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The ClusterOptions class enables you to configure .NET SDK options for bootstrapping, timeouts, reliability, and performance.

You can configure the client programmatically using JSON config files, Environmental variables settings, XML-based configuration such as app.config, or web.config files.

Configuration Basics

Configuration is essentially the same as SDK 2.x retaining capabilites with less tunable properties. Instead of using a ClientConfiguration object, you would use a ClusterOptions object. For example, to use a custom timeout for Key/Value (K/V) operations you would do something like this:

// SDK 3.0 custom k/v timeout var options = new ClusterOptions { KvTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5) };

Fluent Configuration

You can also build the Cluster Options in a fluent way, for example:

var options = new ClusterOptions() .WithConnectionString("couchbase://locahost") .WithCredentials(username: "user", password: "password") .WithBuckets("travel-sample") .WithLogging(LoggerFactory.Create(builder => { builder.AddFilter("Couchbase", LogLevel.Debug) .AddEventLog(); }));

The cluster options are passed into the Cluster object via a constructor:

var cluster = new Cluster("couchbase://localhost", options);

Or by using one of the static Cluster.Connect(…​) methods:

var cluster = Cluster.Connect("couchbase://localhost", options);

JSON Configuration

In support of .NET Core, the client can now be configured using JSON config files.

Below is an example of how appsettings.json can be coded for cluster options. Note, the key ClusterOptions is simply a name of an object and can be anything you may want it to be.

{ "Logging": { "LogLevel": { "Default": "Information", "Microsoft": "Warning", "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information" } }, "AllowedHosts": "*", "ClusterOptions": { "ConnectionString": "couchbase://localhost", "UserName": "user", "Password": "password", "BucketName" : "travel-sample" } }

Here is an example of building the options from the JSON configuration above:

var settings = Configuration.GetSection("ClusterOptions"); services.Configure<ClusterOptions>(settings);

The options can now be made accessible through any services as below:

public CustomService ( IOptions<ClusterOptions> clusterOptions) { var bucketName = clusterOptions.BucketName; }

The "travel-sample" bucket is opened using any of the overridden defaults.

Configuration Options

The following listing covers all possible configuration options and explains their usage and default values. Options are categorized into groups by usage.

Security Options

By default the client will connect to Couchbase Server using an unencrypted connection. If you are using the Enterprise Edition, it’s possible to secure the connection using TLS.

Template for configuring security settings
var options = new ClusterOptions() { EnableTls = true };
Unless you set EnableTls to true, none of the other security settings in this section have any effect.
Name: Enabling Secure Connections

Cluster Option: EnableTls(boolean)

Default: false

Set this to true to encrypt all communication between the client and server using TLS. This feature requires the Enterprise Edition of Couchbase Server 3.0 or later. If TLS is enabled you must also specify the trusted certificates by calling exactly one of trustCertificate, trustCertificates, or trustManagerFactory. Please see the Managing Connections section for more details on how to set it up properly.

Name: Enable Certificate Based Authentication

Cluster Option: EnableCertificateAuthentication(boolean)

EnableCertificateAuthentication is required to be set to true to use Certificate Authentication

Name: Ignore Remote Certificate Name Mismatch

Cluster Option: IgnoreRemoteCertificateNameMismatch(boolean)

Default: false

If TLS is enabled via EnableTls, setting this to true will disable hostname validation when authenticating connections to Couchbase Server. This is typically done in test or development environments where a domain name (FQDN) has not been specified for the bootstrap server’s URI, and the IP address is use to validate the certificate, which will fail with a RemoteCertificateNameMismatch error.

Name: Enable Certificate Revocation

Cluster Option: EnableCertificateRevocation(boolean)

Default: false

A Boolean value that specifies whether the certificate revocation list is checked during authentication.

Name: With Credentials

Cluster Option: WithCredentials(string, string)

Default: none

Applies the credentials for authentication. Note that this is the same as setting the UserName and Password properties.

Name: Enabled SSL Protocols

ClusterOption: EnabledSslProtocols(SslProtocols)

Default: TLS1.2 and TLS1.3 for .NET6 and greater; TLS1.2 for earlier .NET version.

Defines the possible TLS protocols to use. The underlying OS will always pick the highest supported version.

Name: Enabled TLS Cipher Suites

Default: EnabledTlsCipherSuites(TlsCipherSuite)

List of enabled TLS Cipher Suites. If not set, will use default .NET Cipher Suites defined by the OS. Supported by .NET 3.1 or greater.

