Create a Free Account and Deploy Your Database

  • tutorial
    Create a Couchbase Capella account to start using Capella to manage your data.

    To get started, you can create a Couchbase Capella free trial account and use it to deploy your database.

    Create a Free Account

    To create a free trial account, go to the Couchbase Capella Sign-up page and choose one of the following sign-up options:

    • Email Address

    • GitHub Account

    • Google Account

    1. Enter the following information:

      • Your Full Name

      • Your Email Address

      • A Password that contains:

        • At least eight characters

        • Uppercase characters (A-Z)

        • Lowercase characters (a-z)

        • Numbers (0-9)

        • Special characters, such as @, #, or $

    2. Click Get Started. Couchbase sends an email to the email address you provided with a confirmation code for your account.

    3. Enter the confirmation code into the provided field.

    4. Review and agree to the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy.

    5. (Optional) Subscribe to offers, products, and services from Couchbase.

    6. Click Create Account.

    • In GitHub, make sure that your primary email address is verified.

    • In GitHub, make sure your primary email address is public.

      To set a public GitHub email address:

      1. Log into GitHub, and on your profile menu, click Settings.

        Your Public profile page should display.

      2. In the navigation pane, click Emails.

      3. Clear Keep my email addresses private.

      4. Return to the Public Profile page and select your primary email address from the Public email list.

        1. Click Update profile to save the changes.

    1. Click GitHub.

    2. Follow the GitHub prompts to sign in to your GitHub account.

    3. Review and agree to the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy.

    4. (Optional) Subscribe to offers, products, and services from Couchbase.

    5. Click Create Account.

    • If your Google account uses a non-Google email, make sure that your account is verified.

    1. Click Google.

    2. Follow the Google prompts to sign in to your Google account.

    3. Review and agree to the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy.

    4. (Optional) Subscribe to offers, products, and services from Couchbase.

    5. Click Create Account.

    After you create a free account, you can upgrade your account with an Activation ID from Couchbase Sales. To access all features of Couchbase Capella, add an activation ID to your account.

    Deploy Your Database

    After you create your account, you can deploy your database.

    1. Select one of the available cloud providers:

    2. Select an available geographic region for your database.

    3. (Optional) In the CIDR Block field, enter a range of IP addresses in CIDR notation for your database.

    4. Click Deploy Now to deploy your database with Capella.

    5. (Optional) To enter a personalized name for your database, go to Settings  General.

    Deploy Your App Services Trial

    You can use Capella App Services to:

    • Sync your data between Capella buckets and mobile or edge devices running Couchbase Lite

    • Authenticate and manage mobile and edge users

    To deploy an App Services trial for mobile development:

    1. In the App Services tab, click Create Trial App Service.

    2. (Optional) To enter a personalized name for your App Service, go to Settings  General.

    Your trial App Service automatically links to your trial database.

    For more information about how to configure App Services, see Configure Your App Services Trial (Mobile sync).

    Next Steps

    After you deploy your database, you can:

    If you want to connect to your database:

    1. Generate your database credentials to connect and control access to you database.

    2. Add your current IP address as an allowed IP for you database.

    3. Generate a code snippet to connect your database to your application.

    4. Choose and install a Couchbase SDK.

    5. (Optional) Download the security certificate for your database and add it to your application’s server machine or IDE:

      1. In the Databases tab, select a database.

      2. Go to Settings  Security Certificate.

      3. Click Download.