Sync Gateway Glossary of Terms
- Active replicator
The term active replicator, refers to the Sync Gateway endpoint that initiates the replication connection. That is, it s the Sync Gateway where the replicators are configured and from which the changes are pushed.
Synonym(s): active sync gateway
SGW Component: Replication
Related Term(s): Passive replicator
Read More: Inter Sync Gateway Sync - Overview
- Active Sync Gateway node
The term active Sync Gateway node, refers to Sync Gateway nodes with incoming writes; these may be from Couchbase Lite clients, the REST API, or through the Couchbase Server.
SGW Component: Replication
- Adhoc Replication
The term adhoc replication refers to transient, one-shot, replications that run once and are removed when they stop. They are initialized using the Admin REST API. They do not survive Sync Gateway restarts.
Ad hoc replications are useful when it is necessary to do one off replication or for troubleshooting.
Other useful use cases include:
Starting a replication on-demand, for instance a replication that needs to be scheduled to be run at midnight every Thursday.
In this case, it is likely that there is an automation script that schedules the adhoc replication on a predefined schedule. -
Deploying an emergency one-time update that needs to be pushed out to all edge clusters from primary data clusters.
Synonym(s): transient replication
Related Term(s):
SGW Component: Inter-Sync Gateway Replication
Read More: Inter Sync Gateway Sync - Overview
Related Config Elements: adhoc | continuous
- Automatic conflict resolution
The goal of automatic conflict resoluton is to return a winning revision based on the consistent application of the configured conflict resolver policy
The default conflict resolver policy is to always returns a winner determined by the automatic conflict resolution policy
- Automatic conflict resolution policy
The automatic conflict resoluton policy will return the most recent change as the winning revision unless one of the revisions was a delete; in which case the delete wins. If both revisions are equally recent then the largest change wins.
The default automatic conflict resolution
policy always returns a winner determined by the following rules:
If one of the changes is a delete:
A deleted document (that is, a tombstone revision
) always wins over a document update.
If both changes are document changes:
The change with the most revisions (the longest revision history) will win. Typically, this is the revision with the highest version number.
If both changes have the same number of revisions: An ASCII comparison of the revisions is done to pick the winner.
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- Checkpoint
A Checkpoint, in Couchbase Mobile terms, is a “save state” on a replicator, used to enable a restart at the last success-point in the event of a failure during a replication.
The checkpoint itself is a (meta)document that describes how far in the replication process a given replicator has progressed.
Note that two checkpoints
are saved for every replication; one local and one remote.
The checkpoint documents are compared at the beginning of every replication. If they do not agree, then it indicates a severe error during the last run, and the replication is forced to restart from the beginning.
- Conflict Resolver Policies
Inter-Sync Gateway replication provides several predefined conflict resolver policies, which you can choose to apply. These include:
default; `localWins
; andcustom
.Each conflict resolver policy applies a different strategy:
- Default
Always applies Sync Gateway’s Automatic conflict resolution policy
Configured using:
"conflict_resolution_type": "default"
- Local Wins
Always considers the local change the winner.
Configured using:
"conflict_resolution_type": "localWins"
- Remote Wins
Always considers the remote change the winner.
Configured using:
"conflict_resolution_type": "remoteWins"
- Custom
ENTERPRISE EDITION Only Applies the policy defined in the function provided by the
- Custom conflict resolver
The custom_conflict_resolver property specifies a Javascript function used to resolve conflicting changes.
This is an ENTERPRISE EDITION only feature and is configured like this:
"conflict_resolution_type": "custom", "custom_conflict_resolver":` function(conflict) { // Always resolve in favor of remote console.log("full remoteDoc doc: "+JSON.stringify(conflict.RemoteDocument)); return conflict.RemoteDocument; }`
Configuration property: custom_conflict_resolver
- Continuous replication mode
A continuous replication will sit in running state awaiting document changes to process in accordance to its replication definition.
- Cloud-to-Edge Sync
The term cloud-to-edge refers to the multi-cloud deployment mode commonly know as ship-to-shore or hub-and-spoke. These typically involve a large number of edge clusters (mobiles,, tablets IoT) connected to one or more cloud data centers.
Each edge can operate autonomously without network connectivity to the cloud data centers. The edge could be, for example a group of retail stores, ships at sea or distribution hubs. The number of edges can range from a few hundred to several thousand.
Synonym(s): ship-to-shore sync, hub-and-spoke sync
SGW Component: Inter-Sync Gateway Replication
Related Term(s):
Read More: Inter Sync Gateway Sync - Overview
- Cloud-to-Edge synchronization
The term cloud-to-edge synchronization refers to scenarios typically involving a hierarchy of couchbase mobile clusters, within which a large number of edge clusters must synchronize data changes with each other and with one or more clusters in cloud data centers.