Name: Force IP As Target Host

ClusterOption: ForceIpAsTargetHost(boolean)

Default: true

If ForceIpAsTargetHost is true, send the IP as the target host during TLS authentication. If ForceIpAsTargetHost is false, then mimic the default SDK2 behavior; the hostname or IP as defined by the server will be sent as the target host during TLS authentication.

Name: Key Value Remote Certificate Validation

ClusterOption: KvCertificateCallbackValidation(RemoteCertificateValidationCallback)

Default: null - if null and certificate authentication is enabled this value will be populated internally by the default callback validation.

The default RemoteCertificateValidationCallback called by .NET to validate the TLS/SSL certificates being used for HTTP services (Query, FTS, Analytics, etc). If this method returns true, then the certificate will be accepted. While it can be handy to simply return true for development against self-signed certificates, such a shortcut should never be used against a public-facing or production system.

Name: HTTP Remote Certificate Validation

ClusterOption: KvCertificateCallbackValidation(RemoteCertificateValidationCallback)

Default: null - if null and certificate authentication is enabled this value will be populated internally by the default callback validation.

The default RemoteCertificateValidationCallback called by .NET to validate the TLS/SSL certificates being used for Key/Value operations. If this method returns true, then the certificate will be accepted.

Name: *With X509 Certificate Factory

ClusterOption: WithX509CertificateFactory(ICertificateFactory)

Default: null - if null it will be set internally by the default CertificateFactory.

Gets or sets the ICertificateFactory to provide client certificates during TLS authentication. Will set the TlsEnabled flag to true if called.

Name: *X509 Certificate Factory

ClusterOption: X509CertificateFactory(ICertificateFactory)

Default: null - if null it will be set internally by the default CertificateFactory.

Gets or sets the ICertificateFactory to provide client certificates during TLS authentication.

Name: Key Value Ignore Remote Certificate Name Mismatch

ClusterOption: KvIgnoreRemoteCertificateNameMismatch(boolean)

Default: false

Ignore CertificateNameMismatch and CertificateChainMismatch for Key/Value operations, since they happen together. Intended for development purposes only. Does NOT affect anything other than the name mismatch, such as an untrusted root or an expired certificate.

Name: HTTP Ignore Remote Certificate Name Mismatch

ClusterOption: HttpIgnoreRemoteCertificateNameMismatch(boolean)

Default: false

Ignore CertificateNameMismatch and CertificateChainMismatch for HTTP services (Query, FTS, Analytics, etc), since they happen together. Intended for development purposes only. Does NOT affect anything other than the name mismatch, such as an untrusted root or an expired certificate.

Name: EnableCertificateRevocation

ClusterOption: EnableCertificateRevocation

Default: false

A System.Boolean value that specifies whether the certificate revocation list is checked during authentication.

I/O Options

This section provides basic settings that will come in handy while configuring network related operations.

Template for configuring I/O settings
var options = new ClusterOptions() { EnableDnsSrvResolution = true };
Name: DNS SRV Enabled

Cluster Option: EnableDnsSrvResolution(boolean)

Default: true

Gets the bootstrap node list from a DNS SRV record. See the Connection Management section for more information on how to use it properly.

Name: Mutation Tokens Enabled

Cluster Options: EnableMutationTokens(boolean)

Default: true

Mutation tokens allow enhanced durability requirements as well as advanced SQL++ (formerly N1QL) querying capabilities. Set this to false if you do not require these features and wish to avoid the associated overhead.

Name: Socket Keepalive

Cluster Option: EnableTcpKeepAlives(boolean)

Default: true

If enabled, the client periodically sends a TCP keepalive to the server to prevent firewalls and other network equipment from dropping idle TCP connections.

Name: Socket Keepalive Interval

Cluster Option: TcpKeepAliveTime(TimeSpan)

Default: 60s

The idle time after which a TCP keepalive gets fired. (This setting has no effect if EnableTcpKeepAlives is false.)

This setting only propagates to the OS on Linux when the epoll transport is used. On all other platforms, the OS-configured time is used (and you need to tune it there if you want to override the default interval).
Name: Key/Value Endpoints per Node

Cluster Option: NumKvConnections(int)

Default: 2

The number of actual endpoints (sockets) to open per node in the cluster against the Key/Value service. By default, for every node in the cluster one socket is opened where all traffic is pushed through. That way the SDK implicitly benefits from network batching characteristics when the workload increases. If you suspect based on profiling and benchmarking that the socket is saturated you can think about slightly increasing it to have more "parallel pipelines". This might be especially helpful if you need to push large documents through it.

