Caching Example Use Case

      A walk-through of the basics of Key-Value operations with Couchbase, through the lens of a REST api caching layer.


      This example uses ASP.NET Core as a web-framework for a C# REST API, and version 3 of the Couchbase SDK (available on Nuget).

      API Endpoints

      Our first basic endpoints will be a get and set call, using HTTP methods GET and POST; and Couchbase methods get and insert respectively.

      public async Task<ActionResult<string>> Get(int id)
          // get cache entry
          var result = await _collection.GetAsync($"key:{id}");
          // cache hit
          return result.ContentAs<string>();
      public async Task Post(int id, [FromBody] string value)
          // insert cache entry
          await _collection.InsertAsync(
              options => options.WithExpiry(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10))

      This is about as simple as we can make the API, and allows us to set and get arbitrary JSON from any key we specify. We also include the WithExpiry option, which will automatically delete the document (ie. invalidate the cache) after the set amount of time.

      But there’s many ways this could be improved. For example, what happens in the case of a cache miss? With this code, our view throws an error and .NET returns us a HTTP 500 page. We can fix this by handling the DocumentNotFoundException thrown by the get call. Then we can either respond with a HTTP 404, or add a function to get a value from our persistent storage medium.

      public async Task<ActionResult<string>> Get(int id)
          string value;
              // get cache entry
              var result = await _collection.GetAsync($"key:{id}");
              // cache hit
              value = result.ContentAs<string>();
          catch (DocumentNotFoundException)
              // cache miss - get value from permanent storage
              value = GetFromPersistent(id);
              // repopulate cache so subsequent calls get cache hit
              await _collection.InsertAsync(
                  options => options.WithExpiry(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10))
          return value;

      We can also improve the POST function to deal with some of the errors it may encounter. Even if something unexpected happens, we can still be helpful by including the error in the 500 response, by catching any CouchbaseException as a fallback.

      public async Task Post(int id, [FromBody] string value)
              // insert cache entry
              await _collection.InsertAsync(
                  options => options.WithExpiry(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10))
          catch (DocumentExistsException)
              // cache key already exists, use PUT instead
          catch (CouchbaseException)
              // error performing insert

      The last thing we’ll do is add PUT and DELETE endpoints, matching up to the couchbase operations upsert and remove, and apply the same error handling.

      public async Task Put(int id, [FromBody] string value)
              // add / update cache entry
              await _collection.UpsertAsync(
                  options => options.WithExpiry(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10))
          catch (CouchbaseException)
              // error performing upsert
      public async Task Delete(int id)
              await _collection.RemoveAsync($"key:{id}");
          catch (DocumentNotFoundException)
              // cache key doesn't exist