Manage Project Users

  • Capella Operational
      Manage the collaborators of a project to control access to Couchbase clusters.

      In Couchbase Capella, project collaborators are users in an organization who have been added to a project and given a project role. Project roles control a user’s access level to any cluster in a project and what actions they can take. For more information about project roles, see Project Roles.

      Accessing Project Users in the Capella UI

      You can view and manage project collaborators on the Projects tab in the main navigation by clicking the name of a project you want to manage. With the project open, click the Collaborators tab. Capella shows a summary of all collaborators who are part of the current project.

      You can only see the summary if you are a project collaborator. If you are a the Project Owner, you can also see an option to invite collaborators to the project.

      Users with the Organization Owner organization role automatically have a Project Owner role for all projects in their organization, which means they can also access collaborator information for all projects.

      Project Collaborators Summary

      The Collaborators tab shows a list of all the collaborators assigned a role for the current project.

      This includes the following information:

      Field Description


      The name of the user and their email address.

      Organization Roles

      The user’s organization roles.

      Project Roles

      The user’s project roles.

      SSO Groups

      The user’s SSO groups.

      Add Users to an Existing Project

      By default, you add SSO users to projects using teams. Only when a realm has group mapping turned off, can you invite and manage SSO users using the procedures on this page.

      After you create a project, you can add collaborators. To add a collaborator, you must have the Project Owner project role. If you created a project, then you automatically have this role.

      1. In your organization’s Projects tab, click the name of the project where you want to add a collaborator.

        Capella opens the project’s Operational tab.

      2. From the main navigation, click the Collaborators tab.

        Capella opens the Project Collaborators summary.

      3. Click Add Collaborators.

        Capella opens the Add Collaborators page.

      4. In the Collaborators list, select the people in the current organization that you want to add to the project.

        If a user isn’t a member of your organization, invite them to your organization to add them to a project.

        Selected users get the same project roles.

      5. Click the tile for each project role you want to assign to your selected users.

      6. To add the selected users to the project and assign the selected roles, click Add.

        Capella notifies you after it adds the new collaborators to the project.

      Change a User’s Project Role

      To change a user’s project role, you must have the Project Owner project role for the project.

      If you created a project, you automatically have this role.

      Users with the Organization Owner role have Project Owner roles for all projects in their organization. You cannot remove the Project Owner role from a user with the Organization Owner role.

      1. In your organization’s Projects tab, click the name of the project where you want to change a user’s project role.

        Capella opens the project’s Operational tab.

      2. From the main navigation, click the Collaborators tab.

        Capella opens the Project Collaborators summary.

      3. Click the name of the user whose project role you want to change.

        Capella opens the user’s collaborator information page.

      4. Click Edit Project Roles.

      5. From the list of project roles, select the roles to assign to the selected user. Deselect the roles that you don’t want to assign to the selected user.

      6. To apply your changes, click Save.

      Remove a User (or Yourself) from a Project

      You can’t remove a user from a project if they have the Organization Owner user role. If you remove a user with the Organization Owner role, you can remove their other project roles. The user keeps their Project Owner access.

      1. In your organization’s Projects tab, click the project where you want to remove a user.

        Capella opens the project’s Operational tab.

      2. From the main navigation, click the Collaborators tab.

        Capella opens the Project Collaborators summary.

      3. Click the name of the user you want to remove.

        Capella opens the user’s collaborator information page.

      4. Click Remove User from Project.

        Capella opens the Remove User from Project dialog.

      5. To confirm that you want to delete the user, click Remove User from Project.

        Capella notifies you after the user is removed from the project.