Work with Query Results

  • Capella Columnar
  • how-to
    The query results pane of the workbench provides options for displaying, copying, downloading, and otherwise working with the results of a query.


    To use the workbench for Capella Columnar:

    Review JSON Formatted Results

    When you execute a query, the results display in the query results pane. By default, the JSON tab displays in the query results pane, showing the results in JSON format.

    You can expand and collapse objects and array values using the small arrow icons next to the line numbers.

    Review Tabular Formatted Results

    The Table tab presents the results in a tabular format. Capella Columnar converts the JSON documents to HTML tables for this display, and presents sub-objects and sub-arrays as sub-tables.

    This format works well for queries that return an array of objects.

    Download or Copy Results

    When you view query results on the JSON tab, icons give you options to:

    • Download the results in JSON format.

    • Copy the results in JSON format.

    When you view results on the Table tab, icons give you options to:

    • Download the results in JSON format.

    • Copy the results in TSV format.

    You can then use the file with the query results as needed, or paste the results into another tool such as a spreadsheet.

    See Also

    The query results pane also offers these options for working with results: