March 23, 2025
+ 12
This topic describes the builtin SQL++ for Capella columnar array functions. Array functions can take multiple arguments—one of which is often an array—and typically produce either another array or a single value.


  • Syntax:

    array_append(list, val1, val2, ...)
  • Appends the supplied values to the input array or multiset. Values can be NULL, meaning you can append NULLs.

  • Arguments:

    • list: An array or multiset, or an expression that evaluates to an array or multiset.

    • val1, val2 …​: Values, or expressions that evaluate to values.

  • Return Value:

    • Returns a new array or multiset.

    • Returns MISSING if any argument is MISSING.

    • Returns NULL if list is NULL, or is not an array or multiset.

  • Example:

    array_append([1, 2, 3], "a", "z");
  • The expected result is:



  • Syntax:

    array_concat(list1, list2, ...)
  • Concatenates all the values from all the supplied arrays or multisets, in order, into a new array or multiset.

  • Arguments:

    • list1, list2 …​: Arrays or multisets, or expressions that evaluate to arrays or multisets.

  • Return Value:

    • Returns a new array or multiset.

    • Returns MISSING if any argument is MISSING.

    • Returns NULL if any argument is NULL, or is not an array or multiset.

    • Returns an error if the input arguments are not all the same type — they must be all multisets or all arrays.

  • Example:

    array_concat([1, 2, 3], ["a", "b", "c"]);
  • The expected result is:



  • Syntax:

    array_contains(list, val)
  • Checks whether the input array or multiset contains the value argument. A string value argument is case-sensitive.

  • Arguments:

    • list: An array or multiset, or an expression that evaluates to an array or multiset.

    • val: A value, or an expression that evaluates to a value.

  • Return Value:

    • Returns true or false.

    • Returns MISSING if any argument is MISSING.

    • Returns NULL if any argument is NULL.

    • Returns an error if val is an array, multiset, or object.

    • Returns NULL if list is not an array.

  • Example:

    {"v1": array_contains([1, 2, 3], 1),
     "v2": array_contains([1, 2, 3], "a")};
  • The expected result is:

      "v1": true,
      "v2": false


  • Syntax:

  • Returns all distinct items from the input array or multiset. The list can contain NULL and MISSING items. NULL and MISSING are considered to be the same. String items are case-sensitive.

  • Arguments:

    • list: An array or multiset, or an expression that evaluates to an array or multiset.

  • Return Value:

    • Returns a new array if list is an array; returns a new multiset if list is a multiset.

    • Returns MISSING if list is MISSING.

    • Returns NULL if list is NULL, or is not an array or multiset.

    • Returns an error if any item in list is itself an array, multiset, or object.

  • Example:

    array_distinct([1, 2, null, 4, missing, 2, 1]);
  • The expected result is:



  • Syntax:

    array_flatten(list, depth)
  • Flattens any nested arrays or multisets up to the specified depth. If list is an array, the function returns an array; if list is a multiset, it returns a multiset. NULL and MISSING items are preserved. If depth is less than 0, the function flattens all nested arrays and multisets, no matter how deeply nested.

  • Arguments:

    • list: An array or multiset, or an expression that evaluates to an array or multiset.

    • depth: A number, or an expression that evaluates to a number.

  • Return Value:

    • Returns a new array or multiset.

    • Returns MISSING if any argument is MISSING.

    • Returns NULL if any argument is NULL.

    • Returns NULL if list is not an array or multiset.

    • Returns NULL if depth is not numeric, or if it is not an integer value. (For example, 1.2 will produce NULL; 1.0 is OK.)

  • Example:

    {"v1": array_flatten([2, null, [5, 6], 3, missing], 1),
     "v2": array_flatten([2, [5, 6], 3], 0)};
  • The expected result is:

      "v1": [
      "v2": [

    where 0 depth does nothing.


  • Syntax:

  • In an array, finds the first item that is not a NULL or MISSING. In a multiset, finds an item that is not a NULL or MISSING — which item is undefined.

  • Arguments:

    • list: An array or multiset, or an expression that evaluates to an array or multiset.

  • Return Value:

    • Returns the first non-NULL, non-MISSING item in an array, or any non-NULL, non-MISSING item in a multiset. If all items are NULL or MISSING, it returns NULL.

    • Returns MISSING if the input array or multiset is MISSING.

    • Returns NULL if list is NULL, or is not an array or multiset.

  • Example:

    array_ifnull([null, 1, 2]);
  • The expected result is:



  • Syntax:

    array_insert(list, pos, val1, val2, ...)
  • Inserts the supplied values into the original array or multiset. Values can be NULL, meaning you can insert NULLs.

