Couchbase Node.js SDK 4.4
javascriptconst queryResult = await cluster.query(
"SELECT * FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.hotel WHERE city=$1 LIMIT 10",
{ parameters: ['Paris']}
The Node.js SDK allows you to connect to a Couchbase Server cluster from Node.js. The Node.js SDK is a native Node.js module that uses the very fast Couchbase++ library to handle communicating with the cluster over the Couchbase binary protocol.
Using Your Database
How-to guides and tutorials to help you start your development journey with Couchbase and the Node.js SDK.
Take a deep-dive into the SDK concept material and learn more about Couchbase.
Useful resources to help support your development experience with Couchbase and the Node.js SDK.
Columnar SDKs
SDKs for Capella Columnar — Couchbase’s analytical database (RT-OLAP) for real time apps and operational intelligence — are available for the Java, Node.js, and Python platforms. See the Capella Columnar SDK pages for more information. |