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Build and Run


      Description — Build and run a starter app to validate your install of Couchbase Lite on Android
      Abstract — This content provides sample code and instructions that enable you to test your Couchbase Lite for java-android installation.


      An application that enables minification must ensure that certain pieces of Couchbase Lite library code are not changed — see Example 1 for a near-minimal rule set that retains the needed code:

      Example 1. Ruleset
      -keep class com.couchbase.lite.ConnectionStatus { <init>(...); }
      -keep class com.couchbase.lite.LiteCoreException { static <methods>; }
      -keep class com.couchbase.lite.internal.core.C4* {
          static <methods>;


      Open MainActivity.java in Android Studio and copy the following code in the onCreate method. This snippet demonstrates how to run basic CRUD operations, a simple Query and running bi-directional replications with Sync Gateway.

      Example 2. Sample code to test install
      // Initialize the Couchbase Lite system
      // Get the database (and create it if it doesn’t exist).
      DatabaseConfiguration config = new DatabaseConfiguration();
      Database database = new Database("getting-started", config);
      // Create a new document (i.e. a record) in the database.
      MutableDocument mutableDoc = new MutableDocument()
      .setFloat("version", 2.0F)
      .setString("type", "SDK");
      // Save it to the database.
      // Update a document.
      mutableDoc = database.getDocument(mutableDoc.getId()).toMutable();
      mutableDoc.setString("language", "Java");
      Document document = database.getDocument(mutableDoc.getId());
      // Log the document ID (generated by the database) and properties
      Log.i(TAG, "Document ID :: " + document.getId());
      Log.i(TAG, "Learning " + document.getString("language"));
      // Create a query to fetch documents of type SDK.
      Query query = QueryBuilder.select(SelectResult.all())
      ResultSet result = query.execute();
      Log.i(TAG, "Number of rows ::  " + result.allResults().size());
      // Create replicators to push and pull changes to and from the cloud.
      Endpoint targetEndpoint = new URLEndpoint(new URI("ws://localhost:4984/getting-started-db"));
      ReplicatorConfiguration replConfig = new ReplicatorConfiguration(database, targetEndpoint);
      // Add authentication.
      replConfig.setAuthenticator(new BasicAuthenticator("sync-gateway", "password"));
      // Create replicator (be sure to hold a reference somewhere that will prevent the Replicator from being GCed)
      Replicator replicator = new Replicator(replConfig);
      // Listen to replicator change events.
      replicator.addChangeListener(change -> {
        if (change.getStatus().getError() != null) {
          Log.i(TAG, "Error code ::  " + change.getStatus().getError().getCode());
      // Start replication.

      Build and run. You should see the document ID and property printed to the console. The document was successfully persisted to the database.

      See also — Install