Use the Query History

  • Capella Columnar
  • how-to
    The workbench for Capella Columnar maintains a history of all the queries you’ve executed.


    To use the workbench for Capella Columnar:

    View Query History

    The query history appears by default when you open the workbench. If you have been working with Capella iQ, click the History tab to re-open the query history.

    You click an individual query to populate the query editor, where you can revise it if needed or run it.

    If you edit a previous query and execute it, the new version of the query appears at the end of the history. Your query history is persistent across browser sessions.

    The query history only saves queries. Due to limited browser storage, it does not save query results. As a result, when you restart the browser or reload the page you can see your old queries, but you must rerun a query to see its results.

    Clearing the browser history clears the history maintained by the query editor as well.

    Query History Options

    You can use the following options to work with the list of queries in the history:

    • Search history — You can search the query history by entering text in the Filter Queries search box. Capella Columnar lists all matching queries.

    • Delete a specific entry — Click the Trash icon next to a particular query to delete it from the history.

      This can be useful if you want a more manicured history for when you’re exporting it for future use.
    • Delete all entries — Click Clear to delete the entire query history.

    • Import Query — To load queries from a file into the Query History, click Import to open a file picker.

    • Export Query History — To export the query history in JSON format, click Export to open the Export Query History dialog box. Enter a name for the file and click Export.

    Click the iQ tab to replace the query history pane with the iQ coding assistant. See Get Assistance from Capella iQ.