Each edge can operate autonomously without network connectivity to the cloud data centers. The edge could be, for example a group of retail stores, ships at sea or distribution hubs. The number of edges can range from a few hundred to several thousand.
Synonym(s): ship-to-shore sync, hub-and-spoke sync
SGW Component: Inter-Syn Gateway Replication
Related Term(s):
Read More: Inter Sync Gateway Sync - Overview
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- Inter-Sync Gateway Replication
The term inter-Sync Gateway replication refers to replication between two Sync Gateway clusters and-or between active mobile clusters.
From 2.8+ inter-Sync Gateway replication within Sync Gateway is delivered by a completely redesigned and re-engineered websocket-base protocol, which enables a Sync Gateway replicator to act as the active replicator
, pulling changes from a data source and pushing them to a target. Pre-2.8 inter-Sync Gateway replication used the SG Replicate protocol over https.
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- No conflicts mode
No conflicts mode is the process by which write operations that would result in a conflict are rejected by the system. It is an optional feature [1] — see: allow_conflicts.
- No op updates
The term no-op update refers to a change made to the document body that does not impact application logic but does trigger a replication by the Sync Gateway.
For example, you may include an otherwise redundant counter property, that you increment in response to conflict resolver errors.
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Once finished, persistent one-shot replications return to a 'stopped' state, but adhoc one-shot replications are removed.
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- Passive replicator
The term passive replicator, refers to the Sync Gateway endpoint that receives an incoming replication connection.
Synonym(s): passive sync gateway
Related Term(s): Active replicator
SGW Component: Inter-Sync Gateway Replication
Read More: Inter Sync Gateway Sync - Overview
- Persistent Exponential Backoff
The wait time between retry attempts is exponentially increased at each attempt, until it reaches a predetermined maximum limit. Subsequent retries may be made after the maximum limit time period has elapsed.
- Persistent Replication
The term Persistent replication refers to replications that survive Sync Gateway restarts. All replications are persisted by default unless explicitly flagged as not. Persistent replication is defined in the configuration file sync-gateway.json — see Legacy Pre-3.0 Configuration. It is started automatically and survives restarts. The recommended method of defining a persistent replication is by using the configuration file. With Inter-Sync Gateway replication you can configure all nodes with the replicators.
Synonym(s): continuous replication
Related Term(s):
SGW Component: Inter-Sync Gateway Replication
Read More: Inter Sync Gateway Sync - Overview
- Prometheus
Prometheus is an open source systems monitoring and alerting platform and hosted by Cloud Native Computing Foundation. At the core of it is the Prometheus Server that is responsible for polling “Prometheus targets” for stats and storing it as time series data. Prometheus targets are statically configured or can be discovered by Prometheus.
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- Replication definition
The term Replication definition refers to that set of elements (parameters or properties) that define a replication, dictating what will be replicated and how the replication will be conducted.
Replication definitions are provided to Sync Gateway in 'JSON' format through either:
The Sync Gateway configuration file (
) -
The Admin REST API’s
endpoint, using a utility such ascurl
, or an application such as _Postman.
Replication definitions comprise the same elements in both the JSON configuration file and the Admin REST API; except configured replications cannot use
. -
- Revision pruning
Revision Pruning is the process that deletes the metadata and/or JSON bodies associated with old non-leaf revisions. Leaf revisions are not impacted.
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- Synchronization
The term, Synchronization, refers to the process of replicating the changes made to documents on one database to the same documents in a second instance of that database.
Synonyms: replication, sync
Related Term(s):
SGW Component: Inter-Sync Gateway Replication
Read More: Inter Sync Gateway Sync - Overview
- Sync Function
The Sync Function is a JavaScript function whose source code is provisioned using the Admin Rest API. It is in charge of data validation, and of authorizing both read and write access to documents.
Each Tombstone Revision comprises: document ID, revision ID and a _deleted flag (value=true). They are created to allow all devices to see that a document has been deleted - particularly in the case of devices that may not be online continuously and therefore not syncing regularly.
Every update — including deletes — creates a document revision. Deleted revisions are also known as Tombstone revisions. They have the '“_deleted”: true' property, are replicated, but are not returned if you do a query using, for example, Couchbase Lite.
"_deleted": true,
"_id": "foobar",
"_rev": "3-db962c6d93c3f1720cc7d3b6e50ac9df"
Mentioned in: * Managing Tombstones * Metadata Purge Interval * $dbname.enable_shared_bucket_access * Server Tombstones
- Transient Replication
The term transient replication refers to ad hoc replications — see: Adhoc Replication
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