document.getID());
                      CouchbaseLiteException err = document.getError();
                      if (err != null) {
                          // There was an error
                          Logger.log("Error replicating document: ", err);
                      if (document.getFlags().contains(DocumentFlag.DELETED)) {
                          Logger.log("Successfully replicated a deleted document");
              thisReplicator = repl;
          public void replicationPendingDocumentsExample(Collection collection)
              throws CouchbaseLiteException, URISyntaxException {
              Replicator repl = new Replicator(
                  new ReplicatorConfiguration(new URLEndpoint(new URI("ws://localhost:4984/mydatabase")))
                      .addCollection(collection, null)
              Set<String> pendingDocs = repl.getPendingDocumentIds(collection);
              if (!pendingDocs.isEmpty()) {
                  Logger.log("There are " + pendingDocs.size() + " documents pending");
                  final String firstDoc = pendingDocs.iterator().next();
                  repl.addChangeListener(change -> {
                      Logger.log("Replicator activity level is " + change.getStatus().getActivityLevel());
                      try {
                          if (!repl.isDocumentPending(firstDoc, collection)) {
                              Logger.log("Doc ID " + firstDoc + " has been pushed");
                      catch (CouchbaseLiteException err) {
                          Logger.log("Failed getting pending docs", err);
                  this.thisReplicator = repl;
          public void databaseReplicatorExample(@NonNull Set<Collection> srcCollections, @NonNull Database targetDb) {
              // This is an Enterprise feature:
              // the code below will generate a compilation error
              // if it's compiled against CBL Android Community Edition.
              // Note: the target database must already contain the
              //       source collections or the replication will fail.
              final Replicator repl = new Replicator(
                  new ReplicatorConfiguration(new DatabaseEndpoint(targetDb))
                      .addCollections(srcCollections, null)
              // Start the replicator
              // (be sure to hold a reference somewhere that will prevent it from being GCed)
              thisReplicator = repl;
          public void replicationWithCustomConflictResolverExample(Set<Collection> srcCollections, URI targetUri) {
              Replicator repl = new Replicator(
                  new ReplicatorConfiguration(new URLEndpoint(targetUri))
                          new CollectionConfiguration()
                              .setConflictResolver(new LocalWinConflictResolver())));
              // Start the replicator
              // (be sure to hold a reference somewhere that will prevent it from being GCed)
              thisReplicator = repl;
      // Copyright (c) 2024 Couchbase, Inc All rights reserved.
      // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      // limitations under the License.
      package com.couchbase.codesnippets;
      import java.util.List;
      import java.util.function.Function;
      import com.couchbase.lite.Blob;
      import com.couchbase.lite.Collection;
      import com.couchbase.lite.CouchbaseLiteException;
      import com.couchbase.lite.Database;
      import com.couchbase.lite.IndexUpdater;
      import com.couchbase.lite.MutableArray;
      import com.couchbase.lite.Parameters;
      import com.couchbase.lite.PredictiveModel;
      import com.couchbase.lite.Query;
      import com.couchbase.lite.ResultSet;
      import com.couchbase.lite.VectorEncoding;
      import com.couchbase.lite.VectorIndexConfiguration;
      class VectorSearchExamples {
          public interface ColorModel { List<Float> getEmbedding(Blob color);}
          public void createDefaultVSConfig() {
              // create the configuration for a vector index named "vector"
              // with 3 dimensions and 100 centroids
              VectorIndexConfiguration config = new VectorIndexConfiguration("vector", 3L, 100L);
          public void createCustomVSConfig() {
              // create the configuration for a vector index named "vector"
              // with 3 dimensions, 100 centroids, no encoding, using cosine distance
              // with a max training size 5000 and amin training size 2500
              // no vector encoding and using COSINE distance measurement
              VectorIndexConfiguration config = new VectorIndexConfiguration("vector", 3L, 100L)
          public void createVectorIndex(Database db) throws CouchbaseLiteException {
              // create a vector index named "colors_index"
              // in the collection "_default.colors"
                  new VectorIndexConfiguration("vector", 3L, 100L));
          public void setNumProbes(Collection col) throws CouchbaseLiteException {
              // explicitly set numProbes
                  new VectorIndexConfiguration("vector", 3L, 100L)
          public void createPredictiveIndex(Database db, PredictiveModel colorModel) throws CouchbaseLiteException {
              // create a vector index with a simple predictive model
              Database.prediction.registerModel("ColorModel", colorModel);
                  new VectorIndexConfiguration(
                      "prediction(ColorModel, {'colorInput': color}).vector",
                      3L, 100L));
          public void useVectorIndex(Database db, List<Object> colorVector) throws CouchbaseLiteException {
                  new VectorIndexConfiguration("vector", 3L, 100L));
              // get the APPROX_VECTOR_DISTANCE to the parameter vector for each color in the collection
              Query query = db.createQuery(
                  "SELECT meta().id, color, APPROX_VECTOR_DISTANCE(vector, $vectorParam)"
                      + " FROM _default.colors");
              Parameters params = new Parameters();
              params.setArray("vectorParam", new MutableArray(colorVector));
              try (ResultSet rs = query.execute()) {
                  // process results
              // end:vs-use-vector-index[]
          public void useAVD(Database db, List<Object> colorVector) throws CouchbaseLiteException {
              // use APPROX_VECTOR_DISTANCE in a query ORDER BY clause
              Query query = db.createQuery(
                  "SELECT meta().id, color"
                      + " FROM _default.colors"
