February 9, 2025
+ 12
Capella supports a number of authentication providers, which can be configured from the UI.

Out of the box, Capella supports Basic, Anonymous, and OpenID Connect as methods for authentication.

  1. Select your App Endpoint

  2. Select the Security tab.

  3. From the menu on the left, select Authentication Providers

App Provider
Figure 1. Authentication Provider set-up screen

Basic Authentication

The authentication credentials are passed through the HTTPS headers of the calling client.

Your Couchbase Lite SDK will handle the details of this for you. It will pass an HTTPS header like Authorization: Basic c3luY19nYXRld2F5OnBhc3N3b3Jk. This random looking string is simply a Base64 encoded representation of the Username and Password that you have passed in.

Anonymous Authentication

Allowing anonymous authentication is useful for testing as it allows access to the endpoint without the need for authentication. It is also useful for endpoints that might synchronise static information such as information pages which anyone is allowed to access.

It is recommended that either basic authentication or OIDC is used for production environments.

OpenID Connect (OIDC)

Capella App Services supports OpenID Connect. This allows your application to use Couchbase for data synchronization and delegate the authentication to a third-party server (known as the Provider).

Capella’s implementation of OpenID Connect uses Implicit Flow. This means that the retrieval of the ID token takes place on the device. Capella handles the background set up for the app service, using the details provided in the settings:


This is the URL of the authentication provider. For example, if you are using Google’s authentication service, then the URL would be https://accounts.google.com. Details of the URL required should be available on your provider’s website.

Client ID

When you register your App Service with your OIDC provider, you will be given a Client ID unique to your application. The provider will use this ID to identify the application using the authentication service.

Discovery URL

Providers usually provide a configuration application for their users, which can be accessed through the URL given here. This setting is optional.

Username prefix

The OIDC username is taken from the App Service user and a prefix is added. The prefix itself is derived from the name of the OIDC provider, or optionally, you can supply your own prefix here.

Username claim

Specifies a claim other than the subject to use as the App Services username. By default, the issuer is used, but you can use another claim field, such as the email address.

Auto Register

The App Service service can be configured to create a new user if it receives a valid authorisation from an unregistered user.

OIDC Authorization: step by step

OIDC Authorization Sequence
Figure 2. OIDC Authorization Sequence

Configure Multiple OIDC Providers

You can add multiple OIDC providers in Capella App Services:

  1. Go to the security tab in App Endpoint settings.

  2. Click the OpenID Connect checkbox to enable OIDC.

  3. Click the Add OIDC Provider button.

After enabling OIDC authentication, you must create a user-defined OIDC provider.

Once you have configured an OIDC provider, the Add OIDC Provider button is replaced by the OIDC Providers List table.

Set a Default OIDC Provider

When multiple OIDC providers are configured, the first OIDC provider is automatically designated as the default provider. After you enable OIDC, all client requests will use the default OIDC provider, unless the OIDC provider for the request is explicitly specified. You can then choose which among them is the default provider via selecting the relevant radio button from the Default OIDC Provider column in the OIDC Providers List table.

Using non-default OIDC providers in Capella App Services requires requests to /db/_oidc/ to specify the provider parameter.

Editing a Configured OIDC Provider

You can edit configured OIDC providers via the OIDC providers table in the Auth Providers tab in the App Endpoint configuration settings.

Delete a Configured OIDC Provider

To delete a configured OIDC provider:

  1. In the OIDC Providers List table, find the OIDC provider you want to delete.

  2. Go to More Options (⋮)  Delete.

  3. Confirm that you want to delete the selected OIDC provider.

To delete a configured OIDC provider, the provider must meet the following conditions:

  • It must not be the only configured provider.

  • It must not be the default provider.

If you want to delete the current default provider, you must select a new default provider first from the OIDC Providers List table.