Durable Write operations with Couchbase Server 6.5 and above require up to 16 kvEndpoints per node, for most efficient operation, unless the environment dictates something a little lower.
Name: Max HTTP Endpoints per Service per Node

Cluster Option: MaxHttpConnections(int)

Default: 5

Each service (except the Key/Value service) has a separate dynamically sized pool of HTTP connections for issuing requests. This setting puts an upper bound on the number of HTTP connections in each pool.

Name: Enable Config Poll

Cluster Option: EnableConfigPolling(boolean)

Default: true

Enables Configuration heartbeat checks.

Name: Config Poll Interval

Cluster Option: ConfigPollInterval(TimeSpan)

Default: 2.5s

The interval at which the client fetches cluster topology information in order to proactively detect changes. EnableConfigPolling should be set to true to leverage this setting.

Name: Enable Expect 100-Continue

ClusterOption: EnableExpect100Continue(boolean)


Gets or sets a value that indicates if the Expect header for an HTTP request contains Continue.

Name: DNS Revolver

Cluster Option: DnsResolver(IDnsResolver)

Default: DnsClientDnsResolver

Provide a custom IDnsResolver for DNS SRV resolution.

Bootstrapping Options

Bootrapping is the initial process of the client connecting to a server cluster.

Name: Bootstrap Poll Interval

ClusterOption: BootstrapPollInterval(TimeSpan)

Default: 2.5s

Used for checking that the SDK has bootstrapped and potentially retrying if not.

Name: Bootstrap HTTP TLS Port

ClusterOption: BootstrapHttpPortTls(int)

Default: 18091

Port used for TLS HTTP bootstrapping fallback if other bootstrap methods are not available. Do not change unless the Couchbase server default ports have be changed.

Name: Bootstrap HTTP Port

ClusterOption: BootstrapHttpPort(int)

Default: 8091

Port used for HTTP bootstrapping fallback if other bootstrap methods are not available. Do not change unless the Couchbase server default ports have be changed.

Compression Options

Name: With Compression Algorithm

Cluster Option:`WithCompressionAlgorithm(ICompressionAlgorithm)`

Default: null

Provide a custom ICompressionAlgorithm for key/value body compression.

Name: Compression

Cluster Option: Compression(boolean)

Default: true - Ignored if no compression is supplied via WithCompressionAlogrithm

Enables compression for key/value operations.

Name: Compression Minimum Size

Cluster Option:`CompressionMinSize(int)`

Default: 32

If compression is enabled, the minimum document size considered for compression (in bytes). Documents smaller than this size are always sent to the server uncompressed.

Name: Compression Minimum Ratio

Cluster Option: CompressionMinRatio(float)

Default: 0.83f

If compression is enabled, the minimum compression ratio to accept when sending documents to the server. Documents which don’t achieve this compression ratio are sent to the server uncompressed.

1.0 means no compression was achieved. A value of 0.75 would result in documents which compress to at least 75% of their original size to be transmitted compressed. The default is 0.83 (83%).

Performance Tuning Options

Performance tuning options under the ClusterOptions.Tuning property. This section is volatile and may change in future releases.

Name: Maximum Operation Builder Capacity

Cluster Option: MaximumOperationBuilderCapacity(int)

Default: 1MB

Maximum size of a buffer used for building key/value operations to be sent to the server which will be retained for reuse. Buffers larger than this value will be disposed. If your application is consistently sending mutation operations larger than this value, increasing the value may improve performance at the cost of RAM utilization.

Name: Maximum Retained Operation Builders

Cluster Option: MaximumRetainedOperationBuilders(int)

Default: Processor Count * 4

Maximum number of buffers used for building key/value operations to be sent to the server which will be retained for reuse. If your application has a very high degree of parallelism (for example, a very large number of data nodes), increasing this number may improve performance at the cost of RAM utilization. Defaults to 4 times the number of logical CPUs.

Name: Maximum In Flight Operations Per Connection

Cluster Option: MaximumInFlightOperationsPerConnection(int)

Default: 8

Maximum number of operations which may be sent and still awaiting a response from the server per connection. This value may need tuning on high latency connections or based on average operation response size. Defaults to 8 operations per connection.

Note that this is not directly limiting the total number of in-flight operations, each bucket and each node gets a dedicated pool of connections that scale based on the minimum and maximum pool size. This limit is per connection.

Name: Stream HTTP Response Bodies

Cluster Option: StreamHttpResponseBodies(boolean)

Default: true if .NET Standard 2.1 or .NET 6 or greater, otherwise false.

If enabled, HTTP responses such as query responses will be streamed after response headers are received rather than waiting for the entire response body to be received. This default to true on modern .NET runtimes and false on .NET 4.x.

