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Load balancing replications
Considerations on using proxies and load balancers with Sync Gateway replications to manage secure SSL Cloud-to-Edge synchronization


This guide covers various aspects to consider when using a Load Balancer in a Couchbase Mobile deployment. In particular, when using NGINX or AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB).

When to Use a Reverse Proxy

  • A reverse proxy can hide the existence of a Sync Gateway server or servers. This can help to secure the Sync gateway instances when your service is exposed to the internet.

  • A reverse proxy can provide application firewall features that protect against common web-based attacks.

  • A reverse proxy can offload ssl termination from the Sync Gateway instances, this can be a significant overhead when supporting large numbers of mobile devices.

  • A reverse proxy can distribute the load from incoming requests to several Sync Gateway instances.

  • A reverse proxy may rewrite the URL of each incoming request in order to match the relevant internal location of the requested resource. For Sync Gateway the reverse proxy may map the Internet facing port 80 to the standard Sync Gateway public REST API port 4984.

WebSocket Connection

To keep a WebSocket connection open, the replicator sends a WebSocket PING message (also known as heartbeat) every 300 seconds (5 minutes). This heartbeat is required to keep the connection alive between Couchbase Lite and Sync Gateway.

To support the heartbeat’s effective operation, the keep-alive timeout interval of any intervening load balancer must be longer than the heartbeat interval. This can be achieved either by changing the websocket proxy settings for the load balancer to align with the heartbeat interval — see NGINX. Or alternatively, by configuring the replicator heartbeat interval using Couchbase Lite [1].

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This section demonstrates how to change the websocket heartbeat interval on NGINX.

  1. Connect to the server running Sync Gateway and install the nginx server:

    sudo apt-get install nginx
  2. Make sure that the NGINX version installed is 1.3 or higher.

    Earlier versions do not support WebSockets, and will cause connection problems with pull replications from Couchbase Lite.

    nginx -v
  3. Once the installation is completed, you can access the NGINX welcome page from your browser.

    bash (1)
    1 Replace with the IP address of your server.

Basic NGINX Configuration

If you installed nginx using the instructions above, then you will create your sync_gateway configuration file in /etc/nginx/sites-available.

  1. Create a file in that directory called sync_gateway with the content shown in Example 1:

    Example 1. NGINX configuration sample
    upstream sync_gateway { (1) server; } # HTTP server # server { listen 80; // <> server_name myservice.example.org; (2) client_max_body_size 20m; (3) location / { (4) proxy_pass http://sync_gateway; (5) proxy_pass_header Accept; (6) proxy_pass_header Server; proxy_http_version 1.1; (7) keepalive_requests 1000; (8) keepalive_timeout 360s; (9) proxy_read_timeout 360s; (10) proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; (11) proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade"; } }
    1 The upstream block specifies the server and port nginx will forward traffic to.

    In this example it is the sync_gateway running on the same server as nginx and listening on the default public REST API port of 4984.
    Change these values if your sync_gateway is configured differently

    2 The listen directive instructs nginx to listen on port 80 for incoming traffic.
    3 The server_name directive instructs nginx to check that the HTTP Host: header value matches myservice.example.org (change this value to your domain).
    4 The client_max_body_size directive instructs nginx to accept request bodies up to 21MBytes, this is necessary to support attachments being sync’d to Sync Gateway.
    5 The location block specifies directives for all URL paths below the root path /.
    6 The proxy_pass directive instructs nginx to forward all incoming traffic to servers defined in the sync_gateway upstream block.
    7 The two proxy_pass_header directives instruct nginx to pass Accept: and Server: headers on inbound and outbound traffic, these headers allow CouchbaseLite and sync_gateway to optimize data transfer, e.g. by using gzip compression and multipart/mixed if it is supported.
    8 The keepalive_requests directive instructs nginx to allow up to one thousand requests on the same connection, this is useful when getting a _changes feed using longpoll.
    9 The keepalive_timeout directive instructs nginx to keep connection open for 360 seconds from the last request, this value is longer than the default (300 seconds) value for the heartbeat on the _changes feed using longpoll.
    10 The proxy_read_timeout directive instructs nginx to keep connection open for 360 seconds from the last server response, this value is longer than the default (300 seconds) value for the heartbeat on the _changes feed using longpoll.
    11 The two proxy_set_header directives enable support for WebSocket connections, which are used by Couchbase Lite for a pull replication’s _changes feed.
  2. We now need to enable the sync_gateway site.
    In the sites-enabled directory, make a symbolic link to the sync_gateway file you just created:

    ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/sync_gateway /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/sync_gateway
  3. Now restart nginx:

    sudo service nginx restart
  4. Take a look at the site in your web browser.
    Alternatively, use a command line option like curl or wget, specifying the virtual host name you created above — see Example 2.