    When the input is an array, the supplied values are inserted at the specified position. If the position is positive, the position before the first item is 0, the position before the second item is 1, and so on. If the position is negative, the position before the last item is -1, the position before the second-last item is -2, and so on. For example, in the array [5,6], the valid positions are 0, 1, 2, -1, -2. If the input array or multiset is empty, the only valid position is 0. If the position is a floating-point number, it’s cast to integer.

    When the input is a multiset, the location of the inserted values is undefined. The position must be less than the size of the multiset.

  • Arguments:

    • list: An array or multiset, or an expression that evaluates to an array or multiset.

    • pos: A number, or an expression that evaluates to a number.

    • val1, val2 …​: Values, or expressions that evaluate to values.

  • Return Value:

    • Returns a new array or multiset.

    • Returns MISSING if any argument is MISSING.

    • Returns NULL if list is NULL, or is not an array or multiset.

    • Returns NULL if pos is not numeric, or the position is out of bound, or if it is NaN or ±INF, or if it is not an integer value. (For example, 1.2 will produce NULL; 1.0 is OK.)

  • Example:

    {"v1": array_insert([5, 6], 0, 7, 8),
     "v2": array_insert([5, 6], 1, 7, 8),
     "v3": array_insert([5, 6], 2, 7, 8),
     "v4": array_insert([5, 6], -1, 7, 8),
     "v5": array_insert([5, 6], -2, 7, 8)};
  • The expected result is:

      "v1": [
      "v2": [
      "v3": [
      "v4": [
      "v5": [


  • Syntax:

    array_intersect(list1, list2, ...)
  • Finds items that are present in all of the input arrays or multisets. NULL and MISSING items are ignored. String items are case-sensitive.

  • Arguments:

    • list1, list2 …​: Arrays or multisets, or expressions that evaluate to arrays or multisets.

  • Return Value:

    • Returns a new array or multiset.

    • Returns MISSING if any argument is MISSING.

    • Returns NULL if any argument is NULL, or is not an array or multiset.

    • Returns an error if the input arguments are not all the same type — they must be all multisets or all arrays.

    • Returns an error if any item in an input array or multiset is itself an array, multiset, or object.

  • Example:

    array_intersect([null, 2, missing], [3, missing, 2, null]);
  • The expected result is:



  • Syntax:

  • Returns the number of items in the given array or multiset.

  • Arguments:

    • list: An array or multiset, or an expression that evaluates to an array or multiset.

  • Return Value:

    • Returns an integer representing the number of items in the given array or multiset.

    • Returns MISSING if any argument is MISSING.

    • Returns NULL if any argument is NULL.

    • Returns an error if list is not an array or multiset.

  • Example:

    array_length([1, 2, 3, 4]);
  • The expected result is:



  • Syntax:

    array_position(list, val)
  • If list is an array, this function returns the position of val in the array, where the first position is 0. If list is a multiset, the returned value is undefined. A string value argument is case-sensitive.

  • Arguments:

    • list: An array or multiset, or an expression that evaluates to an array or multiset.

    • val: A value, or an expression that evaluates to a value.

  • Return Value:

    • Returns an integer giving the position of val in list, or -1 if val is not found.

    • Returns MISSING if any argument is MISSING.

    • Returns NULL if any argument is NULL.

    • Returns an error if val is an array, multiset, or object.

    • Returns NULL if list is not an array or multiset.

  • Example:

    array_position([1, 2, 3, 4], 1);
  • The expected result is:



  • Syntax:

    array_prepend(val1, val2, ..., list)
  • Prepends the supplied values to the input array or multiset. Values can be NULL, meaning NULL values are prepended in the output.

  • Arguments:

    • val1, val2 …​: Values, or expressions that evaluate to values.

    • list: An array or multiset, or an expression that evaluates to an array or multiset.

  • Return Value:

    • Returns a new array or multiset.

    • Returns MISSING if any argument is MISSING.

    • Returns NULL if list is NULL, or is not an array or multiset.

  • Example:

    array_prepend("a", "z", [1, 2, 3]);
  • The expected result is:



  • Syntax:

    array_put(list, val1, val2, ...)
  • Appends each supplied value to the input array or multiset, as long as the input array or multiset does not already contain an item with that value. Values cannot be NULL, meaning you cannot append NULLs.

  • Arguments:

    • list: An array or multiset, or an expression that evaluates to an array or multiset.

    • val1, val2 …​: Values, or expressions that evaluate to values.

  • Return Value:

    • Returns a new array or multiset.