When enabled it becomes more important to call IDisposable.Dispose on result objects such as IQueryResult{T} and IAnalyticsResult{T} to ensure the underlying HTTP connection is released. This is especially true on .NET 4.x where failure to dispose may cause issues with connection pool exhaustion.

Circuit Breaker Options

Circuit breakers are a tool for preventing cascading failures.

When a circuit is closed, requests are sent to the server as normal. If too many requests fail within a certain time window, the breaker opens the circuit, preventing requests from going through.

When a circuit is open, any requests to the service immediately fail without the client even talking to the server. After a "sleep delay" elapses, the next request is allowed to go through the to the server. This trial request is called a "canary."

Each service has an associated circuit breaker which may be configured independently of the others. The IoConfig builder has methods for configuring the circuit breakers of each service.

Template for configuring circuit breaker settings
var options = new ClusterOptions() { CircuitBreakerConfiguration = new Couchbase.Core.CircuitBreakers.CircuitBreakerConfiguration { Enabled = true, VolumeThreshold = 45, ErrorThresholdPercentage = 25, SleepWindow = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), RollingWindow = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2) } }

The properties of a circuit breaker are described below.


Default: true

Enables or disables this circuit breaker.

If this property is set to false, then the circuit breaker is not used and all other properties are ignored.


Default: 20

The volume threshold defines how many operations must be in the window before the threshold percentage can be meaningfully calculated.


Default: 50

The percentage of operations in a window that may fail before the circuit is opened. The value is an integer in the range [0,100].


Default: 5s

The delay between when the circuit opens and when the canary is tried.


Default: 1m

How long the window is in which the number of failed ops are tracked in a rolling fashion.

Timeout Options

The default timeout values are suitable for most environments, and should be adjusted only after profiling the expected latencies in your deployment environment. If you get a timeout exception, it may be a symptom of another issue; increasing the timeout duration is sometimes not the best long-term solution.

Most timeouts can be overridden on a per-operation basis (for example, by passing a custom options block to a "get" or "query" method). The values set here are used as the defaults when no per-operation timeout is specified.

Template for configuring timeouts
var options = new ClusterOptions() { KvTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.5), KvDurabilityTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), ViewTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(75), QueryTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(75), SearchTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(75), AnalyticsTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(75), ManagementTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(75) };

Timeout Options Reference

Name: Key-Value Timeout

Cluster Option: KvTimeout(TimeSpan)

Default: 2.5s — but see TIP, below

The Key/Value default timeout is used on operations which are performed on a specific key if not overridden by a custom timeout. This includes all commands like Get(), GetFromReplica() and all mutation commands, but does not include operations that are performed with enhanced durability requirements.

Durable Write operations have their own timeout setting, KvDurableTimeout, see below.
Name: Key-Value Durable Operation Timeout

Cluster Option: KvDurableTimeout(TimeSpan)

Default: 10s

Key/Value operations with enhanced durability requirements may take longer to complete, so they have a separate default timeout.

Do not set this above 65s, which is the maximum possible SyncWrite timeout on the Server side.

The KvDurableTimeout property is not part of the stable API and may change or be removed at any time.
Name: View Timeout

Cluster Option: ViewTimeout(TimeSpan)

Default: 75s

The View timeout is used on view operations if not overridden by a custom timeout. Note that it is set to such a high timeout compared to key/value since it can affect hundreds or thousands of rows. Also, if there is a node failure during the request the internal cluster timeout is set to 60 seconds.

Name: Query Timeout

Cluster Option: QueryTimeout(TimeSpan)

Default: 75s

The Query timeout is used on all SQL++ query operations if not overridden by a custom timeout. Note that it is set to such a high timeout compared to key/value since it can affect hundreds or thousands of rows.

Name: Search Timeout

Cluster Option: SearchTimeout(TimeSpan)

Default: 75s

The Search timeout is used on all FTS operations if not overridden by a custom timeout. Note that it is set to such a high timeout compared to key/value since it can affect hundreds or thousands of rows.

Name: Analytics Timeout

Cluster Option: AnalyticsTimeout(TimeSpan)

Default: 75s

The Analytics timeout is used on all Analytics query operations if not overridden by a custom timeout. Note that it is set to such a high timeout compared to key/value since it can affect hundreds or thousands of rows.

Name: Management Timeout

Cluster Option: ManagementTimeout(TimeSpan)

Default: 75s

The management timeout is used on all cluster management APIs (BucketManager, UserManager, CollectionManager, QueryIndexManager, etc.) if not overridden by a custom timeout. The default is quite high because some operations (such as flushing a bucket, for example) might take a long time.

