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Databricks Support

  • concept
    This section describes how to use the Couchbase Spark Connector in the Databricks environment.
    To avoid classpath issues in the Databricks environment, the assembly jar needs to be used as a dependency. See the next section on how to load it properly. Only Spark Connector 3.2.2 or later is supported in the Databricks environment.

    Compute Cluster Configuration

    Most of the work required to connect to Couchbase from Databricks is done during cluster configuration and setup.

    Before the cluster instance is started, Spark configuration properties need to be applied. The following properties illustrate how to connect to Couchbase Capella, please adjust the properties according to your needs.

    spark.couchbase.connectionString couchbases://cb.myinstance1234.cloud.couchbase.com
    spark.couchbase.username usernamehere
    spark.couchbase.password passwordhere
    spark.couchbase.implicitBucket travel-sample
    spark.couchbase.security.enableTls true

    The following screenshot shows the configuration properties applied to a Spark 3.2.1 cluster Community Edition.

    Databricks Cluster Property Config

    Once the cluster is started, the Couchbase Spark Connector needs to be attached as a dependency to the cluster. To avoid classpath issues in the environment, the assembly jar must be used (as opposed to the regular jar with transitive dependencies).

    On the Download and API Reference page you can download the assembly jar for each version - please keep in mind that only 3.2.2 or later are supported.

    Databricks Cluster Library Loaded

    Once the cluster is configured and running, it can be attached to your notebook. At this point the code in the individual notebooks is regular spark code, so please see the corresponding sections for more information.