
  • how-to
    Node.js SDK logging.
    the Logging implementation has changed substantially in 4.x. Customized logging is not yet implemented, this will be resolved in a future 4.x release. Use of the console logger (detailed below) is currently recommended.

    Library logging

    The Node.js SDK allows logging via the CBPPLOGLEVEL environment variable.

    Note that these logs will go to stdout (standard output).

    Environmental Settings

    In the command line environment, the CBPPLOGLEVEL variable is set as follows:

    GNU/Linux and Mac
    export CBPPLOGLEVEL=<log-level>
    set CBPPLOGLEVEL=<log-level>

    Log Levels

    You can increase the log level for greater verbosity (more information) in the logs:

    • off — disables all logging, which is normally set by default.

    • error — error messages.

    • warn — error notifications.

    • info — useful notices, not often.

    • debug — diagnostic information, required to investigate problems.

    • trace — the most verbose level.

    When logging is turned on, the SDK will output messages similar to this:

    [2022-05-17 15:23:46.221] [85833,13741777] [debug] 1ms, [2aed64fd-5d38-416a-cc09-e67c371b8444]: use default CA for TLS verify

    Additional Information

    The Node.js SDK internally uses the libcouchbase API (since 4.0 implemented by the Couchbase++ library) to perform operations. If more in depth debug information is required such as Stack Traces or Memory Leak Detection, you can find more information on how to achieve this in the C SDK documentation.