March 23, 2025
+ 12
Learn how to enable client support for TLS and configure trusted certificates.

Couchbase Capella and Couchbase Server Enterprise Edition support secure connections with TLS.

Each node in a Couchbase cluster has its own TLS certificate, issued by a Certificate Authority (CA). When using TLS to connect to a node, the SDK verifies the node’s certificate is signed by a trusted CA.

In just a moment, you’ll learn how to configure the SDK to trust a CA certificate, but first…​

Before You Start

You’ll need the certificate of the Certificate Authority (CA) that issues certificates for nodes in the cluster.

The Capella CA certificate is included in the SDK, and the SDK trusts it by default unless you specify another trust source. If you’re connecting to a Capella cluster, all you have to do is enable TLS by using a connection string that starts with couchbases:// (note the final 's'). You can skip the rest of this chapter, or continue reading to learn how to trust a Capella CA certificate other than the one included in the SDK.

Log into the Capella admin website and navigate to your cluster. Click on the "Connect" tab and scroll down to "Security Certificates." Download the "Root Certificate."

Connecting to a Cluster Using TLS

As of SDK 1.1, if you connect to a Couchbase Server cluster with a root certificate issued by a trusted CA (Certificate Authority), you no longer need to configure this in the security settings.

The cluster’s root certificate just needs to be issued by a CA whose certificate is in the JVM’s trust store. This includes well known CAs (e.g., GoDaddy, Verisign, etc…​), plus any other CA certificates that you wish to add.

The JVM’s trust store is represented by a file named cacerts, which can be found inside your Java installation folder.

You can still provide a certificate explicitly if necessary:

  1. Set the security.enableTls client setting to true. Alternatively, use a connection string that starts with couchbases:// (note the final 's').

  2. Specify a TrustSource so the client knows which TLS certificates to trust.

Here’s an example, suitable for most deployments:

Enable TLS and trust certificates in a PEM file.
val cluster = Cluster.connect(connectionString, username, password) { security { enableTls = true trust = TrustSource.certificate( (1) Paths.get("/path/to/ca.pem") (2) ) } }
1 If you wish to specify the PEM file path using a connection string parameter or Java system property, the client setting name is security.trustCertificate.
2 Change this to the location of the file containing the CA certificate(s). If you downloaded it from Couchbase Capella, it might have a different name.

The TrustSource determines whether the client trusts the TLS certificate presented by the server. In this case, the client trusts a certificate if it is signed by any certificate in the given file.

Hostname Validation

When the server presents a certificate to the client, the client checks whether the address encoded in the certificate matches the address the client is connecting to. If the address does not match, the client refuses to connect.

During development, when connecting to a local single-node cluster be sure to use "" in the connection string instead of "localhost". Otherwise, hostname validation fails.

If you must disable this check, and are sure you understand the consequences, set the security.enableHostnameVerification client setting to false. However, it’s almost always better to fix the problem that causes hostname validation to fail.

Other TrustSources

You’re not limited to reading PEM files from the filesystem. Here are some alternate ways to create a TrustSource.

From X509Certificate objects

You can create a TrustSource from a list of objects. Here’s an example that uses SecurityConfig.decodeCertificates to convert a hardcoded string into a list of X.509 certificates to trust:

Enable TLS and trust decoded X.509 certificates
val pemEncodedCertificates = """ -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDAjCCAeqgAwIBAgIIFpZtHpcc9cgwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAwJDEiMCAGA1UE ... xFptQ/XVtEO/zh0gqSnUD/dROeUG28zbDKdP4Q1b70XE87HKnjYDcpfwfyJwo0Xg -----END CERTIFICATE----- """ val decodedCertificates: List<X509Certificate> = SecurityConfig.decodeCertificates(listOf(pemEncodedCertificates)) val cluster = Cluster.connect(connectionString, username, password) { security { enableTls = true trust = TrustSource.certificates(decodedCertificates) } }

From a PKCS#12 archive or Java KeyStore

Alternatively, you can store the certificates in a PKCS#12 archive or Java Key Store and read them like this:

Enable TLS and trust certificates in a PKCS#12 archive or Java Key Store.
val cluster = Cluster.connect(connectionString, username, password) { security { enableTls = true trust = TrustSource.trustStore( path = Paths.get("/path/to/trust-store.p12"), password = "password", ) } }
There’s an overload of TrustSource.trustStore that accepts an existing KeyStore object, for cases when you need more control over how the KeyStore is initialized.

From a custom TrustManagerFactory

For ultimate control, you can use a custom

Enable TLS using an insecure trust manager factory.
val cluster = Cluster.connect(connectionString, username, password) { security { enableTls = true trust = TrustSource.factory( InsecureTrustManagerFactory.INSTANCE (1) ) } }
1 This example trusts any certificate, regardless of who issued it. This defeats the purpose of using a secure connection, and is not suitable for a production environment.


When TLS is enabled, the SDK only talks to nodes whose TLS certificates were signed by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). Unless you are connecting to a Couchbase Capella cluster, it’s your responsibility to tell the SDK which CA certificates to trust.

You can download the CA certificates from the Couchbase Capella admin website, or copy them from the Couchbase Server admin console.

The simplest way to tell the SDK which CA certificates to trust is to point it at a PEM file containing the certificates. Alternatively, the SDK can read certificates from a PKCS#12 archive or a Java KeyStore, or you can give it pre-decoded X509Certificate objects.

The SDK gives you the power to disable hostname verification, or even disable all security checks by using an insecure trust manager factory. It’s best to avoid those settings whenever possible.