Stream Data from Couchbase Capella

  • Capella Columnar
  • how-to
    To continuously update Capella Columnar with data hosted on a Couchbase Capella operational cluster, create a remote link and collection.

    Requirements for Couchbase Capella Links

    The Capella operational cluster must be in the same organization as your Capella Columnar cluster. You must have RBAC access to the operational database to be able to create a link to it. See Eventing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC).

    Your Columnar account must have either the Project Owner or Project Manager role to be able to create a link and its associated collection.

    To create a remote link to a Couchbase Capella operational cluster:

    1. In the Capella UI, select the Columnar tab.

    2. Click a cluster name. The workbench opens.

    3. Use the explorer to explore the existing databases, scopes, and collections. You can add a database and scope to hold the collection for the streamed data if necessary: see Manage Capella Columnar Services Databases.

    4. Select Create  Data Link. The Create Link for <cluster name> Cluster dialog opens.

    5. Select Couchbase Server/Capella then click Continue.

    6. Under Link Type, select Couchbase Capella.

    7. In the Couchbase Link Name field, enter a name for the link.

    8. In the Source Database list, select the source Capella operational cluster.

    9. Click Save & Continue. Capella Columnar creates the link.

    You can now create a collection associated with that link.

    Create a Collection for a Couchbase Data Service

    To create a remote collection to receive data from a Couchbase Capella operational cluster:

    1. In the Create Link for <cluster name> Cluster dialog, click Create Linked Collection. The Create Collection Linked to <link name> dialog opens.

      If you closed the Create Link for <cluster name> Cluster dialog by clicking Complete Later, then under LINKS move your pointer over the name of the link and choose ⋮ (More)  Create Linked Collection.
    2. In the Collection Name field, enter a name for your Capella Columnar collection.

    3. In the Configure Data Details fields, select the names of the Bucket, Scope, and Collection you want to shadow.

    4. Optionally, enter an expression in the WHERE clause field to filter the documents in the source collection. Do not include the WHERE keyword, and supply only a deterministic expression. For example, activity = "eat".

    5. Click Create Collection. Your collection appears in the explorer’s Data section underneath its database and scope.

    To have Capella Columnar start streaming data from the Couchbase Capella operational cluster, you must connect the link by either:

    • Clicking Connect Link in the Create Link for <cluster name> Cluster dialog.

    • Under Links, move your pointer over the name of the link and choose ⋮ (More)  Connect.