Create a VPC Peering Connection

  • Capella Columnar
  • how-to
    To secure network traffic, you can configure a private network connection between a Capella Columnar cluster and an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account through virtual private cloud (VPC) peering.

    As an alternative to creating a list of allowed IP addresses, VPC peering provides an added layer of security by avoiding communication over the Internet. It can also reduce latency and egress costs, as well as the time spent managing access for individual addresses.


    To configure VPC peering between your Capella Columnar cluster and Amazon Web Services (AWS), you need:

    • One of the following Capella roles:

      • Organization Owner

      • Project Owner

    • Access to the Amazon VPC console and information about your AWS network, including:

      • AWS Account ID

      • AWS VPC ID

      • CIDR Block

      • Regions

    • The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) installed and configured.

    • In AWS, enable DNS hostnames for your AWS VPC.

      Enable DNS hostnames for the VPC.
    • In AWS, enable DNS resolution for your AWS VPC.

      Enable DNS resolution for the VPC.
    • Make sure the CIDR block specified when creating your Columnar cluster does not overlap with the application VPC CIDR block.

    Set Up VPC Peering

    1. In the Capella UI, select the Columnar tab and select a cluster where you want to create the new private network.

    2. Click Settings  VPC Peering.

    3. Click Set Up VPC.

    4. Confirm that the prerequisite AWS services are set up: Virtual Network Peering and Route 53. Click Next.

    5. Enter the following network details:

      You can use the Amazon VPC console to locate most of this information.

      Enter an identifying name for display in Capella.

      AWS Account ID

      The numeric AWS Account ID.

      Virtual Network ID

      The alphanumeric VPC ID which starts with vpc-.

      Available Regions

      The AWS region where your VPC is deployed.

      CIDR Block

      The AWS VPC CIDR block of network in which your application runs. This CIDR block cannot overlap with the CIDR block of your Capella Columnar cluster.

    6. Click Set Up VPC.

      Capella sets up the private network. It typically takes up to a minute.

      On success, the private network appears on the list of private networks. You may briefly see the cluster enter a "Deploying" state while Capella sets up the new connection.

      While the network status is "Complete," there are some final steps you must carry out before you can access your Capella Columnar cluster from your VPC using VPC peering.
    7. Click the name of the new private network.

    8. A page opens with commands that you must run in the AWS CLI. These commands:

      • Accept the peering request.

      • Link your VPC to the appropriate DNS server for hostname resolution.

        You must run the two AWS CLI commands to accept the peering request and link your VPC to the appropriate DNS server for hostname resolution. Once you run these commands, their output should be similar to the following example:

        $ aws ec2 accept-vpc-peering-connection --region=us-west-2 --vpc-peering-connection-id=pcx-004adebd9bf32a24f
        	"VpcPeeringConnection": {
            	"AccepterVpcInfo": {
                	"CidrBlock": "",
                	"CidrBlockSet": [
                        	"CidrBlock": ""
                	"OwnerId": "264138468394",
                	"PeeringOptions": {
                    	"AllowDnsResolutionFromRemoteVpc": false,
                    	"AllowEgressFromLocalClassicLinkToRemoteVpc": false,
                    	"AllowEgressFromLocalVpcToRemoteClassicLink": false
                	"VpcId": "vpc-09af4fa45689ca44c",
                	"Region": "us-west-2"
            	"RequesterVpcInfo": {
                	"CidrBlock": "",
                	"CidrBlockSet": [
                        	"CidrBlock": ""
                	"OwnerId": "689827245340",
                	"VpcId": "vpc-091c6caeba936ac48",
                	"Region": "us-east-1"
            	"Status": {
                	"Code": "provisioning",
                	"Message": "Provisioning"
            	"Tags": [],
            	"VpcPeeringConnectionId": "pcx-004adebd9bf32a24f"
        $ aws route53 associate-vpc-with-hosted-zone --hosted-zone-id=Z04089311NGVVH0FO3QGG --vpc=VPCId=vpc-09af4fa45689ca44c,VPCRegion=us-west-2 --region=us-east-1
        	"ChangeInfo": {
            	"Id": "/change/C0508746QOHOO1XX5BH5",
            	"Status": "PENDING",
            	"SubmittedAt": "2021-12-03T16:58:38.401Z",
            	"Comment": ""
    9. Update the route table for your application’s VPC to make sure all traffic destined for your Capella Columnar cluster is appropriately routed:

      1. Identify the route table for your application VPC:

        Finding the correct route table.
      2. Edit the routes of this route table to add the Capella Columnar cluster as a new route.

        Find the CIDR block of the Capella Columnar cluster, either from the Capella UI or from RequesterVpcInfo in the VPC peering request output. In this example, enter as the destination. The target VpcPeeringConnectionId is pcx-004adebd9bf32a24f in this example.

        Entering destination and target.
    10. If your VPC has any outbound security groups that limit outbound traffic to specific IPs, you must add the CIDR block for your Capella Columnar cluster to the outbound security group.

    Verify VPC Peering Connectivity

    With a new VPC Peering connection, check that applications connecting from the application VPC are using the private network correctly.

    Check Hostname Resolution

    When an application connects to a Capella Columnar cluster, its first step is to resolve the hostnames of all nodes in the cluster. Use the following procedure to check that hostname resolution is working correctly:

    1. In the Capella UI, retrieve the DNS SRV record for your cluster by clicking Settings  Connection String.

    2. With the DNS SRV record, use nslookup to resolve the hostname. For example:

      nslookup -type=SRV
      Non-authoritative answer:    service = 0 0 11207    service = 0 0 11207    service = 0 0 11207
    3. Use nslookup to resolve one of the hostnames returned from the SRV record. For example:

      Non-authoritative answer:
    4. When the DNS resolution is working correctly, nslookup returns the private IP of the Capella node—​an IP from the cluster’s CIDR block. If the nslookup returns the public IP for this node and you’re using AWS, check that you have:

      • Enabled DNS resolution

      • Enabled DNS hostnames

      • Associated the hosted zone with your VPC

    Check Network Connectivity

    If DNS resolution is working correctly, use the following procedure to check the network connectivity between your application instances and your Capella Columnar cluster:

    1. To check that the routing works for your VPC, use traceroute with one of the nodes in your cluster that you resolved when checking DNS resolution. For example:

      traceroute -T -p 18091
      traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
       1 (  0.303 ms  0.288 ms  0.302 ms
    2. The result from this traceroute should return quickly. If it’s slow, this can indicate issues with your routing. Validate the route table associated with the VPC to check that you have associated the correct CIDR block with the VPC peering connection.

    3. Use curl to validate that the node responding correctly over the private network:

      $ curl -k
      <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"><html><head><title>301 Moved Permanently</title></head><body><h1>Moved Permanently</h1><p>The document has moved <a href=">here</a>.</p></body></html>


    Tools such as the AWS VPC Reachability Analyzer can be useful for verifying communications.

    If you entered an incorrect CIDR block, application VPC, VPC ID, or other information when creating a VPC peering connection, you must delete that connection and create a new one with the correct values.

    • On your AWS VPC, check that you have enabled the DNS hostname and DNS resolution settings. If you need to change these settings, allow time for DNS caching before trying again. For more information, see AWS VPC Peering Prerequisites.