Amazon Web Services (AWS)

  • Capella Columnar
  • reference
    Capella Columnar supports deploying clusters onto Amazon Web Services (AWS).

    Capella Columnar provides fully managed analytical databases that can be deployed onto AWS. This page describes the various regions and configurations that are available to you when using Capella Columnar with AWS.

    Supported Regions

    Capella Columnar supports the following AWS regions.

    • Americas

    • Europe

    • Asia Pacific

    AWS Region Location


    US East (N. Virginia)


    US East (Ohio)


    US West (Oregon)

    AWS Region Location


    Europe (Frankfurt)


    Europe (Ireland)

    AWS Region Location


    Asia Pacific (Singapore)


    Asia Pacific (Sydney)


    Asia Pacific (Mumbai)

    Availability Zones

    Every AWS region includes a number of independent availability zones. These consist of one or more discrete data centers that are isolated from failures in other availability zones. Capella Columnar can automatically distribute cluster nodes across multiple availability zones in a region for the highest availability.

    The Single Availability Zone option is the default when creating clusters using the Developer Pro or Enterprise Service Plans.

    Configuration Options

    Clusters deployed onto AWS can be customized to suit your needs.


    Clusters can have a minimum of 1 node and a maximum of 32 nodes.

    The option to deploy across multiple AWS availability zones is only available for clusters that deploy with a minimum of 2 nodes.

    Compute and Memory

    Capella Columnar provides the following compute configurations for databases deployed onto AWS.

    Table 1. AWS compute configurations
    vCPU Memory

    4 vCPUs

    32 GB

    8 vCPUs

    32 GB

    8 vCPUs

    64 GB

    16 vCPUs

    64 GB

    16 vCPUs

    128 GB

    See Also

    Next Steps

    To create or modify a Capella Columnar cluster deployed onto AWS, see: