Function: Basic SQL++ Prepared Select Statement

  • Capella Operational

      Goal: Iterate through a basic {sqlpp} SELECT where Eventing interacts with the Data service via a prepared {sqlpp} statement.

      • This function basicN1qlPreparedSelectStmt demonstrates how use a prepared SQL++ SELECT statement with a passed parameter.

      • Typically, this is done for greater performance, the cluster will typically not prepare a statement if it is already prepared.

      • We have just one positional parameter $1 for "doc.iata", if we had a second parameter we would use the placeholder $2, and so on. Note positional parameters are passed in an array.

      • A commented out example of using named parameters is also shown. Note named parameters are passed and an object.

      • Requires the "travel-sample" sample dataset to be loaded.

      • Requires Eventing Storage (or metadata collection) and a "source" collection of travel-sample.inventory.airline.

      • Deploy the Function with a Feed Boundary "From now" (Note you will log 187 lines if you use "Everything").

      • Assuming you deployed "From now" mutate any document in "travel-sample" to generate a log line.

      • For additional details refer to SQL++ Statements and The N1QL() function call

      • [Optional] if Feed Boundary is "Everything" you can use SQL++ to add an index for performance:

        • CREATE INDEX adv_airline_type ON default:`travel-sample`.inventory.route(airline) WHERE (type = 'route')

      • basicN1qlPreparedSelectStmt

      • Input Data/Mutation (via the following SQL++ statement)

      • Output Data/Logged

      // To run configure the settings for this Function, basicN1qlPreparedSelectStmt, as follows:
      // Version 7.1+
      //   "Function Scope"
      //     *.* (or try travel-sample.inventory if non-privileged)
      // Version 7.0+
      //   "Listen to Location"
      //     travel-sample.inventory.airline
      //   "Eventing Storage"
      //     rr100.eventing.metadata
      //   Binding(s) - none
      // Version 6.X
      //   "Source Bucket"
      //     travel-sample
      //   "MetaData Bucket"
      //     metadata
      //   Binding(s) - none
      function OnUpdate(doc, meta) {
          // ignore information we don't care about
          if (doc.type !== 'airline') return;
          var route_cnt = 0;       // we want to get the total routes per iata
          // positional parameter(s)
          var results = N1QL("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt " +
              "FROM `travel-sample`.`inventory`.`route` " +
              "WHERE type = \"route\" AND airline = $1",
              [doc.iata], { isPrepared: true }
          // named parameter(s)
          var max_dist = 120;
          var results = N1QL("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt " +
              "FROM `travel-sample`.`inventory`.`route` WHERE type = $mytype " +
              "AND airline = $myairline AND distance <= $mydistance",
              { '$mytype': 'route', '$mydistance': max_dist, '$myairline': doc.iata },
              { 'consistency': 'none', isPrepared: true }
          for (var item of results) {   // Stream results using 'for' iterator.
              route_cnt = item.cnt;
          results.close();              // End the query and free resources held
          // Just log the KEY, AIRLINE and ROUTE_CNT it to the Application log
          log("key: " + + ", airline: "+doc.iata+", route_cnt: "+route_cnt);
      UPDATE `travel-sample`.`inventory`.`route` USE KEYS "airline_24" SET id = 24;
      2021-07-19T07:48:10.810-07:00 [INFO] "key: airline_24, airline: AA, route_cnt: 2354"