    • Returns MISSING if any argument is MISSING.

    • Returns NULL if any argument is NULL.

    • Returns an error if any value argument is an array, multiset, or object.

  • Example:

    array_put([2, 3], 2, 2, 9, 9);
  • The expected result is:



  • Syntax:

    array_range(start_num, end_num [, step_num])
  • Returns an array of numbers, starting at start_num and ending immediately before end_num. If specified, step_num determines the step between each number in the array; otherwise, the default step is 1. The function returns an empty array if it cannot determine a proper sequence with the arguments given.

  • Arguments:

    • start_num: A number, or an expression that evaluates to a number.

    • end_num: A number, or an expression that evaluates to a number.

    • step_num: A number, or an expression that evaluates to a number.

  • Return Value:

    • Returns a new array.

    • Returns MISSING if any argument is MISSING.

    • Returns NULL if any argument is NULL.

    • Returns NULL if any argument is not numeric, or if it is NaN, or ±INF.

  • Example:

    {"v1": array_range(1, 5),
     "v2": array_range(5, 1, -1),
     "v3": array_range(2, 20, -2),
     "v4": array_range(10, 3, 4),
     "v5": array_range(1, 6, 0)};
  • The expected result is:

      "v1": [
      "v2": [
      "v3": [],
      "v4": [],
      "v5": []


  • Syntax:

    array_remove(list, val1, val2, ...)
  • Removes all the supplied values from the input array or multiset. Values cannot be NULL, meaning you cannot remove NULLs. String value arguments are case-sensitive.

  • Arguments:

    • list: An array or multiset, or an expression that evaluates to an array or multiset.

    • val1, val2 …​: Values, or expressions that evaluate to values.

  • Return Value:

    • Returns a new array if list is an array; returns a new multiset if list is a multiset.

    • Returns MISSING if any argument is MISSING.

    • Returns NULL if any argument is NULL.

    • Returns an error if any value argument is an array, multiset, or object.

  • Example:

    array_remove([1, 2, 2, 3, 4], 2, 4);
  • The expected result is:



  • Syntax:

    array_repeat(val, num_times)
  • Returns an array containing the input value the specified number of times.

  • Arguments:

    • val: A value, or an expression that evaluates to a value.

    • num_times: A number, or an expression that evaluates to a number.

  • Return Value:

    • Returns an array.

    • Returns MISSING if any argument is MISSING.

    • Returns NULL if any argument is NULL.

    • Returns NULL if num_times is not numeric, or if it is negative, NaN or ±INF, or if it is not an integer value. (For example, 1.2 will produce NULL; 1.0 is OK.)

  • Example:

    array_repeat("abc", 3);
  • The expected result is:



  • Syntax:

    array_replace(list, val1, val2 [, max_num_times])
  • Replaces each occurrence of val1 in the original array or multiset with val2. If you supply the optional max_num_times argument, the function replaces val1 the specified number of times. If max_num_times is negative, the function replaces all occurrences. The val2 argument can be NULL, meaning you can replace existing items with NULLs.

  • Arguments:

    • list: An array or multiset, or an expression that evaluates to an array or multiset.

    • val1: A value, or an expression that evaluates to a value.

    • val2: A value, or an expression that evaluates to a value.

    • max_num_times: A number, or an expression that evaluates to a number.

  • Return Value:

    • Returns a new array or multiset.

    • Returns MISSING if any argument is MISSING.

    • Returns NULL if any argument is NULL, except for val2.

    • Returns NULL if list is not an array or multiset.

    • Returns NULL if num_times is not numeric, or if it is not an integer value. (For example, 1.2 will produce NULL; 1.0 is OK.)

    • Returns an error if val1 is an array, multiset, or object.

  • Example:

    array_replace([2,3,3,3,1], 3, 8, 2);
  • The expected result is:



  • Syntax:

  • If list is an array, this function returns an array with the order of items reversed. If list is a multiset, the function returns the same multiset unchanged. The list can contain NULL and MISSING items, and both are preserved.

  • Arguments:

    • list: An array or multiset, or an expression that evaluates to an array or multiset.

  • Return Value:

    • Returns a new array or multiset.

    • Returns MISSING if list is MISSING.

    • Returns NULL if list is NULL, or is not an array or multiset.

  • Example:

    array_reverse([1, 2, 3, 4]);
  • The expected result is:



  • Syntax:

  • If list is an array, this function returns an array with items sorted in ascending order. If list is a multiset, the function returns the same multiset unchanged. The list can contain NULL and MISSING items, and both are preserved. String items are case-sensitive.

