Manage App Endpoints Lifecycle

  • Capella Operational
      App Endpoints can be paused and resumed for maintenance, or to lower costs when the service is not required. See Create App Endpoints

      Stopping and Restarting App Endpoints

      The endpoint can be paused and resumed from the App Endpoint settings screen:

      1. From the project page, select the App Services tab.

      2. Select the App Service which has the endpoint to be paused.

      3. From the app service screen, select the endpoint. (You will find the list of endpoints under the App Endpoints tab.)

        Select App Endpoint
        Figure 1. Select App Endpoint
      4. Select the Settings tab for the endpoint. From this screen, you can pause the endpoint.

      pause app endpoint

      The button will change to Resume App Endpoint when the App Service is paused. Clicking this link will resume the service.

      Delete an App Endpoint

      You can delete an App Endpoint entirely by clicking on the Delete App Endpoint button. This will pause the App Endpoint, then delete it.

      Deleting Buckets attached to an App Endpoint

      Capella will prevent you from deleting a bucket that is being used by an endpoint. If you want to delete the associated bucket, then you will need to delete the App Endpoint first.