View Query Metrics or Plan

  • Capella Columnar
  • how-to
    The workbench for Capella Columnar provides metrics for each query you run, and a detailed query plan in both text and graphical format.


    To use the workbench for Capella Columnar:

    Review Query Metrics

    When a query finishes, metrics for that query appear on the workbench between the query editor and the query results panes. The metrics are:

    • Last Run — The time at which the query was last executed.

    • Docs — Shows the number of returned JSON documents.

    • Size — Shows the size, in bytes, of the query result.

    • Elapsed — Shows the overall query time.

    • Execution — Shows the query execution time.

    View the Query Plan

    Each time Capella Columnar executes a query, an EXPLAIN command automatically runs in the background to retrieve the query plan for that query.

    You can view the query plan in the query results pane: select the Plan tab.

    The Plan tab presents the query execution plan in a graphical format.

    Capella Columnar uses rule-based optimization to query your collections until you run an ANALYZE COLLECTION statement on each collection involved in a query. The ANALYZE statement samples the data in a collection so that cost-based optimization (CBO) can be applied. As the data in a collection changes, you can run ANALYZE COLLECTION periodically to update the information used for CBO.