    Example 2. Using curl to access the site
    curl http://myservice.example.org/ {“couchdb”:”Welcome”,”vendor”:{“name”:”Couchbase Sync Gateway”,”version”:1},”version”:”Couchbase Sync Gateway/1.0.3(81;fa9a6e7)”}

    You should see that your request is proxied through to the Sync Gateway, but your traffic is going over port 80:

  5. Now access your server using its IP address so that no Host: header is sent.

    bash (1)
    1 Replace with the IP address of your server.

    You should see the standard Welcome to nginx! page.

Load-balancing Multiple Sync Gateway Instances

Sync Gateway instances have a "shared nothing" architecture: this means that you can scale out by simply deploying additional Sync Gateway instances. But incoming traffic needs to be distributed across all the instances.

Nginx can easily accommodate this and balance the incoming traffic load across all your Sync Gateway instances. Simply add the additional instances' IP addresses to the upstream block — see: Example 3.

Example 3. Configuring for multiple Sync Gateway instances
upstream sync_gateway { server; server; server; }

Transport Layer Security (HTTPS, SSL)

To secure the connection between clients and Sync Gateway in production, you will want to use Transport Layer Security (TLS, also known as HTTPS or SSL.) This not only encrypts data from eavesdroppers (including passwords and login tokens), it also protects against Man-In-The-Middle attacks by verifying to the client that it’s connecting to the real server, not an impostor.


To enable TLS you will need an X.509 certificate.


For production, you should get a certificate from a reputable Certificate Authority, which will be signed by that authority. This allows the client to verify that your certificate is trustworthy.

You will end up with two files, both of which must be stored on a filesystem accessible to the nginx process:

  • Aa private key

    Treat this private key file as highly confidential data, since anyone with the key can impersonate your site in a Man-In-The-Middle attack. Read access should be limited to the nginx process(es) and no others.

  • A public certificate.


For testing, you can easily create your own self-signed certificate using the openssl command-line tool — see: Example 4

Example 4. Creating self-signed certificate with Openssl
sudo mkdir -p /etc/nginx/ssl sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 1095 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.key -out /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.crt

Using the certificate and key

Whichever way you generated the certificate, you should now have two files, a certificate and a private key. We will assume they are at /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.crt and /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.key.

  1. Add a new server section (see: Example 5) to the nginx configuration file to support SSL termination:

    Example 5. Configure for SSL termination
    server {
        listen 443 ssl;
        server_name  myservice.example.org;
        client_max_body_size 21m;
        ssl on;
        ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.crt;
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.key;
        ssl_session_cache   shared:SSL:10m;
        ssl_session_timeout 10m;
        ssl_protocols TLSv1;
        location / {
            proxy_pass              http://sync_gateway;
            proxy_pass_header       Accept;
            proxy_pass_header       Server;
            proxy_http_version      1.1;
            keepalive_requests      1000;
            keepalive_timeout       360s;
            proxy_read_timeout      360s;
  2. Restart nginx to enable the new server:

    sudo service nginx restart
  3. Test using curl:

    curl -k https://myservice.example.org/ {“couchdb”:”Welcome”,”vendor”:{“name”:”Couchbase Sync Gateway”,”version”:1},”version”:”Couchbase Sync Gateway/1.0.3(81;fa9a6e7)”}

Note, if you are using a self-signed cert you need to add a -k flag before the URL.
It tells curl to accept an untrusted certificate. Without this, the command will fail because your cert is not signed by a trusted Certificate Authority.

AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)

Since Sync Gateway and Couchbase Lite can have long running connections for changes feeds, you should set the Idle Timeout setting of the ELB to the maximum value of 3600 seconds (1 hour).

See the ELB instructions for more information on how to change this setting.