March 16, 2025
+ 12
Administrators can manage audit logs to track operational irregularities and to support regulatory and security compliance standards.

Audit Log Configuration

Audit Logging on Sync Gateway is opt-in functionality and is disabled by default.

Admin users can configure audit logs using the following:

  • Via the bootstrap config (file based config). This will affect the global configuration of audit logging.

  • Via the database config using existing Admin REST API endpoints. This will affect per database configuration as part of the database config.

  • Via the audit-specific Admin REST API endpoint config/audit. This will affect the configuration on a per database basis.

For more information, see:

Global Configuration with the Bootstrap Config

Below you can find the minimal configuration required in your bootstrap config file to enable audit logging.

"logging": { "audit": { "audit_log_file_path": "/path/to/file.log", "enabled": true } }
Configuration via the bootstrap config will affect your configuration globally.

To successfully configure audit logging, you must set a file path for your audit logs and set the enabled parameter to true. Enabling and disabling audit logging is handled by the Admin REST API at a cluster and Sync Gateway database level. Setting enabled to true without any specified enabled events will only enable events with DefaultEnabled set to true. To view the list of audit events, see Audit Logging Events Reference

To configure audit logs retention and rotation globally, you can use the following parameters below with your bootstrap configuration.



Additional Description


A boolean toggle for the audit logging format, if true, audit logging is enabled.

The default value is false.


rotation is an object that contains the following properties:

  • logging.audit.rotation.localtime - If set to true, your log files will use the computer’s local time to format the backup timestamp.

  • logging.audit.rotation.max_age - The maximum number of days to retain old log files.

  • logging.audit.rotation.max_size - The maximum size in MB of the log file before it gets rotated.

  • logging.audit.rotation.rotated_logs_size_limit - The maximum size in MB of log files before deletion.

  • logging.audit.rotation.rotation_interval - If set, the interval at which log files are rotated, even if max_size is not reached.


The path to write audit log files to.


An object that contains the list of enabled global events.

For further bootstrap configuration options, see Bootstrap Configuration.

Database Configuration with the Admin REST API

Couchbase recommends you only use configuration at the database level if you wish to alter your settings per database.

You can configure audit events at runtime without modifying the entire database configuration using the following HTTP request methods with the Admin REST API:

These request methods apply changes at the database level. Below you can find examples demonstrating use of the above methods.

If you enable audit logging in your bootstrap config it is enabled globally. Conversely, it is important to note that if audit logging is enabled in your database config but not your bootstrap config, no audit logging will occur.
Example 1. Get the database audit configuration

In this example:

  • $BASEURL is the protocol and host for the Sync Gateway Admin API, for example http://localhost.

  • $DB is the name of the database.

curl "$BASEURL:4985/$DB/_config/audit"
{ "enabled": true, "events": { "53270": true, "53271": true }, "disabled_users": [ { "domain": "cbs", "name": "user1" } ], "disabled_roles": [ { "domain": "sgw", "name": "role1" } ] }

The payload above displays the current audit configuration with non-default events 53270 - Public HTTP API request, and 53271 - Admin HTTP API request enabled, and user1 and role1 disabled.

Disabled Users and Roles

You can filter audit events by specifying roles or users to be disabled. The example above shows disabling audit events for user1 and role1.

The disabled_users field will prevent all audit events generated by the specified users from being logged. The disabled_roles field will prevent all audit events generated by the specified roles from logged. A use case for these fields would be to exclude certain administrative users or roles that perform a large volume of automated processes to prevent bloat of trivial events causing early rotation of the log file.

Users and roles are organised into the following domains:

  • sgw - Users and Roles that are created by and operate solely within Sync Gateway. For more information, see Sync Gateway defined Users and Roles.

  • cbs - Users that are are RBAC controlled. These are created on Couchbase Server. Sync Gateway’s Admin and Metrics REST APIs are authenticated using Couchbase Server users. For more information, see RBAC Users.

Example 2. Set the entire database audit configuration with simple schema

In this example:

  • $BASEURL is the protocol and host for the Sync Gateway Admin API, for example http://localhost.

  • $DB is the name of the database.

curl -X PUT "$BASEURL:4985/$DB/_config/audit" -H "Accept: application/json" \ -d '{ "enabled": true, "events": { "54001": true, "54003": true }, "disabled_users": [ { "domain": "cbs", "name": "user2" } ], "disabled_roles": [ { "domain": "cbs", "name": "role2" } ] }'
Example 3. Set the entire database audit configuration with verbose schema

In this example:

  • $BASEURL is the protocol and host for the Sync Gateway Admin API, for example http://localhost.

  • $DB is the name of the database.

curl -X PUT "$BASEURL:4985/$DB/_config/audit" -H "Accept: application/json" \ -d '{ "enabled": true, "events": { "54001": { "enabled": true }, "54003": { "enabled": true } }, "disabled_users": [ { "domain": "cbs", "name": "user2" } ], "disabled_roles": [ { "domain": "cbs", "name": "role2" } ] }'

The payloads above demonstrate that the request has overwritten the previous configuration shown in example one. Audit Events 54001 - Read database and 54003 - Read all databases will now be enabled with user2 and role2 disabled. Consequently, the non-default events 53270 - Public HTTP API request, and 53271 - Admin HTTP API request will now be disabled, and user1 and role1 are now enabled.

Example 4. Update specified settings in the database audit configuration with simple schema

In this example:

  • $BASEURL is the protocol and host for the Sync Gateway Admin API, for example http://localhost.

  • $DB is the name of the database.

curl -X POST "$BASEURL:4985/$DB/_config/audit" -H "Accept: application/json" \ -d '{ "events": { "54020": false } } }'

The request above will prevent audit event 54020 - Database offline events from being added to the log file.

Example 5. Update specified settings in the database audit configuration with verbose schema

In this example:

  • $BASEURL is the protocol and host for the Sync Gateway Admin API, for example http://localhost.

  • $DB is the name of the database.

curl -X POST "$BASEURL:4985/$DB/_config/audit" -H "Accept: application/json" \ -d '{ "events": { "54000": { "enabled": false }, "54003": { "enabled": true } } }'

The request above demonstrates simultaneous disabling of the default audit event 54000 - Create database and enabling of the non-default audit event 54003 - Read all databases.