March 23, 2025
+ 12
Use Couchbase Capella’s Data Tools to explore and work with your data.

Your free tier operational cluster includes a travel-sample bucket, which you can use to try out Capella operational’s Data Tools. The sample bucket contains documents used for booking travel.

To start exploring your sample data, you can:

View and Edit Documents with the Documents Viewer

Capella groups documents in buckets. You can add scopes and collections to a bucket to group related documents together. For more information about buckets, scopes, and collections, see Buckets, Scopes, and Collections.

To view and edit a document in your cluster:

  1. Go to Data Tools  Documents.

  2. In the Get documents from section, select:

    • travel-sample in the Bucket list

    • inventory in the Scope list

    • airport in the Collection list

  3. In the Paginate and Filter documents section, change the Limit field to 8 to specify the maximum number of documents to return.

  4. Click Get Documents to update the returned document list.

  5. In the documents table, click airport_1261.

  6. In the Edit Document dialog, change the city from "Amiens" to "Rouen" and click Save Document.

You have now updated the city of the document airport_1261 to "Rouen".

Run Your First Query with the Query Tab

You can use the Query tab to run SQL++ queries.

To run your first query:

  1. Go to Data Tools  Query.

  2. In the query editor, replace the existing text with the following query:

    SELECT route.airlineid,, route.sourceairport, route.destinationairport FROM `travel-sample` route INNER JOIN `travel-sample` airline ON route.airlineid = META(airline).id WHERE route.type = "route" AND route.destinationairport = "SFO" ORDER BY route.sourceairport;
  3. Press Enter or click Run. The query results are automatically displayed in JSON format.

Capella can also display the query results as a table, chart, plan, and plan text.

To display the results in the format of a data-flow diagram with query operators, select the Plan tab. The initial scans are on the right of the diagram and the final query output is on the left.

The query results highlight the operators that might use a lot of resources. For example, Capella spends almost 90% of the time on the Fetch operator when running your query.

For more information about the tools on the Query tab, see Query Tab.

Speed Up Your Query with an Index

You can use indexes to improve the performance of your queries.

After you run your query in the query editor, click Build Suggested under Suggested Covered Indexes on the Index Advice right pane. Capella generates an index for you called adv_destinationairport_sourceairport_airlineid_type. If you run your query again, the query execution time changes from around 172ms to 24ms.

For more information about indexes in Capella, see Primary and Secondary Index Reference.

Explore Results with iQ Insights

You can use iQ Insights to generate a variety of relevant insights with the help of AI. These generated insights are in the form of relevant questions, descriptions, and visualizations of your query results, helping you gain a better understanding of your data.

To gain insights on your query results, select the iQ Insights tab in the query results pane and click the Generate Now button.

To learn more about iQ Insights, see Explore iQ Insights.

Access Your Query History

You can use your query history to load earlier queries into your query editor.

To acess your query history:

  1. Click Recent Queries.

  2. Select a query from your query history on the right pane.

  3. Click Run to run the query again.

Next Steps

After you run your first query, you can:

If you want to connect to your cluster:

  1. Generate your cluster credentials to connect and control access to you cluster.

  2. Add your current IP address as an allowed IP for you cluster.

  3. Generate a code snippet to connect your cluster to your application.

  4. Choose and install a Couchbase SDK.

  5. (Optional) Download the security certificate for your cluster and add it to your application’s server machine or IDE:

    1. In the Operational tab, select a cluster.

    2. Go to Settings  Security Certificate.

    3. Click Download.