Function: Document Controlled Expiry

  • Capella Operational

      Goal: Purge a document automatically based on self-contained start and duration fields.

      • This function docControlledSelfExpiry demonstrates self-expiry of a document for example a user trial.

      • Requires Eventing Storage (or metadata collection) and a "source" collection.

      • Needs a Binding of type "bucket alias" (as documented in the Scriptlet).

      • When documents are created, they will have no expiration value. This function processes the initial mutation to calculate and set the proper TTL.

      • In Couchbase, when using a simple integer expiry value (as opposed to a proper date or time object), the expiration can be specified in two ways:

        • As an offset from the current time. If the absolute value of the expiry is less than 30 days (60 * 60 * 24 * 30 seconds), it is considered an offset.

        • As an absolute Unix time stamp. If the value is greater than 30 days (60 * 60 * 24 * 30 seconds), it is considered an absolute time stamp.

        • As described in Expiration, if a "Bucket Max Time-To-Live" is set (specified in seconds), it is an enforced hard upper limit. As such, any subsequent document mutation (by SQL++, Eventing, or any Couchbase SDK) will result in the document having its expiration adjusted and set to the bucket’s maximum TTL if the operation has:

          • No TTL.

          • A TTL of zero.

          • A TTL greater than the bucket TTL.

      • Will operate on any document with type == "trial_customers".

      • Will ignore any doc with a non-zero TTL (prevents infinite recursion)

      • Uses the N1QL(…​) function to update the source bucket instead of an inline SQL++ statement because inline SQL++ is prohibited from updating the source bucket of an Eventing handler to prevent infinite recursion scenarios.

      • The recursion from the N1QL(…​) statement is ignored via the if (meta.expiration !== 0) { …​ } filter.

      • This is different than setting a TTL on a bucket which will typically update (or extend) the TTL of a document on each mutation.

      You must use the function N1QL(…​) with great caution when updating the source bucket of your Eventing handler as you can easily create infinite recursion which may crash your server.
      • docControlledSelfExpiry

      • Input Data/Mutation

      • Output Data/Mutation

      Two variants of this function are available: a 6.6 version (this Function) that relies on SQL++, and a 6.6.1 version that directly sets the expiration. Using N1QL(…​) is much slower than using couchbase.replace(bucket_binding, meta, doc) in the advancedDocControlledSelfExpiry variant.

      docControlledSelfExpiry (indirect TTL via SQL++)

      // To run configure the settings for this Function, docControlledSelfExpiry, as follows:
      // Version 7.1+
      //   "Function Scope"
      //     *.* (or try if non-privileged)
      // Version 7.0+
      //   "Listen to Location"
      //   "Eventing Storage"
      //     rr100.eventing.metadata
      //   Binding(s)
      //    1. "binding type", "alias name...", "bucket.scope.collection", "Access"
      //       "bucket alias", "src_col",       "",        "read and write"
      // Version 6.X
      //   "Source Bucket"
      //     source
      //   "MetaData Bucket"
      //     metadata
      //   Binding(s)
      //    1. "binding type", "alias name...", "bucket",     "Access"
      //       "bucket alias", "src_col",       "source", "read and write"
      function OnUpdate(doc, meta) {
          // Filter items that don't have been updated, this also stops
          // any recursion when we update meta.expiration via N1QL(...)
          if (meta.expiration !== 0) {
              log(, "IGNORE expiration "+meta.expiration+" !== 0 or "+
                  new Date(meta.expiration).toString());
          // Optional filter to a specic field like 'type'
          if (doc.type !== 'trial_customers') return;
          // Our expiry is based on a JavaScript date parsable field, it must exist
          if (!doc.trialStartDate || !doc.trialDurationDays) return;
          // Convert the doc's field timeStamp and convert to unix epoch time (in ms.).
          var docTimeStampMs = Date.parse(doc.trialStartDate);
          var keepDocForMs = doc.trialDurationDays * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 ;
          var nowMs =;  // get current unix time (in ms.).
          // Archive if we have kept it for too long no need to set the expiration
          if( nowMs >= (docTimeStampMs + keepDocForMs) ) {
              // Delete the document form the source bucket via the map alias
              delete src_col[];
              log(, "DELETE from src_col to dst_bkt alias as our expiration " +
                  new Date(docTimeStampMs + keepDocForMs).toString()) + " is already past";
          } else {
              var key =;
              //set the meta.expiration=ttlMs
              var	ttlMs = docTimeStampMs + keepDocForMs;
              // Use SQL++ to write back a non-zero TTL to the document hear we actually
              // have to use the real bucket name "source" instead of the alias src_col
              // as we are using SQL++. This will cause recursion but it will be ignored
              // since we ignore all non-zero TTLs
              if (ttlMs !== 0) {
                  log(, "UPDATE expiration "+meta.expiration+" === 0 set to "+
                      ttlMs+" or " + new Date(ttlMs).toString());
                  // Ensure non-zero, just be safe just in case somehow 1) doc.timeStamp
                  // evals to 0, and 2) keepDocForMs is set to 0
                  var stmt = "UPDATE `source` USE KEYS \""+key+
                             "\" SET meta().expiration = " + Math.floor(ttlMs/1000);
                  // Future in 6.6.1+ we can avoid SQL++ via Eventing's new Advanced Bucket Ops
                  // couchbase.replace(src_col,{"id","expiry_date":new Date(ttlMs)},doc);

      We want to create a test set of four (4) documents, use the Query Editor to insert the the data items (you do not need an index).

      Note, if the today is past 08-25-2021 (MM-DD-YYYY) just change the trialStartDate for the last two records to at least 90 days from now.

        INSERT INTO `bulk`.`data`.`source` (KEY,VALUE)
        VALUES ( "trial_customers::0", {
          "type": "trial_customers",
          "id": 0,
          "trialStartDate": "08-25-2019",
          "trialDurationDays": 30,
          "note": "this is old will get immeadiately deleted"
        } ),
        VALUES ( "trial_customers::1",
          "type": "trial_customers",
          "id": 1,
          "trialStartDate": "01-27-2020",
          "trialDurationDays": 30,
          "note": "this is old will get immeadiately deleted"
        } ),
        VALUES ( "trial_customers::2",
          "type": "trial_customers",
          "id": 2,
          "trialStartDate": "08-25-2021",
          "trialDurationDays": 30,
          "note": "this will get an exiration set"
        } ),
        VALUES ( "trial_customers::3",
          "type": "trial_customers",
          "id": 3,
          "trialStartDate": "08-26-2021",
          "trialDurationDays": 60,
          "note": "this will get an exiration set"
        } );
      NEW/OUTPUT: KEY trial_customers::2
        "id": 2,
        "note": "this will get an exiration set",
        "trialDurationDays": 30,
        "trialStartDate": "08-25-2021",
        "type": "trial_customers"
      NEW/OUTPUT: KEY trial_customers::3
        "id": 3,
        "note": "this will get an exiration set",
        "trialDurationDays": 60,
        "trialStartDate": "08-26-2021",
        "type": "trial_customers"
      We end up with two (2) of the four documents (obviously you may need to adjust the N1QL INSERT in a few months as all the document would be immediately deleted).
      * "trial_customers::0" was deleted
      * "trial_customers::1" was deleted
      * "trial_customers::2" has an meta.expiration set for 1632466800 (or 2021-09-24 07:00:00 UTC) in it's metadata
      * "trial_customers::3" has an meta.expiration set for 1635145200 (or 2021-10-25 07:00:00 UTC) in it's metadata