  • Arguments:

    • list: An array or multiset, or an expression that evaluates to an array or multiset.

  • Return Value:

    • Returns a new array or multiset.

    • Returns MISSING if list is MISSING.

    • Returns NULL if list is NULL, or is not an array or multiset.

    • Returns an error if any item in list is itself an array, multiset, or object.

  • Example:

    array_sort([1, "Z", "a", "A", "z", 0, null]);
  • The expected result is:



  • Syntax:

  • Takes an array of objects, such as [{"id":1, "dept":"CS"}, {"id":2, "dept":"FIN"}, {"id":3, "dept":"CS"}], and returns a new object summarizing the name-value pairs in the input array. In the returned object, the name of each item is taken from a name-value pair found in the input array, and the value of each item is an array of all the values associated with that name, taken from all objects in the input array.

  • Arguments:

    • ordered_list: An array, or an expression that evaluates to an array.

  • Return Value:

    • Returns a new object.

    • Returns MISSING if ordered_list is MISSING.

    • Returns NULL if ordered_list is NULL, or is not an array.

    • Returns MISSING if ordered_list has no concept of fields — for example, if the input array contains no object items, such as a list of integers.

  • Example:

    {"v1": array_star([{"a":1, "b":2}, {"a":9, "b":4}]),
     "v2": array_star([{"a":1}, {"a":9, "b":4}]),
     "v3": array_star([{"a":1, "c":5}, {"a":9, "b":4}]),
     "v4": array_star([{"c":5, "a":1}, "non_object"]),
     "v5": array_star(["non_object1", "non_object2"])};
  • The expected result is:

      "v1": {
        "a": [
        "b": [
      "v2": {
        "a": [
        "b": [
      "v3": {
        "a": [
        "b": [
        "c": [
      "v4": {
        "a": [
        "c": [

    where "v5" is MISSING.

In the output object, name-value pairs are ordered by their names, regardless of their original order within the object items in the input array. In example 4, in the output object the pair named "a" comes before the pair named "c". However, in the output object, the items within each array are not ordered: they appear in the sequence in which they are found in the input array. So in example 1, the pair named "a" has the value [1, 9]; the first item in the output array (which is 1) is taken from the first object in the input array, and so on.


  • Syntax:

    array_symdiff(list1, list2, ...)
  • Returns the set symmetric difference, or disjunctive union, of the input arrays or multisets. The output contains only those items that appear in exactly one of the input arrays or multisets.

  • Arguments:

    • list1, list2 …​: Arrays or multisets, or expressions that evaluate to arrays or multisets.

  • Return Value:

    • Returns a new array or multiset.

    • Returns MISSING if any argument is MISSING.

    • Returns NULL if any argument is NULL, or is not an array or multiset.

    • Returns an error if the input arguments are not all the same type — they must be all multisets or all arrays.

    • Returns an error if any item in an input array or multiset is itself an array, multiset, or object.

  • Example:

    array_symdiff([1, 2], [1, 2, 4], [1, 3]);
  • The expected result is:



  • Syntax:

    array_symdiffn(list1, list2, ...)
  • Returns a new array or multiset based on the set symmetric difference, or disjunctive union, of the input arrays. The new array or multiset contains only those items that appear in an odd number of input arrays.

  • Arguments:

    • list1, list2 …​: Arrays or multisets, or expressions that evaluate to arrays or multisets.

  • Return Value:

    • Returns a new array or multiset.

    • Returns MISSING if any argument is MISSING.

    • Returns NULL if any argument is NULL, or is not an array or multiset.

    • Returns an error if the input arguments are not all the same type — they must be all multisets or all arrays.

    • Returns an error if any item in an input array or multiset is itself an array, multiset, or object.

  • Example:

    array_symdiffn([1, 2], [1, 2, 4], [1, 3]);
  • The expected result is:

Refer to the following article for more information about the difference between a normal and n-ary symdiff:


  • Syntax:

    array_union(list1, list2, ...)
  • Returns the set union of the input arrays (no duplicates).

  • Arguments:

    • list1, list2 …​: Arrays or multisets, or expressions that evaluate to arrays or multisets.

  • Return Value:

    • Returns a new array or multiset.

    • Returns MISSING if any argument is MISSING.

    • Returns NULL if any argument is NULL, or is not an array or multiset.

    • Returns an error if the input arguments are not all the same type — they must be all multisets or all arrays.

    • Returns an error if any item in an input array or multiset is itself an array, multiset, or object.

  • Example:

    array_union([1, 2], [1, 2, 4], [1, 3]);
  • The expected result is:
