How to Verify Access
How to verify Sync Gateway access to data in cloud-to-edge enterprise data synchronization.
Related topics: Create Role | Create User | Add Role to User | Allow Access | Verify Access | Write Access
- Related Concepts
Use the Admin REST API to see the:
Channels a user has access to
Channels a role has access to
Channels a document is assigned to
The all_channels
property of a user account determines the channels a user can access.
Its value is derived from the union of:
The user’s
property, which is set using the Admin REST API. -
The channels the user has been granted access to by access() calls from sync functions invoked for current revisions of documents.
properties of any roles the user belongs to. These are themselves computed using the above rules.
Send a get request to the /{tkn-db}/_user/{name} endpoint
bashcurl http://localhost:4985/db/_user/pupshaw
The output shows that the user pupshaw
has access to the following channels:
1 | all through its own admin_channels setting |
2 | hoopy through the froods role’s admin_channels setting |
"admin_channels": [
"all" (1)
"admin_roles": [
"all_channels": [
"hoopy" (2)
"name": "pupshaw",
"roles": [
Send a get request to the /{tkn-db}/_role/ endpoint
bashcurl http://localhost:4985/db/_role/frood
The output shows that the role froods
has access to the following channels:
1 | hoopy through its role’s admin_channels setting |
"name": "froods",
"admin_channels": [
"hoopy" (1)
"admin_roles": [
"all_channels": [
"hoopy" (2)
Send a get request to the /{tkn-db}/_alldocs endpoint
bashcurl http://localhost:4985/ourdb/_all_docs?channels=true&keys=[ourdoc]" -H "accept: application/json"
1 | The output shows that the document ourdoc is assigned to the channels: all and hoopy That assignment to hoopy is what makes it available to our froods role and therefore to our user pupshaw . |
"id": "ourdoc",
"key": "ourdoc",
"value": {
"channels": [ (1)
"rev": "1-86effb929acbf953905dd0e3974f6051"