March 16, 2025
+ 12
Deploy the connector in AO mode for centralized management and resilient response to node failures and network partitions.

In Autonomous Operations (AO) mode the connector workers communicate with each other using a coordination service. If the machine hosting a worker fails, that worker is automatically removed from the group and the workload is redistributed among remaining workers.

Group configuration is stored in a central location so the entire group can be easily reconfigured on-the-fly. Command line tools let you pause and resume all workers at once. In this mode you can modify replication checkpoints without having to manually stop and restart all workers.

Coordination with Consul

The coordination service used by the connector is HashiCorp Consul.

Installing and managing a production Consul cluster is beyond the scope of this guide, but we’ll show how to quickly and easily set up a Consul server in development mode.

Couchbase does not provide support for Consul, nor for configuring Consul for use with the Couchbase Elasticsearch Connector. Although not supported, it is a useful solution for coordinating services across your infrastructure, so we offer this quickstart guide here for setting up your development environment.

AO Quickstart Guide

For demonstration purposes, this guide shows how to run the Consul agent & server and multiple connector workers on the same physical machine.


  • Please review the Getting Started documentation for basic connector configuration and operation. Make sure you are successful with a single worker before proceeding.

  • You’ll need a Consul executable for your platform. Visit the Consul web site and navigate to the download page. Download a compatible version of Consul (other versions may work, but these are the ones we currently test and support). Install the Consul binary by moving it to a directory in your PATH.

  • An Elasticsearch connector process will terminate if it finds itself in an unsafe state. For a production deployment, you’ll need to be familiar with systemd, upstart, init, or some other tool for monitoring a process and restarting it when it terminates.

Start the Consul Server

Run this command to start a single-node Consul cluster in development mode:

$ consul agent -dev

Visit the Consul web interface at http://localhost:8500 to view the state of the cluster and verify the node is healthy.

Configure the Connector Group

Make a copy of the connector configuration file you customized for the Getting Started guide. Let’s call the new config file ao-quickstart-config.toml.

Our new connector group needs a name. Edit the [group] section so it looks like this:

[group] name = 'my-ao-group' (1)
1 The name can be anything you want, but this is the value assumed by the rest of this guide.

Next, make sure there won’t be any port conflicts when running multiple workers on the same machine. Search for the [metrics] section and set the httpPort property to -1 to disable the embedded HTTP server.

The values in the [group.static] section are ignored when running in AO mode, but the section must still be present.

Save the changes. Now let’s upload the configuration to Consul with this command:

$ cbes-consul configure --input=ao-quickstart-config.toml

The config file should now be present in Consul’s Key/Value store which you can inspect using the web interface.

One limitation of running Consul in development mode is that data is not persisted between runs. You’ll need to re-run the connector configuration command after every Consul restart.

Using cbes-consul

Run Connector Workers

Use this command to start a connector worker using the configuration defined in Consul:

$ cbes-consul run --group=my-ao-group

Now let’s start a second worker. Open a new terminal window and run this command:

$ cbes-consul run --group=my-ao-group --service-id=second (1)
1 Because both workers are talking to the same Consul agent and using the same group name, we need to assign the second worker an explicit service ID.
Service IDs must be unique among all workers using the same Consul agent. If you don’t specify a service ID it defaults to the name of the group.

One of the connectors in the group was elected the leader (probably the first one, since it started first). The leader watches for group membership changes and rebalances the workload accordingly.

Add a third worker to the group and watch the output of the connectors to see how they respond. Pay particular attention to the leader’s output, since it will be the one telling the others what to do.

Now stop the leader by sending it an interrupt signal (type control-c in its terminal window). This forces a leader election, which one of the remaining workers wins.

If you like, edit the ao-quickstart-config.toml file and modify one of the properties in the [elasticsearch.bulkRequestLimits] section. Re-run the cbes-consul configure command from earlier to see the new configuration take effect immediately.

Connector Management Commands

Run cbes-consul without any arguments to see a list of sub-commands. Here are some highlights:

List the names of all configured connector groups
$ cbes-consul groups
Restart the replication stream (reindex all documents)
$ cbes-consul checkpoint-clear --group=my-ao-group
Ignore changes from before the current time
$ cbes-consul checkpoint-catch-up --group=my-ao-group
Save a snapshot of the replication checkpoint to the local filesystem
$ cbes-consul checkpoint-backup --group=my-ao-group --output=<checkpoint.json>
Restore the checkpoint from a snapshot file
$ cbes-consul checkpoint-restore --group=my-ao-group --input=<checkpoint.json>
Pause the connector
$ cbes-consul pause --group=my-ao-group
Get back to work!
$ cbes-consul resume --group=my-ao-group
The cbes-consul command has an optional --consul-config argument which points to a file with Consul-specific configuration options. This file is where you would specify a custom ACL token, for example. See the Consul section of the configuration documentation for more details.
Identify current leader
$ consul kv get couchbase/cbes/<group-name>/leader (1)
1 Replace <group-name> with the name of your connector group.

Migrating to Autonomous Operations

Replication checkpoint documents created in AO mode are 100% compatible with checkpoints created in other modes. If you’re migrating to AO mode, use the same group name and your replication checkpoint will be preserved.

Just make sure to stop all non-AO workers for a group before running the AO workers.

Tips & Tricks

  • All of the cbes-consul checkpoint-* commands may be performed at any time, even when workers are running. Just be careful not confuse them with the cbes-checkpoint-* commands, which should only be used when all workers in the group are stopped.

  • By default all of the CLI commands talk to Consul via the local agent. If there’s no local Consul agent, you can use a remote agent by passing --consul-agent=<host:port> (where port is usually 8500).

  • Configuration is not completely centralized. Sensitive properties like passwords must be still be configured on each worker’s filesystem.

From Development to Production

In a production environment, the recommended topology is to spread the connector workers over several machines, and to run the Consul agent in client mode on each machine that hosts a worker.

You’ll also need at least one Consul agent running in server mode; the recommended number of servers is 3 or 5.

Please see the Consul documentation for detailed information about administering a production Consul cluster.

If an Elasticsearch connector process cannot communicate with the Consul cluster, the connector will immediately terminate. This is expected, and is done to prevent unsafe operations. Changes to the Consul cluster topology may trigger this behavior. To ensure availability, the connector must be launched using systemd, upstart, init, or some other tool capable of restarting the process when it terminates.