Couchbase Power BI Connector

  • how-to

    The Couchbase Power BI Connector provides data visualization for the Couchbase platform, using Microsoft’s data visualization software.

    The Couchbase Power BI Connector integrates:

    • Couchbase Analytics tabular views.

      For self-managed CBAS, the Power BI connector requires Couchbase Server 7.2.4 or newer.
    • Capella Columnar instances

    • or Capella provisioned services

    with Microsoft’s Power BI interactive data visualization platform.


    You can integrate the Power BI platform with Couchbase Capella, or an instance of the self-managed Couchbase Server. You should also run the Couchbase Analytics service on the target node.

    Install Power BI

    Before you start, ensure you have a supported version of Microsoft Power BI Desktop installed. The Couchbase Power BI Connector requires Power BI Desktop version March 2017 or later.

    If necessary, download Power BI Desktop from the Microsoft downloads page.

    Power BI is only available for the Microsoft Windows platform; for other platforms, consider our Tableau connector.

    Install the Couchbase ODBC Driver

    1. Download the couchbase-odbc-1.1-win64.msi file from — see the release notes page for more details.

    2. Double-click the file to open the Couchbase ODBC Setup Wizard.

    3. Install the ODBC drivers from the downloaded file. This installation provides both ANSI and Unicode drivers.

    Make sure that you have installed the 64-bit versions of the ODBC drivers.

    Install OpenSSL

    The connection between a Couchbase Analytics instance or a Capella columnar database and Power BI requires a Couchbase ODBC driver. OpenSSL is a required dependency for the driver.

    1. Download Win64 OpenSSL v3.3.1 Light from the Shining Light Productions site.

    2. Install OpenSSL from the downloaded file.

    3. Verify that Windows has installed SSL, and registered the path of the binary. Open the command prompt (cmd), and enter the following:

      openssl version
    4. If the output indicates OpenSSL is not installed, rather than returning the version that you installed, then you need to add the OpenSSL binary’s path to the env:

      1. Check the C:\Program Files or use Find to locate the SSL binary — usually the path will be something like:

        C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin
      2. Add this path to the environmental variables list, found in System variables  Path.

      3. Now verify that Windows has registered the path of the binary. Once again, open the command prompt (cmd) — it must be a fresh command prompt, as the earlier one will not have loaded the newly added environmental variables — and enter the following:

        openssl version

    Setting up a Secure Connection

    Couchbase strongly recommends that you secure your ODBC connection using SSL. This ensures encryption of the communication between Power BI and the Couchbase server/Capella.

    • Couchbase Capella

    • Self-Managed Couchbase Server

    You will need to obtain a connection string for your database, and generate an API key to plug into the ODBC connector.

    To obtain the connection string.

    1. Sign in to your Capella instance as an Administrator.

    2. Select the Connect item from the top-level menu.

    3. Make a copy of the public connection string.

      copying connection string
    4. In the next section of the page, you will find the link to create a list of Allowed IP Addresses. Click on the link to create an entry for the IP address of the machine upon which you’re running Power BI.

      creating-allowed-ip address
      You can use the Add Current IP Address button to fill in the address of the machine currently running the web console.
    5. Return to the Connect screen and click on the Database Access link. Create a new database access entry, setting values for bucket, and scopes.

      Creating database access
    6. To set up a secure connection, you will need to retrieve the root certificate for your Capella instance.

      1. Click on Security Certificate in the left menu.

      2. Click on Download to transfer a copy of the root certificate to your local machine.

        download root certificate

    To create a secure connection to a self-managed Couchbase Server instance, you need to get the root certificate from the Administrator’s Console.

    1. Use your web browser to access the Admin console and log in as an Administrator.

    2. Use the left-hand menu to access the Security settings.

    3. From the top menu, select Certificates. This will take you to the page from which you can view the server’s security certificates:

      access root certificate
    4. Copy all the text in the Trusted Root Certificates section (start from BEGIN CERTIFICATE and include END CERTIFICATE ), and save the text to an accessible PEM file. (e.g., C:\Users\user\certificate.pem).

      You will use this file later when you create the ODBC connection.

    Configure the ODBC Data Source

    You need to configure the data source parameters to connect your Power BI desktop to Couchbase.

