Copy Results to a Couchbase Collection

  • Capella Columnar
  • concept
    From Capella Columnar, you can write the results of an analytical query to a Capella or Couchbase Server collection.

    To provide access from Capella Columnar to a Capella or Couchbase Server operational database, you use a remote link to supply credentials. See Stream Data from Remote Sources.

    You can designate either an empty collection or a collection with pre-existing documents as the destination for the result of an analytical query. If the Couchbase collection already has documents in it, the operation overwrites any document with a matching document key with the new incoming documents.

    Use Cases

    Example uses of this feature include:

    • Transferring any Capella Columnar collection in its entirety to Capella or Couchbase Server. Some examples of the data that a Capella Columnar collection might contain follow:

      • Operational data shadowed through a Kafka pipeline

      • Operational data shadowed from a Capella or Couchbase Server collection

      • Archives, logs, and other resources in multiple formats stored on Amazon S3

      • Local files in multiple formats uploaded into standalone collections

    • Moving the results of analytical queries completed in Capella Columnar—​including complex joins and functions—​to operational databases for use by adaptive applications.

    • Using Capella Columnar’s ability to parse data in other formats into JSON documents for downstream use in your Capella operational databases.

    COPY TO Statements

    You use a SQL++ for Capella columnar COPY TO statement to write Capella Columnar results to a Capella or Couchbase Server collection. When you copy to Capella or Couchbase Server, you specify a remote link, the source and destination collections, and a document key. Optionally, you can specify a WITH clause.