Name: Config Updating Timeout

ClusterOption: ConfigUpdatingTimeout(TimeSpan)

Default: 15s

The time to wait for a bucket re-configuration to take place after receiving a new cluster map config.

Name: Key Value Connect Timeout

ClusterOption: KvConnectTimeout(TimeSpan)

Default: 10s


The time to wait while attempting to connect to a node’s KV service via a socket. Initial connection, reconnecting, node added, etc.

Name: Key Value Range Scan Timeout

ClusterOption: KvScanTimeout(TimeSpan)

Default: 75s

The time to wait before timing out a KV Range Scan.

General Options

Name: Unordered Execution

Cluster Option: UnorderedExecutionEnabled

Default: true

From Couchbase 7.0, Out-of-Order execution allows the server to concurrently handle multiple requests on the same connection, potentially improving performance for durable writes and multi-document ACID transactions. This means that tuning the number of connections (KV endpoints) is no longer necessary as a workaround where data not available in the cache is causing timeouts.

This is set to true by default. Note, changing the setting will only affect Server versions 7.0 onwards.

Name: Transcoder

Cluster Option: Transcoder(Transcoder)

Default: JsonTranscoder

The transcoder is responsible for converting KV binary packages to and from C# objects.

The default transcoder assumes you are working with JSON documents. It uses the configured jsonSerializer to convert between JSON and C# objects. When writing documents it sets the appropriate flags to indicate the document content is JSON.

The transcoder configured here is just the default; it can be overridden on a per-operation basis.

Name: Threshold Tracer

Cluster Option: WithThresholdTracing(ThresholdOptions)

Default: ThresholdLoggingTracer

The default tracer logs the slowest requests per service.

var clusterOptions = new ClusterOptions(); clusterOptions.WithThresholdTracing(thresholdOptions => { thresholdOptions.WithEmitInterval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); thresholdOptions.WithSampleSize(10); thresholdOptions.WithKvThreshold(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500)); thresholdOptions.WithQueryThreshold(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); thresholdOptions.WithSearchThreshold(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); thresholdOptions.WithViewThreshold(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); thresholdOptions.WithAnalyticsThreshold(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); });
Name: Orphaned Response Tracer

Cluster Option: WithOrphanTracing(OrphanOptions)

Default: enabled

Orphaned Response Logger will log orphaned responses if a request fails to complete for some reason.

var clusterOptions = new ClusterOptions(); clusterOptions.WithOrphanTracing(orphanOptions => { orphanOptions.WithEnabled(true); orphanOptions.WithEmitInterval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); orphanOptions.WithSampleSize(10); });
Name: Key Value Send Queue Capacity

Cluster Option: KvSendQueueCapacity(uint)

Default: 1024

Gets or sets the maximum number of operations that will be queued for processing per node. If this value is exceeded, any additional operations will be put into the retry loop.

Commonly Used Options

The defaults above have been carefully considered and in general it is not recommended to make changes without expert guidance or careful testing of the change. Some options may be commonly used together in certain envionments or to achieve certain effects.

Constrained Network Environments

Though wide area network (WAN) connections are not directly supported, some development and non-critical operations activities across a WAN are convenient. Most likely for connecting to Couchbase Capella, or Server running in your own cloud account, whilst developing from a laptop or other machine not located in the same data center. These settings are some you may want to consider adjusting:

  • Connect Timeout to 30s

  • Key-Value Timeout to 5s

  • Config Poll Interval to 10s

  • Circuit Breaker ErrorThresholdPercentage to 75

As of SDK API 3.4 you can also use a Configuration Profile, which allows you to quickly configure your environment for common use-cases. See the Configuration Profiles section for more details.

A program using the SDK can also use the waitUntilReady() API call to handle all connection negotiations and related errors at one place. It may be useful to block in, for example, a basic console testing application for up to 30 seconds before proceeding in the program to perform data operations. See the API reference for further details.

Configuration Profiles

Configuration Profiles provide predefined client settings that allow you to quickly configure an environment for common use-cases. When using a configuration profile, the current client settings are overridden with the values provided in the profile. Any property that is not specified in the profile is left unchanged.

The Configuration Profiles feature is currently a Volatile API and may be subject to change.

WAN Development

Cluster Option: ApplyProfile("wan-development")

A wan-development configuration profile can be used to modify client settings for development or high-latency environments. This profile changes the default timeouts.

Table 1. Profile Settings
Setting Value















