Numeric Functions

  • Capella Columnar
  • reference
    This topic describes the builtin SQL++ for Capella columnar numeric functions.


    • Syntax:

    • Computes the absolute value of the argument.

    • Arguments:

      • numeric_value: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value.

    • Return Value:

      • The absolute value of the argument with the same type as the input argument,

      • missing if the argument is a missing value,

      • null if the argument is a null value,

      • any other non-numeric input value causes a type error.

    • Example:

      { "v1": abs(2013), "v2": abs(-4036), "v3": abs(0), "v4": abs(float("-2013.5")), "v5": abs(double("-2013.593823748327284")) };
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 2013, "v2": 4036, "v3": 0, "v4": 2013.5, "v5": 2013.5938237483274 }


    • Syntax:

    • Computes the arc cosine value of the argument.

    • Arguments:

      • numeric_value: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value.

    • Return Value:

      • the double arc cosine in radians for the argument, if the argument is in the range of -1, inclusive, to 1, inclusive,

      • missing if the argument is a missing value,

      • null if the argument is a null value,

      • any other non-numeric input value causes a type error,

      • "NaN" for other legitimate numeric values.

    • Example:

      { "v1": acos(1), "v2": acos(2), "v3": acos(0), "v4": acos(float("0.5")), "v5": acos(double("-0.5")) };
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 0.0, "v2": "NaN", "v3": 1.5707963267948966, "v4": 1.0471975511965979, "v5": 2.0943951023931957 }


    • Syntax:

    • Computes the arc sine value of the argument.

    • Arguments:

      • numeric_value: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value.

    • Return Value:

      • the double arc sin in radians for the argument, if the argument is in the range of -1, inclusive, to 1, inclusive,

      • missing if the argument is a missing value,

      • null if the argument is a null value,

      • any other non-numeric input value causes a type error,

      • "NaN" for other legitimate numeric values.

    • Example:

      { "v1": asin(1), "v2": asin(2), "v3": asin(0), "v4": asin(float("0.5")), "v5": asin(double("-0.5")) };
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 1.5707963267948966, "v2": "NaN", "v3": 0.0, "v4": 0.5235987755982989, "v5": -0.5235987755982989 }


    • Syntax:

    • Computes the arc tangent value of the argument.

    • Arguments:

      • numeric_value: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value.

    • Return Value:

      • the double arc tangent in radians for the argument,

      • missing if the argument is a missing value,

      • null if the argument is a null value,

      • any other non-numeric input value causes a type error.

    • Example:

      { "v1": atan(1), "v2": atan(2), "v3": atan(0), "v4": atan(float("0.5")), "v5": atan(double("1000")) };
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 0.7853981633974483, "v2": 1.1071487177940904, "v3": 0.0, "v4": 0.4636476090008061, "v5": 1.5697963271282298 }


    • Syntax:

      atan2(numeric_value1, numeric_value2)
    • Computes the arc tangent value of numeric_value2/numeric_value1.

    • Arguments:

      • numeric_value1: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value,

      • numeric_value2: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value.

    • Return Value:

      • the double arc tangent in radians for numeric_value1 and numeric_value2,

      • missing if any argument is a missing value,

      • null if any argument is a null value but no argument is a missing value,

      • any other non-numeric input value causes a type error.

    • Example:

      { "v1": atan2(1, 2), "v2": atan2(0, 4), "v3": atan2(float("0.5"), double("-0.5")) };
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 0.4636476090008061, "v2": 0.0, "v3": 2.356194490192345 }


    • Syntax:

    • Computes the smallest (closest to negative infinity) number with no fractional part that is not less than the value of the argument. If the argument is already equal to mathematical integer, then the result is the same as the argument.

    • Arguments:

      • numeric_value: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value.

    • Return Value:

      • The ceiling value for the given number in the same type as the input argument,

      • missing if the argument is a missing value,

      • null if the argument is a null value,

      • any other non-numeric input value causes a type error.

