March 23, 2025
+ 12

Couchbase Sync Gateway
This content describes the key features and changes implemented by release 3.2.3 of Couchbase Sync Gateway

One Way Upgrade

The migration to 3.x configuration is a ONE WAY process — see: Upgrading for more.

3.2.0 — September 2024

Do not deploy Eventing/Sync Gateway until all SGW nodes are at version 3.2. For older Sync Gateway versions that do not write import XATTRs, Eventing functions may encounter infinite recursions and duplicate mutations if deployed in a mixed mode SGW environment. This can only happen during a mixed mode of SGW with a 3.2 version and an older version during an upgrade and a new Eventing/Sync Gateway function is deployed.

Audit Logging for Sync Gateway

Couchbase now provides Audit Logging support for Sync Gateway. Audit Logging provides tools for administrators to track operational irregularities and to support regulatory and security compliance standards.

For more information on new features and enhancements in this release, see New In 3.2.

Version 3.2.0 of Sync Gateway also delivers the following features and enhancements:

Fixed Issues


Known Issues

None for this release.


For an overview of the latest features offered in Sync Gateway 3.2, see New in 3.2.


For more on upgrading — see: Upgrading