Set Up a Standalone Collection

  • Capella Columnar
  • how-to
    You can gather documents from one or more existing Capella Columnar collections into a standalone collection. You customize the content of your standalone collections by querying other collections.
    For an example of creating standalone collections and populating them using a queries, see Install the Commerce Dataset in Standalone Collections.



    To add a standalone collection, you must have the Organization Owner role in your organization, or one of the following project roles for the project that contains your Capella Columnar cluster:

    Primary key

    You must identify a primary key and its data type when you set up a standalone collection, so you must be familiar with the data you plan to insert into the collection. You supply the primary key as the name of the corresponding field or key in the data file and its data type. Each document inserted into the collection must have a field with this name and a value of this type.

    Alternatively, you can choose to have Capella Columnar autogenerate values for the primary key. You supply a name for the primary key and a data type of UUID. For each document inserted into the collection, Capella Columnar generates a universally unique identifier and adds it with this key.

    Create a Standalone Collection

    To create a standalone collection:

    1. In the Capella UI, select the Columnar tab.

    2. Click a cluster name. The workbench opens.

    3. Use the explorer to explore the existing databases, scopes, and collections. You can add a database and scope if necessary: see Manage Capella Columnar Services Databases.

    4. Click Create  Standalone Collection. Alternatively, you can move your cursor over the name of a scope and then choose ⋮ (More)  Add Standalone Collection. The Create Standalone Collection dialog opens.

    5. Select a Database and Scope for the new collection, or verify the supplied database and scope if you’re adding it to a specific scope.

    6. In the Collection Name field, enter a name for the collection.

      The name must start with a letter (A-Z, a-z) and contain only upper- and lowercase letters, numbers (0-9), and underscore (_) or dash (-) characters.

    7. For the Primary Key, choose either:

      • Enter Key Manually: Enter the name of the primary key and select its data type (int, double, string).

        To use a keyName that includes spaces or a - character, escape the name with backtick (``) characters. To define a primary key made up of multiple fields, select + Add Field

      • Autogenerate: Enter a name for the primary key followed by :UUID.

    8. Click Create. Your collection appears under the scope in the explorer.

    Work with a Standalone Collection

    Standalone collections give you the flexibility to build a new dataset to store in Capella Columnar by querying other collections.

    For example, you can copy in data from an external collection. Or, you can build a separate, long-lasting archive for documents from a remote Couchbase collection by periodically adding timestamped deltas.

    • To populate a standalone collection, you can use queries to INSERT INTO, COPY INTO, and otherwise select data from other collections. You can also import data from a local data file.

    • To manipulate the documents in the standalone collection to meet your needs, you use queries to SELECT, INSERT INTO, UPSERT INTO, DELETE, and so on.

    For more information about using these SQL++ statements to write queries in Capella Columnar, see DML Statements.

    View Metadata for a Collection

    Each time you add a collection, Capella Columnar records its metadata in the System.Metadata.Dataset collection. To view metadata for a collection, you query this system collection. See Querying Metadata.