    • Example:

        "v1": ceil(2013),
        "v2": ceil(-4036),
        "v3": ceil(0.3),
        "v4": ceil(float("-2013.2")),
        "v5": ceil(double("-2013.893823748327284"))
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 2013, "v2": -4036, "v3": 1.0, "v4": -2013.0, "v5": -2013.0 }


    • Syntax:

    • Computes the cosine value of the argument.

    • Arguments:

      • numeric_value: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value.

    • Return Value:

      • the double cosine value for the argument,

      • missing if the argument is a missing value,

      • null if the argument is a null value,

      • any other non-numeric input value causes a type error.

    • Example:

      { "v1": cos(1), "v2": cos(2), "v3": cos(0), "v4": cos(float("0.5")), "v5": cos(double("1000")) };
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 0.5403023058681398, "v2": -0.4161468365471424, "v3": 1.0, "v4": 0.8775825618903728, "v5": 0.562379076290703 }


    • Syntax:

    • Computes the hyperbolic cosine value of the argument.

    • Arguments:

      • numeric_value: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value.

    • Return Value:

      • the double hyperbolic cosine value for the argument,

      • missing if the argument is a missing value,

      • null if the argument is a null value,

      • any other non-numeric input value causes a type error.

    • Example:

      { "v1": cosh(1), "v2": cosh(2), "v3": cosh(0), "v4": cosh(float("0.5")), "v5": cosh(double("8")) };
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 1.5430806348152437, "v2": 3.7621956910836314, "v3": 1.0, "v4": 1.1276259652063807, "v5": 1490.479161252178 }


    • Syntax:

    • Converts radians to degrees

    • Arguments:

      • numeric_value: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value.

    • Return Value:

      • The degrees value for the given radians value. The returned value has type double,

      • missing if the argument is a missing value,

      • null if the argument is a null value,

      • any other non-numeric input value causes a type error.

    • Example:

      { "v1": degrees(pi()) };
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 180.0 }


    • Syntax:

    • Return Value:

      • e (base of the natural logarithm)

    • Example:

      { "v1": e() };
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 2.718281828459045 }


    • Syntax:

    • Computes enumeric_value.

    • Arguments:

      • numeric_value: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value.

    • Return Value:

      • enumeric_value,

      • missing if the argument is a missing value,

      • null if the argument is a null value,

      • any other non-numeric input value causes a type error.

    • Example:

      { "v1": exp(1), "v2": exp(2), "v3": exp(0), "v4": exp(float("0.5")), "v5": exp(double("1000")) };
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 2.718281828459045, "v2": 7.38905609893065, "v3": 1.0, "v4": 1.6487212707001282, "v5": "Infinity" }


    • Syntax:

    • Computes the largest (closest to positive infinity) number with no fractional part that is not greater than the value. If the argument is already equal to mathematical integer, then the result is the same as the argument.

    • Arguments:

      • numeric_value: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value.

    • Return Value:

      • The floor value for the given number in the same type as the input argument,

      • missing if the argument is a missing value,

      • null if the argument is a null value,

      • any other non-numeric input value causes a type error.

    • Example:

        "v1": floor(2013),
        "v2": floor(-4036),
        "v3": floor(0.8),
        "v4": floor(float("-2013.2")),
        "v5": floor(double("-2013.893823748327284"))
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 2013, "v2": -4036, "v3": 0.0, "v4": -2014.0, "v5": -2014.0 }


    • Syntax:

    • Computes logenumeric_value.

    • Arguments:

      • numeric_value: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value.

    • Return Value:

      • logenumeric_value,

      • missing if the argument is a missing value,

      • null if the argument is a null value,

      • any other non-numeric input value causes a type error.

    • Example:

      { "v1": ln(1), "v2": ln(2), "v3": ln(0), "v4": ln(float("0.5")), "v5": ln(double("1000")) };
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 0.0, "v2": 0.6931471805599453, "v3": "-Infinity", "v4": -0.6931471805599453, "v5": 6.907755278982137 }


    • Syntax:

    • Computes log10numeric_value.

    • Arguments:

      • numeric_value: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value.

    • Return Value:

      • log10numeric_value,

      • missing if the argument is a missing value,

      • null if the argument is a null value,

      • any other non-numeric input value causes a type error.

    • Example:

      { "v1": log(1), "v2": log(2), "v3": log(0), "v4": log(float("0.5")), "v5": log(double("1000")) };
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 0.0, "v2": 0.3010299956639812, "v3": "-Infinity", "v4": -0.3010299956639812, "v5": 3.0 }


    • Syntax:

    • Return Value:

      • Pi

    • Example:

      { "v1": pi() };
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 3.141592653589793 }


    • Syntax:

      power(numeric_value1, numeric_value2)
    • Computes numeric_value1numeric_value2.

    • Arguments:

      • numeric_value1: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value,

      • numeric_value2: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value.

    • Return Value:

      • numeric_value1numeric_value2,

      • missing if any argument is a missing value,

      • null if any argument is a null value but no argument is a missing value,

      • any other non-numeric input value causes a type error.

    • Example:

      { "v1": power(1, 2), "v3": power(0, 4), "v4": power(float("0.5"), double("-0.5")) };
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 1, "v3": 0, "v4": 1.4142135623730951 }


    • Syntax:

    • Converts degrees to radians

    • Arguments:

      • numeric_value: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value.

    • Return Value:

      • The radians value for the given degrees value. The returned value has type double,

      • missing if the argument is a missing value,

      • null if the argument is a null value,

      • any other non-numeric input value causes a type error.

    • Example:

      { "v1": radians(180) };
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 3.141592653589793 }


    • Syntax:

      round(numeric_value[, round_digit])
    • Rounds the value to the given number of integer digits to the right of the decimal point, or to the left of the decimal point if the number of digits is negative.

    • Arguments:

      • numeric_value: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value that represents the numeric value to round.

      • round_digit: Optional. A tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value that specifies the digit to round to. This argument may be positive or negative; positive indicating that rounding needs to be to the right of the decimal point, and negative indicating that rounding needs to be to the left of the decimal point. Values such as 1.0 and 2.0 are acceptable, but values such as 1.3 and 1.5 result in a null. If omitted, the default is 0.

    • Return Value:

      • The rounded value for the given number. The returned value has the following type:

        • bigint if the input value has type tinyint, smallint, integer or bigint,

        • float if the input value has type float,

        • double if the input value has type double;

      • missing if the input value is a missing value,

      • null if the input value is a null value,

      • any other non-numeric input value returns a null value.

    • Example:

        "v1": round(2013),
        "v2": round(-4036),
        "v3": round(0.8),
        "v4": round(float("-2013.256")),
        "v5": round(double("-2013.893823748327284"))
        "v6": round(123456, -1),
        "v7": round(456.456, 2),
        "v8": round(456.456, -1),
        "v9": round(-456.456, -2)
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 2013, "v2": -4036, "v3": 1.0, "v4": -2013.0, "v5": -2014.0, "v6": 123460, "v7": 456.46, "v8": 460, "v9": -500 }


    • Syntax:

    • Computes the sign of the argument.

    • Arguments:

      • numeric_value: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value.

    • Return Value:

      • the sign (a tinyint) of the argument, -1 for negative values, 0 for 0, and 1 for positive values,

      • missing if the argument is a missing value,

      • null if the argument is a null value,

      • any other non-numeric input value causes a type error.

    • Example:

      { "v1": sign(1), "v2": sign(2), "v3": sign(0), "v4": sign(float("0.5")), "v5": sign(double("-1000")) };
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 1, "v2": 1, "v3": 0, "v4": 1, "v5": -1 }


    • Syntax:

    • Computes the sine value of the argument.

    • Arguments:

      • numeric_value: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value.

    • Return Value:

      • the double sine value for the argument,

      • missing if the argument is a missing value,

      • null if the argument is a null value,

      • any other non-numeric input value causes a type error.