                      + " ORDER BY APPROX_VECTOR_DISTANCE(vector, $vectorParam)"
                      + " LIMIT 8");
              Parameters params = new Parameters();
              params.setArray("vectorParam", new MutableArray(colorVector));
              try (ResultSet rs = query.execute()) {
                  // process results
          public void useAVDWithWhere(Database db, List<Object> colorVector) throws CouchbaseLiteException {
              // use APPROX_VECTOR_DISTANCE in a query WHERE clause
              Query query = db.createQuery(
                  "SELECT meta().id, color"
                      + " FROM _default.colors"
                      + " WHERE APPROX_VECTOR_DISTANCE(vector, $vectorParam) < 0.5");
              Parameters params = new Parameters();
              params.setArray("vectorParam", new MutableArray(colorVector));
              try (ResultSet rs = query.execute()) {
                  // process results
          public void useAVDWithPrediction(Database db, PredictiveModel colorModel, List<Object> colorVector)
              throws CouchbaseLiteException {
              // use APPROX_VECTOR_DISTANCE with a predictive model
              Database.prediction.registerModel("ColorModel", colorModel);
                  new VectorIndexConfiguration(
                      "prediction(ColorModel, {'colorInput': color}).vector",
                      3L, 100L));
              Query query = db.createQuery(
                  "SELECT meta().id, color"
                      + " FROM _default.colors"
                      + " ORDER BY APPROX_VECTOR_DISTANCE("
                      + "    prediction(ColorModel, {'colorInput': color}).vector,"
                      + "    $vectorParam)"
                      + " LIMIT 300");
              Parameters params = new Parameters();
              params.setArray("vectorParam", new MutableArray(colorVector));
              try (ResultSet rs = query.execute()) {
                  // process results
          public void hybridOrderBy(Database db, List<Object> colorVector) throws CouchbaseLiteException {
              Query query = db.createQuery(
                  "SELECT meta().id, color"
                      + " FROM _default.colors"
                      + " WHERE saturation > 0.5"
                      + " ORDER BY APPROX_VECTOR_DISTANCE(vector, $vector)"
                      + " LIMIT 8");
              Parameters params = new Parameters();
              params.setArray("vectorParam", new MutableArray(colorVector));
              try (ResultSet rs = query.execute()) {
                  // process results
          public void hybridWhere(Database db, List<Object> colorVector) throws CouchbaseLiteException {
              Query query = db.createQuery(
                  "SELECT meta().id, color"
                      + " FROM _default.colors"
                      + " WHERE saturation > 0.5"
                      + "     AND APPROX_VECTOR_DISTANCE(vector, $vector) < .05");
              Parameters params = new Parameters();
              params.setArray("vectorParam", new MutableArray(colorVector));
              try (ResultSet rs = query.execute()) {
                  // process results
          public void hybridPrediction(Database db, List<Object> colorVector) throws CouchbaseLiteException {
              Query query = db.createQuery(
                  "SELECT meta().id, color"
                      + " FROM _default.colors"
                      + " WHERE saturation > 0.5"
                      + " ORDER BY APPROX_VECTOR_DISTANCE("
                      + "    prediction(ColorModel, {'colorInput': color}).vector,"
                      + "    $vectorParam)"
                      + " LIMIT 8");
              Parameters params = new Parameters();
              params.setArray("vectorParam", new MutableArray(colorVector));
              try (ResultSet rs = query.execute()) {
                  // process results
      //    ??? vs-hybrid-vmatch[]
          public void hybridFullText(Database db, List<Object> colorVector) throws CouchbaseLiteException {
              // Create a hybrid vector search query with full-text's match() that
              // uses the the full-text index named "color_desc_index".
              Query query = db.createQuery(
                  "SELECT meta().id, color"
                      + " FROM _default.colors"
                      + " WHERE MATCH(color_desc_index, $text)"
                      + " ORDER BY APPROX_VECTOR_DISTANCE(vector, $vector)"
                      + " LIMIT 8");
              Parameters params = new Parameters();
              params.setArray("vectorParam", new MutableArray(colorVector));
              try (ResultSet rs = query.execute()) {
                  // process results
          public void lazyIndexConfig(Database db) throws CouchbaseLiteException {
                  new VectorIndexConfiguration("color", 3L, 100L)
          public void lazyIndexEmbed(Collection col, ColorModel colorModel) throws CouchbaseLiteException {
              while (true) {
                  try (IndexUpdater updater = col.getIndex("colors_index").beginUpdate(10)) {
                      if (updater == null) { break; }
                      for (int i = 0; i < updater.count(); i++) {
                          // get the color swatch from the updater and send it to the remote model
                          List<Float> embedding = colorModel.getEmbedding(updater.getBlob(i));
                          if (embedding != null) { updater.setVector(embedding, i); }
                          else {
                              // Bad connection? Corrupted over the wire? Something bad happened
                              // and the vector cannot be generated at the moment: skip it.
                              // The next time beginUpdate() is called, we'll try it again.
                      // This writes the vectors to the index. You MUST either have set or skipped each
                      // of the the vectors in the updater or this call will throw an exception.
      JSON String Format

      If your query selects ALL then the JSON format will be:

        database-name: {
          key1: "value1",
          keyx: "valuex"

      If your query selects a sub-set of available properties then the JSON format will be:

        key1: "value1",
        keyx: "valuex"

      1. Any change to this reserved key will be detected when it is saved and will result in a Couchbase exception (Error Code 5 — `CorruptRevisionData`)