    To configure the Couchbase ODBC driver as a User DSN:

    1. Open the ODBC Administration tool.

    2. Create a new ODBC connection using one of the Couchbase drivers (either ANSI or Unicode), then select Finish

    3. On the next window, select Couchbase Analytics.

    4. Depending on whether you are connecting to Couchbase Capella or a self-managed Couchbase Server instance, fill in the parameters from the choices below:

      • Couchbase Capella

      • Self-Managed Couchbase Server


      Enter an identifying name for the data source.


      Enter an optional description.


      Fill in the connection string you copied here.

      Remove the couchbase: prefix from the string when you enter it.

      For example, if the connection string is:


      Then use:

      For the connection.


      Use 11207 for a secure connection.


      Name of the scope from which the data is being extracted. If a two-part scope — such as travel-sample.inventory — then the two parts must be separated by a / — travel-sample/inventory.


      Fill in require for SSL.


      Enter the username that you created in the Database Access section of Capella.


      Enter the password you created in the Database Access section of Capella.

      CertificateFile Path:

      Fill in the location of the file you downloaded here.

      When entering the certificate path, use double slashes (\\) for the path separators.

      E.g., C:\\Users\\user\\certificate.txt


      Enter an identifying name for the data source.


      Enter an optional description.


      Enter the IP address of the Data (KV) node in the Couchbase cluster.


      Set to 11207 for an SSL connection.


      Name of the scope from which the data is being extracted. If a two-part scope — such as travel-sample.inventory — then the two parts must be separated by a / — travel-sample/inventory.

      Ensure that you do not include extraneous spaces or tabs when you enter the scope name.

      Fill in require for SSL.


      You can use the Administrator user set up during installation for testing purposes, but a user restricted to only CBAS permissions — Cluster Admin Role — should be used for deployment.


      Enter the cluster password.

      CertificateFile Path:

      Fill in the location of the file you downloaded here.

      When entering the certificate path, use double slashes (\\) for the path separators.

      E.g., C:\\Users\\user\\certificate.txt

      For information about adding an ODBC data source, see the Microsoft support documentation.

    Install the Couchbase Power BI Connector

    You will need to install the connector that allows Power BI to communicate with Couchbase, using ODBC.

    1. Download couchbase-powerbi-connector-1.0.mez from — see the release notes page for more details.

    2. Follow Microsoft’s guide on configuring a custom connector.

    Verify the Connector is Loaded Successfully:

    1. Open Power BI.

    2. Go to Get Data → More → Couchbase Connector

    The Couchbase Power BI Connector is now correctly configured to work with the Power BI platform.

    Next, you configure a connection to Couchbase Analytics or an instance of the Capella columnar database.

    Configure an ODBC Data Source

    You configure a data source name (DSN) for each CBAS scope or Capella columnar database you want to use in Power BI.

    Configure a User DSN in Power BI

    You can install either Couchbase ODBC Driver (ANSI) or Couchbase Unicode Driver (UNICODE). If the data contains multibyte characters, select Unicode.

    Be careful to use the ODBC Data Source Administrator (64 bit); there is an ODBC Data Source Administrator (32 bit) available, but this will not work with the connector.

    When the Create data source for Couchbase dialog opens, select Capella Columnar or (for CBAS) Couchbase Analytics and enter values as follows:

    Use the Couchbase Power BI Connector

    Business information tools rely on data that is organized into relational databases. To use the Power BI connector, you must create tabular analytics views of your JSON documents. For self-managed CBAS, see the workbench docs or tabular views.

    After you prepare tabular views and define DSNs in Power BI, you use the Couchbase Power BI Connector to load data into Power BI.

    Use the Connector to Add Data to Power BI

    To add data from Capella columnar or CBAS to Power BI, follow the instructions to Connect to data sources in Power BI desktop in the Microsoft documentation.

    Couchbase Connector appears on the Get Data list of data sources. When prompted for Username and Password, supply your Capella columnar or CBAS credentials.

    After you connect, a list of the tabular views in the database specified by the DSN appears. Load a view to use Power BI options.

    An example image of the travel-sample airport_view follows.

    A data visualization in Power BI