    • Example:

      { "v1": sin(1), "v2": sin(2), "v3": sin(0), "v4": sin(float("0.5")), "v5": sin(double("1000")) };
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 0.8414709848078965, "v2": 0.9092974268256817, "v3": 0.0, "v4": 0.479425538604203, "v5": 0.8268795405320025 }


    • Syntax:

    • Computes the hyperbolic sine value of the argument.

    • Arguments:

      • numeric_value: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value.

    • Return Value:

      • the double hyperbolic sine value for the argument,

      • missing if the argument is a missing value,

      • null if the argument is a null value,

      • any other non-numeric input value causes a type error.

    • Example:

      { "v1": sinh(1), "v2": sinh(2), "v3": sinh(0), "v4": sinh(float("0.5")), "v5": sinh(double("8")) };
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 1.1752011936438014, "v2": 3.626860407847019, "v3": 0.0, "v4": 0.5210953054937474, "v5": 1490.4788257895502 }


    • Syntax:

    • Computes the square root of the argument.

    • Arguments:

      • numeric_value: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value.

    • Return Value:

      • the double square root value for the argument,

      • missing if the argument is a missing value,

      • null if the argument is a null value,

      • any other non-numeric input value causes a type error.

    • Example:

      { "v1": sqrt(1), "v2": sqrt(2), "v3": sqrt(0), "v4": sqrt(float("0.5")), "v5": sqrt(double("1000")) };
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 1.0, "v2": 1.4142135623730951, "v3": 0.0, "v4": 0.7071067811865476, "v5": 31.622776601683793 }


    • Syntax:

    • Computes the tangent value of the argument.

    • Arguments:

      • numeric_value: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value.

    • Return Value:

      • the double tangent value for the argument,

      • missing if the argument is a missing value,

      • null if the argument is a null value,

      • any other non-numeric input value causes a type error.

    • Example:

      { "v1": tan(1), "v2": tan(2), "v3": tan(0), "v4": tan(float("0.5")), "v5": tan(double("1000")) };
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 1.5574077246549023, "v2": -2.185039863261519, "v3": 0.0, "v4": 0.5463024898437905, "v5": 1.4703241557027185 }


    • Syntax:

    • Computes the hyperbolic tangent value of the argument.

    • Arguments:

      • numeric_value: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value.

    • Return Value:

      • the double hyperbolic tangent value for the argument,

      • missing if the argument is a missing value,

      • null if the argument is a null value,

      • any other non-numeric input value causes a type error.

    • Example:

      { "v1": tanh(1), "v2": tanh(2), "v3": tanh(0), "v4": tanh(float("0.5")), "v5": tanh(double("8")) };
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 0.7615941559557649, "v2": 0.964027580075817, "v3": 0.0, "v4": 0.4621171572600098, "v5": 0.999999774929676 }


    • Syntax:

      trunc(numeric_value, number_digits)
    • Truncates the number to the given number of integer digits to the right of the decimal point (left if digits is negative). Digits is 0 if not given.

    • Arguments:

      • numeric_value: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value,

      • number_digits: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint value.

    • Return Value:

      • the double tangent value for the argument,

      • missing if any argument is a missing value,

      • null if any argument is a null value but no argument is missing,

      • raises a type error if:

        • the first argument is any other non-numeric value,

        • the second argument is any other non-tinyint, non-smallint, non-integer, and non-bigint value.

    • Example:

      { "v1": trunc(1, 1), "v2": trunc(2, -2), "v3": trunc(0.122, 2), "v4": trunc(float("11.52"), -1), "v5": trunc(double("1000.5252"), 3) };
    • The expected result is:

      { "v1": 1, "v2": 2, "v3": 0.12, "v4": 10.0, "v5": 1000.525 }


    • Syntax:

    • Returns a pseudo-random number with optional seed.

    • Arguments:

      • expr: A number, or an expression that evaluates to a number.

    • Return Value:

      • Returns a number between 0 and 1.

      • Returns NULL if expr is not a number.

    • Example:

    • A possible result is:
