Data Operations
- how-to
The Key Value (KV) service, sometimes called the "data service", is often the best way to get or change a document when you know its ID. Here we cover CRUD operations and locking strategies.
Before You Start
You should know how to connect to a Couchbase cluster.
You should know about documents and collections, and how to get a Couchbase Collection
You should know how to call a Kotlin suspending function.
CRUD Operations
The KV service has CRUD operations for working with whole documents. This table shows the Couchbase KV method for each CRUD operation.
CRUD operation |
Couchbase KV method |
Create |
Read |
Update |
Delete |
Create or Update |
Insert (Create)
The insert
method creates a new document in a collection.
This method has two required parameters:
id: String
- The new document’s ID. -
content: Any?
- The new document’s value.
If the collection already has a document with the same ID, the insert
method throws DocumentExistsException
For example, let’s pretend we’re writing a program that helps a storyteller remember details about characters in a story.
To start, let’s insert a document that represents a character in a story. The document ID is the character’s name. The document content is some information about the character.
1 | The content doesn’t have to be a Map .
To learn more, please read Working with JSON. |
Get (Read)
The get
method reads a document from a collection.
It has one required parameter:
id: String
- The ID of the document to get.
If the collection does not have a document with this ID, the get
method throws DocumentNotFoundException
Replace (Update)
The replace
method updates the value of an existing document.
This method has two required parameters:
id: String
- The ID of the document to replace. -
content: Any?
- The document’s new value.
If the collection does not have a document with this ID, the replace
method throws DocumentNotFoundException
When you replace a document, it’s usually good to use optimistic locking. Otherwise, changes might get lost if two people change the same document at the same time. |
Remove (Delete)
The remove
method deletes a document from a collection.
This method has one required parameter:
id: String
- The ID of the document to remove.
If the collection does not have a document with this ID, the remove
method throws DocumentNotFoundException
Upsert (Create or Update)
The word "upsert" is a portmanteau word that means "update or insert."
If the document already exists, the upsert
method updates (replaces) it.
If the document does not exist, the upsert
method inserts it.
This method has two required parameters:
id: String
- The ID of the document to create or update. -
content: Any?
- The document’s new value.
You can run this example many times.
It should succeed each time, because the upsert
method does not care if the document already exists.
Bulk Operations
The Couchbase Kotlin SDK does not have bulk operations. However, coroutines make it easy to do many things at the same time.
Here is an example bulkGet
function you can add to your project.
This function can get many documents at the same time.
* Gets many documents at the same time.
* @param ids The IDs of the documents to get.
* @param maxConcurrency Limits how many operations happen
* at the same time.
* @return A map where the key is a document ID, and the value
* is a [kotlin.Result] indicating success or failure.
suspend fun com.couchbase.client.kotlin.Collection.bulkGet(
ids: Iterable<String>,
maxConcurrency: Int = 128,
): Map<String, Result<GetResult>> {
val result = ConcurrentHashMap<String, Result<GetResult>>()
val semaphore = kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Semaphore(maxConcurrency)
coroutineScope { (1)
ids.forEach { id ->
launch { (2)
semaphore.withPermit { (3)
result[id] = runCatching { get(id) }
return result
1 | Starting a new coroutine scope ensures the bulkGet method does not return until all coroutines launched inside the scope finish. |
2 | Start a new coroutine for each get operation, so all the gets happen at the same time. |
3 | The semaphore prevents sending too many requests at once. You can change the function to take the semaphore as a parameter, and pass the same semaphore whenever calling the method. If you do that, the concurrency limit will be shared by all bulk requests. |
After adding the Collection.bulkGet
extension function to your project, call it like this:
extension function
You can copy the bulkGet extension function and change it to do other operations, like upsert.
A Key Value operation is atomic.
What is an "atomic" operation?
An atomic operation succeeds completely or fails completely. When Couchbase Server works on an atomic operation, you never see the result of incomplete work. A failed atomic operation never changes a document. If two or more atomic operations use the same document, Couchbase Server works on only one of the operations at a time. |
However, a sequence of KV operations is not atomic.
You can use a locking strategy to make a sequence of KV operations on the same document succeed or fail together. This makes the sequence of operations behave like a single atomic operation.
The locking strategy can be optimistic or pessimistic.
Optimistic Locking
When you use optimistic locking, you assume nobody else will change a document while you work with it. If somebody else does change the document, start again. Keep trying until you succeed or decide to give up.
How do you tell if the document changed? Every Couchbase document has a Compare-And-Swap (CAS) value. The CAS value is a number that changes every time the document changes.
Most KV operations that change documents have a cas
If you set this parameter, the operation fails with CasMismatchException
if the document’s current CAS value does not match the cas
parameter value.
Optimistic locking can make get
and replace
behave like an atomic unit:
Read a document using the
method. Remember the document’s CAS value. -
Use the old document content to make new content. For example, add or remove a field, or change a field value.
Replace the document content using the
method. Pass the new content and the CAS value from step 1. Ifreplace
, start again at step 1.
If you pass a CAS value to replace
, the operation succeeds only if nobody changed the document after you got the CAS value.
This example shows how to safely change a document, without losing changes made by somebody else at the same time:
while (true) { (1)
val result: GetResult = collection.get(id = "alice")
val oldContent = result.contentAs<Map<String, Any?>>()
val newContent = oldContent + ("favoriteFood" to "hamburger")
try {
id = "alice",
content = newContent,
cas = result.cas
} catch (t: CasMismatchException) {
// Someone else changed the document after we read it!
// Start again.
1 | This example keeps trying until the coroutine is cancelled. Another choice would be to set a time limit, or limit the number of tries. |
You don’t need to write all of that code every time you want to use optimistic locking. Instead, you can define your own extension function like this:
Now the optimistic locking example from before looks like this: |
Pessimistic Locking
Pessimistic locking stops anyone except you from changing a document.
When a document is locked, only people who know the CAS value from getAndLock
can modify the document.
The lock is released when you change the document using the correct CAS, or when you call the unlock
val result: GetResult = collection.getAndLock(
id = "alice",
lockTime = 15.seconds, (1)
val oldContent = result.contentAs<Map<String, Any?>>()
val newContent = oldContent + ("favoriteFood" to "hamburger")
collection.replace( (2)
id = "alice",
content = newContent,
cas = result.cas,
1 | The lock is automatically released (unlocked) after this duration. The lock time can be as short as 1 second, or as long as 30 seconds. |
2 | replace automatically releases the lock.
Alternatively, you can release the lock by calling unlock . |
Pessimistic locking is expensive. It’s usually better to use optimistic locking.
Selecting Fields
The project()
feature allows you to select a couple of fields — specify a path or paths within the JSON document, and this list is fetched rather than the whole document.
kotlinproject(Iterable<String> paths) project(String path, String... morePaths)
This feature is implemented by internally using our subdocument API, which you can access directly — for more sophisticated selection of portions of a document — subdocument-operations.adoc.
The Couchbase Key Value (KV) service is the fastest way to work with single documents when you know the document ID.
The insert
, get
, replace
, remove
, and upsert
methods of the Collection
object do the standard CRUD operations on full documents.
When changing a document, use a locking strategy if the new content depends on the old content. Optimistic locking usually performs better than pessimistic locking.